Relationship spread


Hello tarot readers!

I did a realtionship spread I picked up from biddy tarot:
What I want from the relaionship/What he wants from the relationship/Where the relationship is headed.
I was a bit scared with this one as I really like the guy. I got Justice (for me), 2 of cups (him), where is going = 10 of cups. I was very delighted. Although confused about Justice but I can see it's me being practical wanting to know when/what/how. Fair enough.
I then did some follow-up questions with very positive feeling cards - how I would find out that he likes me? - 6 of pentacles, king of cups (for clarification). I was then curious what type of message I would receive from him: 2 of wands. I felt very intrigued by this reading. It took almost a whole evening interpreting and I wrote everything down feeling very good and satisfied. Heart beating excited. Almost mind blown.

Then from Biddy I read about tarot card timings
Wands = Days or summer
Swords = Weeks or spring
Cups = Months or autumn
Pentacles = Years or winter.

Needless to say I got curios and wanted to get an approx time. I specifically asked the cards WHEN. I got 7 of wands. This confused me greatly as I see 7 of wands as a bit of "restraint, defensive" so asked for clarification, 10 of cups and then a bonus card that my eye had been drawn to during this "timing spread" - 10 of pentacles. This confused me. However as I specifically asked when and focusing on the number 7 = 7 days (wands) and then 10 of cups followed by 10 of pentacles - happy, blissful stable. I felt it tied very well with "where the relationship is heading" in my previous reading. And then 10 of pentacles as long term secure and stable.

Sorry for the wall of text. I just thought I'd give some background. What are your thoughts regarding 7 of wands, 10 of cups and 10 of pentacles together in a relationship spread? I'd love to hear/read!

EDIT: I realised I said "how I'll find out he likes me" but the actual question in the reading was "how will I find this out from him?" referring to the 2 of cups as "what he wants from the relationship".


Hello tarot readers!

I did a realtionship spread I picked up from biddy tarot:
What I want from the relaionship/What he wants from the relationship/Where the relationship is headed.
I was a bit scared with this one as I really like the guy. I got Justice (for me), 2 of cups (him), where is going = 10 of cups. I was very delighted. Although confused about Justice but I can see it's me being practical wanting to know when/what/how. Fair enough.
I then did some follow-up questions with very positive feeling cards - how I would find out that he likes me? - 6 of pentacles, king of cups (for clarification). I was then curious what type of message I would receive from him: 2 of wands. I felt very intrigued by this reading. It took almost a whole evening interpreting and I wrote everything down feeling very good and satisfied. Heart beating excited. Almost mind blown.

Then from Biddy I read about tarot card timings
Wands = Days or summer
Swords = Weeks or spring
Cups = Months or autumn
Pentacles = Years or winter.

Needless to say I got curios and wanted to get an approx time. I specifically asked the cards WHEN. I got 7 of wands. This confused me greatly as I see 7 of wands as a bit of "restraint, defensive" so asked for clarification, 10 of cups and then a bonus card that my eye had been drawn to during this "timing spread" - 10 of pentacles. This confused me. However as I specifically asked when and focusing on the number 7 = 7 days (wands) and then 10 of cups followed by 10 of pentacles - happy, blissful stable. I felt it tied very well with "where the relationship is heading" in my previous reading. And then 10 of pentacles as long term secure and stable.

Sorry for the wall of text. I just thought I'd give some background. What are your thoughts regarding 7 of wands, 10 of cups and 10 of pentacles together in a relationship spread? I'd love to hear/read!

EDIT: I realised I said "how I'll find out he likes me" but the actual question in the reading was "how will I find this out from him?" referring to the 2 of cups as "what he wants from the relationship".

I don't want to dishearten you your enthusiasm for tarot it's contagious however I'm confused too! the first 3 cards are straightforward as justice is your mindset atm and you may be considering the relationship there. 2C suggests he wishes for an equal partnership and romance and 10C suggests a happy situation and relationship.

How will find out he likes me - 6P could be benevolence and his generosity and the king C his character when you get to know him

What kind of message will I receive from him? this is where the spread goes pear shaped to me because this is an assumption. There is no message therefore everything after this question is based on a false assumption.

We all learn in different ways but what I will say is as a beginner you're trying to tackle one of the most difficult aspects - timings, which may serve to confuse you, get to grips with the cards first perhaps, I can't help you I've no idea how to place a time frame over a spread atm, perhaps a more experienced reader will come along and help you however.


Thank you very much for you response! I can agree that message-question in relation to the other follow-ups was rather diffuse. I think in relation to the other cards it was something along the lines of what he would want to do about it all. But as youve pointed out, it doesnt really tie together with the other questions.
Well it kind of proves if you don't know the general meaning of your question you cant expect a proper answer :)

Me and the guy in the reading have known each other for quite some time, romantically, however lately hes been caught up in a lot of work and the purpose of the reading was basically, well, about the relationship between us. And because I'm impatient and stumbled on the timing-readings on biddy i decided I'd give it a go!