Please tell me what you think of this spread


I'm doing a Psychic Fair in a couple of weeks and have been messing around trying to find an all-purpose spread. In the end, I created a new one - and I'd be very grateful if any of you would give it a try and let me know what you think of it.

The Road Map Spread

I think this spread will probably work best if one is asking about the next three months or so. It can be adapted to specific aspects of life – relationships, career, finance etc.

You are going on a journey into the future:

Card 1 tells you where you are starting from (the current situation).

Card 2 tells you the direction you should take.

Card 3 tells you what you will need on the journey (this may be something tangible such as money or, more likely, an attribute such as hope, courage or perseverance).

Card 4 tells you the sort of obstacles you may have to overcome.

Card 5 suggests who you should ask directions or advice from.

Card 6 tells you whose directions or advice you should ignore.

Card 7 reveals what you may find when you get there (the outcome).

(I should add that when I'm reading I usually just lay the cards out in a single row, left to right.)


Hi Netzach, I am going to try it on my daughter. She asked for a reading a couple of nights ago ! Thanks.


Hi Netzach,

I like it because you are just throwing cards out left to right, which I have been doing alot lately. (Sorry I get tired of pretty shapes). I would like to try this later when I get home with a friend of mine. I will let you know how it comes out.


PS. I also like the simplicity of the questions asked. Very much to the point.

09/29-- Hi Netzach,

I did this spread the other night and Man!! Great spread, to the point. Very definite results. Thanks for this.


Sakura Murasaki

I like this, it's very straightforward! I'm going to try it and I'll let you know how it turns out. :)


Netzach said:
I'm doing a Psychic Fair in a couple of weeks and have been messing around trying to find an all-purpose spread. In the end, I created a new one - and I'd be very grateful if any of you would give it a try and let me know what you think of it.

Hi Netzach - I did a reading with your Road Map spread earlier tonight. I'm posting my reading results under the Personal Readings section. I'll come back here to add the link and my comments on the spread itself shortly.


Okay, here's the link to my reading:

I have to say - this is a GREAT spread! It spoke to me so clearly - and being "new" to tarot reading, this is the first time a spread of this length has really given me something so meaningful.

I found no need to change anything except to remove the "who" in the directions and advice positions. I found that the cards themselves actually gave me the advice and direction I needed rather than pointing me to a particular person in my life. Having the "who" in those positions initially left me disappointed because I didn't have a court or major show up in those spots. Granted a more experienced reader most likely wouldn't have been disappointed like I was, but I think leaving out the "who" in the question actually allows the cards to put a "who" there if they need to, or otherwise gives insight into our own knowledge for the advice or direction we need and just haven't embraced as they did for me.

Anyway, I love the spread, Netzach, and will most definitely use it again! I've added it to my journal already :) Have a great time at the Psychic Fair!



Thanks to all of you for trying it. And LixiPixi, thanks for your very rapid feedback. I like your comments about the "who to ask" and "who not to ask" positions. When I've used similar positions in other spreads I've taken it to indicate the sort of people rather than actual people, so have read - for example - the 3 of Coins as the sort of person who is very precise and has to spell everything out in words of one syllable. But your point about using these positions as the directions/advice itself is valid and is a useful alternative.


I was looking for a career spread a little earlier and none of them seemed to be what I was after, so I tried this one and it worked a treat! It confirmed what I know already and has given me a couple things to think about, so excellent :) Very flexible spread - love the way it can be used for any situation - and sometimes you dont know where to start or what exactly to ask so its a very good guiding spread in that way - it tells you where to start iyswim and where to go


Thank you. I've now tried the spread myself on a few friends and, on the whole, it worked well. I had one nasty moment when one of the friends said she wanted to ask what she was going to get from a conference she was going to next week but then I found I could adapt the spread to it. So I think I've found my all-purpose 25 minute spread for next week's psychic fair!


I have to agree, this seems like a nice all-inclusive spread, which I think will suit your needs just right.

Good luck at the fair buddy!


I like it. I like the literal and metaphorical possibilities.

I'd probably 'arrange' the cards in some way, partly to help me remember what's what, but that's just me. The simplicity is good.