Queen of Swords and aggression


I suppose the Queen of Swords could be aggressive, in a calculating sort of way, not so much physically, but assertively. She'd see how to manipulate people and situations to work in her favor by planting seeds of doubt or division or things like that....

She knows what she wants and makes plans to get it, so she would aggressively go after what she wants, but I think she'd be nicer about it than the Knight or the King. Mind over matter rather than force.


I kinda see an elemental connection here. Like Queens of Pentacles and Cups are more passive in their energies, and the Queens of Swords and Wands are more active, or aggressive you could say. They are both very strong in their own unique ways, the Queen of Swords carries a sword though... That's a very tangible, intense symbol compared to a wand. Weapon versus torch. Both aren't inclined to back down from a fight so to speak, but I could see the Queen of Swords being colder and more brutal than Queen of Wands. :D :heart:


I see it like this...

Queen Wands can beat you with a stick. Yes, it hurts but it can do less damage as a Queen Swords who can stab you with a knife and pierce and dice up all your innards.

Queen Swords was my grandmother. I am overweight and I am trying to eat right and exercise but my body fat loves to stick on my body no matter what I do. The little of weightloss is a huge accomplishment for me and I am proud of the few pounds I lost, but my grandmother says to me the other day, "You look like you haven't lost any weight at all." in a cold and uncaring tone.

I said to her in my head, "Old Lady, shut up. I know I am fat. Stop rubbing it in."


i think women are called aggressive, when men who act the same way are assertive, its a use of language that is demeaning to women. Having a womb and not taking crap means your a ball breaker, or aggressive, not simply assertive


The queen of swords has a very strong sense of what she thinks is right and wrong and it would be in defence of this belief that you might sample her sharp tongue or intellectual wit. It comes from a high moral standing.

I would only see this assertiveness as aggression if she was surrounded by cards that would point you in that way. They are far too clever to resort to aggression in order to get what they want. If their intellect or way with words does not achieve the desired results, they are more likely to withdraw emotionally and know instantly that distance would be the best policy.

I would agree, that if any queen would be capable of aggression, it would be the queen of wands. It would be her passion that could lead her astray.
