Playing Cards~ Reading and Discussion

Phoenix Rising

Hi Celtic Noodle

Thanks for the post. Your cards will definitely become personal to you, when you use the meanings you feel comfortable with...You will know you have the right meanings, when the proof is in the pudding..when your cards spell out what has occurred or will and it does.

I did have a look a the Hedgewytchery was good how it uses the poems and easy to remember the meanings...But it just didn't click with me, there was alot of guessing with the combinations, and I didn't feel comfortable with Black is bad.

I'm also very glad that there is alot more interest with the good "ole" deck or ordinary playing cards.

Phoenix Rising

CN..some how you either did a double post...because my post is before your post that I just read???


I find this cartomancy thread quite interesting, and was wondering if both PR and Joey could tell me if they ever access the HedgeWytchery website? It is an interesting site on cartomancy.

I began reading cards using an ordinary deck of playing cards, and am still quite drawn to them, but not a master by any means at reading yet. Lately, I must admit, I've been sticking more to the RWS 78 card deck, until joining up with AT and have been drawn back to the ol' faithful 52 card deck of playing cards. I feel 'more at home' with them.

At any rate, the first thing i noticed was that the HedgeWytchery website has slightly different meanings to their cards then what I was originally taught and now on this site, again, I am seeing slight differences. At first it was somewhat alarming to me, because though I understand that a reader builds a special repor with their deck of cards and so each card can have a different meaning between different readers, I wonder if I am better off with my original meaning or changing them. Then, PR, I read your post where you stated---

But just bear in mind that....that what I say or another who have theories doesn't make it the end of the day..what you assign to your cards, is the most important..only because you have programmed your sub-conscious with your conscious thought and of course it will respond to that. Love the flexible nature of the cards.

That answered my question! I'll stay with what I feel the meaning is for each card, though will keep in mind what others mention, just to see if that meaning fits better for me in readings. This thread has been very interesting, and I am glad to see that reading with a 52 card deck is still popular among readers. I was beginning to think I was the only one!

Joey, you offered some interesting facts too on the suits and their elements. I am taking notes on that to see how well it fits with my readings as well. The one thing I had problems with is the dating system within the cards. There again are so many different ways for doing that, and I just don't feel 100% comfortable with any of the systems and have a hard time with it. Reading through this thread has inspired me to try it again and see what works for me.

Hope to see more posted here soon. Oh, and MysticLeo, I agree with you-
"they feel really good, comfortably, lovely to shuffle"----that is just how I feel with my cards!


PR, I am not sure how that happened either, (the posting being mixed up). I've had a few problems with the site lately, not being able to access postings, and one posting I submitted not showing up, etc. I guess it's just technical problems that hopefully will not continue.


Hiya, Noodle!

I have read over the Hedgewytchery site several times... there are a couple lil things I picked up from there, but it's not a system that I use... more like took the stuff I liked from it and added it to my system... that's the beauty of playing cards... when I first was playing with them and became interested.. I basically used the tarot meanings from the minors as my meanings... this worked just fine, but I wanted something different than tarot... so I began reading everything I could get my hands on, and I basically discovered there is no 'set' system of cartomancy... so for me... I've incorporated everything I've learned into my own hodgepodge of a system... and it I use the elements, numerology, lil bit of astrology, some tarot crossover, stuff I've discovered bout pcs themselves and their nuances, just what I feel... that sorta thing...

as far as dating--you mean timing?? here are some thoughts on how I see things...

spades are the quickest -- days
clubs are next -- weeks
hearts -- months
diamonds -- months to a year

could also use face cards and astrolgoy as timing influences.... jacks are mutable signs, queens fixed, kings cardinal... with hearts = water, spades = air, clubs = fire, diamonds = earth...

so a Jack of Hearts would the mutable water, which is Pisces... so if looking for timing could be time of pisces Feb 21ish to March 21ish...

Queen of Swords would be fixed air, which is Aquarius... so January 21ish to Feb 21ish

King of Clubs would be cardinal fire, which is Aries, so March 21ish to April 21ish...

just some thoughts... hope that helps?? thanks!



Joey, thanks for your posting. I am beginning to think the same as you, to just keep what I think fits for each card--which information makes the most sense to me. At times I wondered if that was okay, and after reading what everyone else posts here, I guess it is. I'm beginning to realize the cards 'talk' to each person differently, and this will even mean, the definitions of each card can change depending on the client and the situation.

As for timing---thanks for your ideas on determining the timing of a situation. Yes, that is exactly what I meant. So many different things ways out there, I guess again, I will just have to experiment and determine which way works best for me. I will consider your thoughts on timing and see if it works for me.

It's funny, because my mother and her mother and sisters were all card readers too, and she reads the cards differently than I do. She has given up reading cards years ago though, and now when I do a reading for her, she will see a card in a certain position, and 'read' it differently from me. I must say though she does carefully consider what I read and lets me know if it is correct or not. She always encourages me and doesn't ever say my way is wrong.

thanks for your information and help.


You're welcome, noodle!

I do think your on the right path... just do whatever feels right for ya... whatever works best... when it comes to divination there isn't really a right or wrong... playing cards, tarot, oracles, runes... they're all a tool... so find the way in which the tools works best for you! read what you can... experiment... practice... and use the tool... to me playing cards really jive with my intuition... I can look at a spread and be pulled in a certain direction and really get a feel for what's going on... Phoenix Rising and myself posted a bunch in a spread on the spiritual side of playing cards, something I feel that's often overlooked about them... many see pcs as a simple fortune-telling tool... well... for me they're much, much more... it's really nice to see they're getting a bit of interest... it is much deserved!

thanks to you noodle... and to Phoenix Rising, Little Buddha, Mystic Leo, Ros, Barbara Ahajust, Kilt's Knave, and all the others whom have contributed to our studies of the playing cards here... good stuff, friends!



Phoenix Rising

And to you too was good to have a partner to converse with, it can be a bit lonely, especially being a minority in a majority tarot forum..but we're not to be intimidated!!!

Mystic Leo

Oh no....... I think we have to thank both you, for getting us interested in the playing cards, its most enjoyable......without the encouragement and help I wouldn't have bothered, and I'm sure others would feel the same. Hoping we can continue, and keep the interest thanks again Joermit and Phoenix Rising.