Readings in Exchange for Feedback


UPDATE: Since the weekend is almost over, I won't be taking any new reading requests.


Hello Everyone,

I took a long hiatus from reading cards, and now that I am back I decided to pick up some oracle decks. I am looking to get a bit of practice doing short readings with them as I am definitely rusty with readings for others in general.

Anyways, feel free to ask whatever question you want, with one exception (that I know of right now) - I do not do past life readings.

You can either ask your question and leave it up to me to pick a deck (or decks, if inspired!), or you can pick a deck.

Here are the oracle decks I have:
Wisdom of the Oracle
Wisdom of the Hidden Realm
Nature's Whispers
Whispers of Love
Mystical Wisdom
Amy Brown Faery Wisdom
Wisdom of the Golden Path
The Fool's Wisdom

Not sure if these count as oracle decks but I am game to use them (Just keep in mind their limits):
Caroline Myss Archetype Cards (Can be used for people-related questions, personal development, to see what archetype relates to you currently, etc.)
Madame Endora's Fortune Cards

I do have a few more decks (more geared towards personal development than oracle readings) that I may throw in there based on your question.

If you want to pick the deck, it would be best if you ensure that you choose the right deck for your question. I will still try your requested deck, but some decks are better for certain types of questions over others.


I was going to get Madame fortune cards....

May I have the Madame fortune cards...Just an outlook on events for
February 1st through March 5th 2017

Let me know if that is okay and welcome back to AT.



May I ask for a reading from the Myss ones about which archetype I am showing up in at my workplace please?


I would like to ask about me and Ab if the things will turn into relationship this month



Whispers of love...what Tharsila M feels towards me?



Caroline Myss Archetype Cards please. What's my archetype in love/romance sense atm?


Hi Ebony,

I would love to hear what Archetype (from the Caroline Myss Archetype Cards) I most closely reflect now and what archetype I need to reflect in order to achieve the success I seek in my life at present.

Many thanks!


I was going to get Madame fortune cards....

May I have the Madame fortune cards...Just an outlook on events for

February 1st through March 5th 2017

Let me know if that is okay and welcome back to AT.

Okay, the first card I got was the Maiden - A New Relationship Blossoms - that is the text on the card, but I am getting that something that you have been kind of waiting for is going to move forward in some way. (May not necessarily be a relationship like the text entails, but something that you have been waiting for and expecting will begin to unfold more.) I get the impression it is something you are emotionally invested in in some way that will have some type of development.

The second card I pulled is Fire (reversed) - Reckless Actions Lead to Conflict - From this I am getting the feeling that some type of misunderstanding is going to be resolved.

Anyways, I always like to warn with any type of prophecy reading that they should be taken with a grain of salt as the future isn't set in stone. Sometimes, even receiving a reading itself could change the course of events if someone takes too much stalk in it since a change in one's actions leads can lead to a change in results.

These cards are interesting because they are so direct and to the point. I just got them maybe a few weeks ago, so have only used them a handful of times. The main downside is that the card-stock could be better. It is very thin, and already some of the edges have a little white on them. It isn't terrible, but I am not sure how well they will hold up over time.

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May I ask for a reading from the Myss ones about which archetype I am showing up in at my workplace please?

Beggar (reversed) the archetype of the beggar is of someone that relies on others - So I am getting that they may see you as a bit dependent. (The shadow attribute text is "Dependence on others to the exclusion of effort") I don't get the feeling that the issue is lack of effort though. From the image on the card I am getting that you sometimes seem like you need rescuing - and the impression is that they believe you should be able to handle something better than they perceive you to handle it. It is like there is some type of upset that occurs that you don't handle well, that your mind may spin and that causes you problems.

I pulled an additional card to see what you could do about this issue - athlete (reversed) - Normally reversed this would mean "Misuse of athletic ability for selfish ends. False sense of invulnerability and entitlement." - but in this case I get the impression that you actually could stand to display more of the qualities of the athlete. It is like you are seen as rather retracted according to the first card, so have ground that you need to gain. Like you need to retract less, spin in worry less, and do more. Believe in yourself more, and take action without so much restraint and worry.

The athlete is really about you, your desires, your will, your drives, and your success. What is it that you want? How do you plan to get it? Where do you want to be in the future? Do the opinions of others really help you define yourself? I get the sense that you allow yourself to fall into some sort of negative persona and pattern,where you are not embracing your personal power and responsibilities, and that is what needs to change for this situation to improve.

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I would like to ask about me and Ab if the things will turn into relationship this month

I used the Madame Endora's Fortune Cards deck:

The Siren (Reversed) - A temptation may lead you astray

I am getting that the "you" part of the statement is what is reversed in a way (that it is referring to him). I get the sense that there are different influences/individuals in his life/mind. I also see some type of social event that gets in the way. i just sense interference basically, some other diversion that occupies attention and thought.

I also pulled Hindrance - Fate has blocked this path for you

This card has the image of a woman with her head tilted to the side, from it I am getting that you kind of defer and allow opportunities to slip by because you watch others and wait instead of acting. You don't want to show too much. It may be time to be a bit more direct (You could make your feelings clearer and be more direct so the impressions he gets from you are more vibrant and clear.)

From the whispers of Love oracle cards I pulled an advice card - Romance - Lavish the one that you love with your personal attention and affection.

This seems to be saying basically the same thing, that you have to make things a bit clearer and be a bit more direct/involved so he understands where you are at, as actions speak louder than words.

Now I didn't try to read how he feels about you, but either way (whether it may one day work out or not) being more direct is good because then you won't live life on the sidelines, wondering what could have been.

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