Reading for a Mentaly Ill person

Golden Moon

Has anyone ever gone through this? Like reading for someone who is bipolar, or paranoid, or has schizophrenia or any type of mental illness? If so, explain your story and things that you did to avoid from aggravating the person.


It would not be an easy assement before the reading commenced.

But if you already know they are ,then you already know what to expect.

If caught by surprise, then remember its a power play for supremacy.
So if your makeup is skittish then that other person may pick up on that and react. If dominant than you may find yourself being challenged.

Advice ,
keep the mental state in neutral. Not pretending , be neutral.


You're such a wise man, Pete. Blessings to you! :)


Try the "search" function :)

We've had this discussion maaaany times, and I'm sure you can find a thread or two (or eleven!) that have all kinds of interesting views and points of interests.

ETA: should get you started.


Here's one I started a while ago. I know I've had others - my mom is paranoid schizophrenic, step-granddaughters are bi-polar, OCD & Asperger's. As re-pete-a said, I probably wouldn't have gotten much with the GD's but my Mommy Dearest is another story entirely - her cards are usually very obviously erm, ill dignified.


Wow this is a big question.

How to handle the reading would have a lot to do with how well you knew this person. People with mental illnesses are so much more complex than that one label. Remember while reading for them that they are an individual, not a disease.

Also it would matter how well their symptoms were under control and how severe in general their disease is and how well they have learned to cope with their illness.

I have read for quite a few people with psychiatric disabilities and other mental challenges, as well as people in recovery programs for trauma and substance abuse. I find it easier to read for the ones I know. They are just people with challenges, and the more I am aware of what those challenges are, the more I am able to choose my words wisely.

Avoid shaming and blaming in any way. Don't accuse. Many people with mental illnesses were abused as children, even if no one has identified that into their label. "you are bad" or "you did something bad" can set off a bit of a post trauma response that both you and them might not understand, but it can bring on feelings of shame, anger, defensiveness that are over the top for what is happening in the present.

I don't ever use a spread that has positions that are solid fortune telling, in a situation like this even when pressed to. I don't read about other people for them and insist the reading stay entirely focused on themself. Some of them have issues of paranoia that make this unsafe and confusing for them. So I stay in the present and focus just on the sitter NOW. It's better even not to poke into the past too much. I modify spreads.

I'm very careful in my deck choices. I won't use a deck that contains any images that are sarcastic. Beware of cards like a miser 4 of pentacles.

The whole pentacles suit is likely to be about safety and belonging issues rather than money with some of these people. Read pentacles cards widely and study base chakra and earth element materials, so you can learn to do this.

I have never gotten into a power play in a situation like this :-0 I cannot expand on what re-pete-a is saying. But then my reading style is pretty laid back and exploratory, and flexible. There is nothing to challenge.

Good luck and most of all have fun :)


I've read plenty of times for people with "mental illnesses", although I reject the label for the most part and question the validity of the majority og psychiatric labels, for reasons that it is too off-topic to go into.

But anyway, I don't find these readings any different than any other readings. I trust that what the cards are telling me are what the person needs to hear at that time, and I try not to censor the message or let my own need to protect the person (or myself) get in the way of the reading.

The only really difficult reading I've ever had was for someone with learning difficulties. It was at a tarot party, and I was not told beforehand. The person just came into the room and sat down for their reading. The main difficulty was that they knew what they wanted me to say, and when the cards turned up other issues, the person did not want to know and got quite distressed and angry. They ONLY wanted to hear a specific set of information. It was all questions around marraige and children - the cards were saying no, they only wanted to hear yes.

What do you do in that situation? I pulled some cards for advice on how this person could create the future they wanted, but they weren't happy. I tried to explain how tarot works, and how I work, but I failed to explain it in a way that they could understand.


I agree with Anna. The mentally ill are just people. The people with lowered capacities are the ones to watch out for, unless you are used to reading for children.

Schizophrenics I would be worried about if they have violent tendencies. But now a days most everyone is heavily medicated, ill or not.


If someone was well at the time of reading I'd treat them the same as anyone else. If their symptoms were not under control and they were obviously unwell I'd probably not do a reading for them, although I guess it would depend on how well I knew them and how they were when they were unwell.


Moderator message

Hi people,

Could we please stick to the topic of reading tarot cards for someone with mental illness?

The posts about over-medication have been removed as they were off-topic.

Sulis - Talking Tarot co-moderator