Readings not happened

Lady T

((((Teresa))))) hugs to you. I pray that things get better for you. I know what you mean about cards not coming true and I too think that sometimes we change things just enough for it to alter what was read. I believe the cards are read so that if we stay on the same path we are on when they are read, then xyz will happen.

I had readings that didn't happen as the cards said but that was because I changed things that altered the out come. i.e I was told about a terrible accident I would be involved in. She gave me the intersection, color of the van that hit me from behind and the other car that hit me after being pushed it the intersection. Well, after that reading I changed the direction I would usually travel to go home. Instead of going to the light to turn up the street to my house. I decide to go over one block and cut through the parking lot at the zoo. Just enough change to make a difference.

Believe in positive things and I pray that your negatives change to positives really soon.


It is so easy to see the negative things in a reading; they FEEL like the things we have to watch for. The good ones we just think YEAH and then forget them; there is no "need", as it were, to focus on them. But there is, in fact.

Also predictive readings aren't set in stone, IMHO; we have the power to change things if we take the advice of the cards. I would guess that you worried so much about what the readers said that you've missed a lot of good things. But clearly you aren't happy with these readers - try another. Try someone HERE !


I agree with all the great advice here, but I would like to add that everyone experiences some rotten cherries in that bowl of life. No one gets a big bowl of perfect, blemish-free, and sweet ones. So if it is any consolation, join the club.:love:
I wish you personal power and strength of will - think like the Magician; you have all the neccessary tools to make yourself happy.


Thank you all for taking your time to help me.
I know life is full of its ups & downs & we all have to go through that to learn.
I was always very strong with all the bad things that come along & always got through it, but with the things that as happened in the past 4 years have knocked me clean of my feet. I lost my husband & stepson who i brought up since he was 6, & all because my ex found poker lol he couldn't do without it, then i lost family members, & my beautiful pet, & then found out i have 2 uncurable health problems & now might be losing my job & home.
When i read what Trish wrote, it was like something clicked, then read the rest of the posts & i felt so much better. Everyone got me thinking & i started to see the good things.
The health issues won't kill me, & my ex was not meant to be, i still see my step son, & i had 2 wonderful years with my pet rabbit :O) & she was amazing lol & got me through a lot of the bad times. With the loss of family members we meet up with family we havent seen for about 30 years, & now keep intouch. So i know now i have a lot to be thankful for, but i didn't see it like that at all, i just saw dread & doom, but thanks to all on here, i do see it different now, even through it hurts still, i know its a way of learning from all life chucks at us, & move forward & use what i have learnt to make my life better, & boy am i going to try :O) thank you all soooo much.
Teresa XXXXX


Nothing to do with the cards - but one thing a doctor made me do at a crap time was, every day, to write down in a notebook three good things that had happened that day. They don't have to be HUGE - like seeing a particularly nice flower, for instance - but reading it back when you know everything is just awful does make you feel better, as you can SEE that not everything was !

Good luck !


gregory said:
Nothing to do with the cards - but one thing a doctor made me do at a crap time was, every day, to write down in a notebook three good things that had happened that day. They don't have to be HUGE - like seeing a particularly nice flower, for instance - but reading it back when you know everything is just awful does make you feel better, as you can SEE that not everything was !

Good luck !

Thank you Gregory, i would have never have thought of that, i was outside today at 4 o'clock today & i was amazed at the sound of the birds that had come to settle down for the night, they was singing so wonderful, i stayed outside for a while just to listen to them, but it is now only 20 past 9, & i have forgotten all about them, & you have just brought them back to mind, & made me smile, i am going to give that a go. That is really a great idea. Thank you so much Gregory.
Teresa x


In my humble opinion, Tarot & Time makes 2.

Plus, As I see it, a tarot reading is never static. You could certainly help things with awareness, prayer, faith ect...

Sending you good vibes,

Maggiemay :)