Physical reactions when reading Tarot


I don't feel so much as sleepy but more physically drained after doing readings, I can read quite a few one to three card readings without much effect, but if I'm doing a reading that has 5 or more cards in the spread then after three readings I feel completely drained and just need to stop reading the cards until the next day.


I don't feel so much as sleepy but more physically drained after doing readings, I can read quite a few one to three card readings without much effect, but if I'm doing a reading that has 5 or more cards in the spread then after three readings I feel completely drained and just need to stop reading the cards until the next day.

Oh...all the readings I've done for others are 7 cards. That could explain my reaction lol.


I am a little tired after reading for other people.


Sometimes I feel tired reading for others, sometimes I dont. I remember I was doing some readings for my friends while we were hanging out and about an hour later I had to kick everyone out because I was so exhausted. It felt so sudden like a switch was flipped. One minute I'm fine, finishing up the reading, next minute I'm yawning nonstop! But when I read for people on the exchange here, I'm good for several single card readings and I dont really feel tired. Perhaps for me, I put a lot not only into the reading but into the emotions of the person I'm with. A more negative reading will take a bit more out of me than a positive reading.


I've got a question. I've found over the years; I become extremely sleepy as I do a reading. I'll notice it slowly comes over me, starting with the shuffle and builds throughout the reading process. I actually feel that I could lay my head down and easily fall asleep. Whereas moments before I'm alert and ready read. It reminds me of the dreaded "Post Thanksgiving Dinner Nap", LOL. Would love to know if anyone has also experienced this or any other reactions.

Nothing of that sort really. I have heard of that before but I have never experienced it personally. Sounds a bit like a form of self-hypnosis. People do that to relax, it sounds like it might be related to something like that.

What reading makes me feel much more relaxed and in touch with my real self. I think I feel most "me" when I am reading.



I sometimes feel sleepy when I do a reading, because I usually read at night before bed. But even if I'm not sleepy, I feel very relaxed when I start working with the cards - like a weight is being lifted off my body. It's a pleasant, peaceful sensation.

Perhaps you could read at a different time of day when you have more energy.


I'm nocturnal so I've got loads of energy at night. And like a few others have mentioned, it's not a sleepiness I feel. I just feel drained, & thirsty. And I need to get up and walk away from my cards for a while.

I wonder if anyone has any advice to manage this effect of reading.

Oh yes, I do meditate, and one effect of meditation is it enables you to go on very little sleep. Some meditate to have a good night's rest. But lately my mind is on the alert for something...


I also suffer from this!

A really good way to deal with it is not only meditation (as others have pointed out) but a good grounding and centering before and afterwards (there's loads of different types you'll be able to find out on the net).

I also find a good cup of coffee afterwards helps revitalize me ;)


Nice! One thing I also do while meditating away the residue (which includes grounding and centering), is to visualise a severing of the connection between the querant and I. A mixture of white light and fire works for me...& then I walk away from my cards :p


One thing I also do while meditating away the residue (which includes grounding and centering), is to visualise a severing of the connection between the querant and I.

That is actually a really good idea and something I'm going to try. Thanks! :)