Reading for yourself on difficult issues


nisaba said:
<admiringly> That's really quite epigrammatic. You've been spending time in the quotation and poetry threads, I can tell.
ACTUALLY this thought came from Serious Tarot Threads !! REALLY !!!!!! (see my post about tabby kittens ;))


gregory said:
Ace cups, in one of the YELLOWER decks....

nisaba said:
<grin> Why does the Mediaeval Scapini spring to mind?

:( So that's why I wasn't expecting it and why my tarot didn't warn me about. My decks are all the wrong colour...



interesting topic....

I do read for myself on difficult topics, and sometimes i have a friend read on it...silly really because usually i know the answer, but i want a different one to i try all methods of divination , but invariably they say the same...and even if they dont i know what the real outcome/answer will be.

cards can be misinterptered i beleive, but listening to yourself (your heart, soul, higher self or whatever you want to call it) is always spot on, and cant be misinterpreted.


I think the only time I've deliberately avoided reading for myself was after we'd had our offer accepted on the house we wanted. I had done a reading before we put the offer in, and it indicated that it would be a bit rocky but would all turn out ok, which it did.

The whole thing was so stressful - I guess made worse by the fact we were first time buyers and therefore floundering in the dark a bit - that there was no way I could have even attempted to be objective, and the temptation would have been there to keep asking the same questions over and over. Then I'd have got annoyed when the cards eventually told me to go away and stop pestering them :D

I did go on a lot of long walks with my boyfriend during that time. Exercising off the anxiety, and saying goodbye to familiar places.


nisaba said:
A Tarot deck is one of a number of warning signals we have at our disposal to help us navigate life a little more safely.


It is a Tarot deck's job to warn us of any hazards, no matter what. If you don't use it at times you need to, that's a bit like Shaun leaving Berry at home one day because the traffic is a bit heavy that day, and he doesn't want Berry warning him about it because it might worry him.

I admit to being hesitant on reading the cards during stressful times--partly because of what they might say and partly because, particularly if I have a vested interest in the outcome, I may interpret them wrong because I may not be objective, which doesn't do me any good in the long run.

I'd be more apt to read them and then go to someone else I trusted to confirm my reading if there was any doubt to what I saw.


I rather like to read for myself regarding difficult issues. It's like therapy, and most times it really helps me to understand lots about the situation that I didn't realise before I did the reading.

Also, I've *trained* my mind to disengage emotion when I'm reading, so just shuffling and going through the process of laying out the cards and reading helps me to distance myself and view the situation more dispassionately.

The process of reading makes me feel much better about my dilemmas.

\m/ Kat


thorhammer said:
Also, I've *trained* my mind to disengage emotion when I'm reading, so just shuffling and going through the process of laying out the cards and reading helps me to distance myself and view the situation more dispassionately.

I'm going to have to try and do that, but I am so emotional (Scorpio/Libra cusp, Cancer rising) that I find it hard to disengage from anything. It might do me some good to make a genuine effort to do so though.


nisaba said:
the example of my blind friend Shaun and his guide-dog, Berry.

My mouth dropped when I read this...I knew a guy that I worked with named Shaun Barry. He had a beloved black lab. Shaun was not blind, though. Still such a funny coincidence!