Reading for your pets - communication


I have done a reading about how to best tame my baby birds.

Just three cards spread without predefined meanings.

It worked well, the result was interesting.


I keep meaning to read for my cats, but haven't really got round to it properly. They can be very disruptive when I have my cards out - sitting on them, sitting on me, sitting on my notebook, so either they're all desperate for readings or they really can't stand me not paying them attention.


I would like to do a reading for my dogs and horses. When you did your reading what were the questions you asked and how did you phrase them? Also, what spread did you use for your reading?

reine de saba

I think it's true

When I say they are attracted to a vibration, I've noticed it's even just walking around with the cards on me or no.

Did it with and without. Guess in which case I had all Fido's and Fifi's leaping all over me?

Reading yesterday, a li'l fella came creeping over, in an almost wolfy sideways crabcrawl -a far cry from the capering cocker. All he did was nuzzle me and walk away, didn't need to be called by his people at all, though they did, after the fact.

While my fingers were still a bit moist from his nose I drew some cards for him: 9 swords (this deck has the figure's head cut off and lot's of swords touching and near-touching her), another sword, Hanged Man...I forget the others, but got a sad impression of a dog tied up a lot with out much exercise and harsh 'discipline', both words and hands.

looked at his people and could easily believe it.

had a thought for him



appylover said:
I would like to do a reading for my dogs and horses. When you did your reading what were the questions you asked and how did you phrase them? Also, what spread did you use for your reading?

I just let the animal choose the cards, they seem to like between 1 and 4 when I've tried, but then if there is a card that I need clarifying a bit I will pull another one or two of my choice on that card. I take the first card as a past card if there is more than one, so that I know if we're tuned in.

I think it's partly intuitive - you just need to be near the animal, let them sniff the cards and do what feels right. If you can't for some reason have the animal close by I think I'd like some hair or a photo near the cards.

My favourite question is just "is there anything you want to tell me?"

But I'm new to this using cards (I used to read intuitively, but am getting into the cards as people can see for themselves what comes up for their animals - or themselves, and can relate easier to the information).


reine de saba said:
...but got a sad impression of a dog tied up a lot with out much exercise and harsh 'discipline', both words and hands....

looked at his people and could easily believe it.

had a thought for him


Oh bless... how sad... I'll send some thoughts for him too. But maybe, just maybe he felt a bit better by sharing his problem and that's why he came over to you. A problem shared is a problem halved? I'd like to think so...

That's really interesting about whether you are carrying the cards or not.


reine de saba said:
While my fingers were still a bit moist from his nose I drew some cards for him: 9 swords (this deck has the figure's head cut off and lot's of swords touching and near-touching her), another sword, Hanged Man...I forget the others, but got a sad impression of a dog tied up a lot with out much exercise and harsh 'discipline', both words and hands.

looked at his people and could easily believe it.

had a thought for him

oh how sad, reine de saba. poor lil' pup! yes, dinah1--you have the right idea too---so I'll send him some good wishes and keep him in my prayers as well!


Don't have a pet right now, but I did try once a reading on a bird just as a experiment to see how how it would go. I was sitting near the window and then this bird came a perched near me on the windowsill and was looking at me for a while cocking his head before he flew away. I had always wanted to try this, so I pulled out the cards and asked what he had been thinking of while he was looking at me there.

The room I was in was dark inside as I was doing some sort of meditation with a candle of course, and it was a beautiful bright sunny day outside. The cards said something like he was truly pondering why I was (would want to be) sitting there in the dark on this bright sunny day when being outdoors and feeling the breeze caress you and feeling the warm sun was such sheer he just couldn't make sense of humans...:grin:

Of course there was no way to verify if the answer was right or wrong, but still it was fun to try. And I am sure I would try it again one day.



I'd say you got it right there Babs - my experience of animals is that they see things in a pure and simple way, they do seem to live in the moment - and the bird was quite right really, wasn't it?

But I bet you weren't expecting an answer like that - and therein lies the truth of your reading...

When I first had Gordon I asked him to send a really uplifting thought to a seriously ill friend - and then I had this image of a hare running up in front of him and him closing in on it. I could feel his excitement and joy, it was amazing -
1. because he had listened
2. because I was slightly appalled at his vision - but he is a greyhound and he sent what to him is an uplifting vision to make someone feel better...
3. because it was so pure.

You can't make these things up, I will never forget the sheer joy and energy of what he sent - and it whizzed by at a rate of knots. Don't underestimate the power of animals is my feeling.


I used to own a cat (Or rather the cat owned me) who used to just plop down onto my cards and roll all over them everytime I tried to read...she would also lay down on my Newspaper, chase any pencils or pencils I might use, and fall asleep on any open book ESPECILLY if it was one I was reading....never thought of actually reading for her though....