Removing the Blindfold


Removing the Blindfold - or - the Chicken Little spread

Hey Aeclectic,

I'm new at this whole spread creation thing and could use some advice. I'm trying to create a spread that will help determine what's really going on in a situation. This is a spread to use when the querent is asking..."Why Me???". I also thought about calling it the "chicken little spread" as it is intended for use when the querent feels as though the sky is falling...nothing's going right in their lives and they just can't figure out why.

Any thoughts on layout or ideas for improvement? All comments and feedback welcomed (constructive preferred :D).




1. Your current situation
2. What's blocking your vision?
3. What you think of the situation (consciously)
4. Past actions that affect the situation
5. Likely outcome if following present course
6. What are you unable to see?
7. Past subconscious patterns or behaviors that affect the current situation
8. Advice from beyond the veil (subconscious messages)
9. Probable outcome if you remove blindfold and follow advice

**note: I thought about adding a line or replacing line 5 with something like this: Desired outcome - what you wish to manifest (((thoughts??)))


For card 1, do you mean the ACTUAL situation? Since this is a "removing the blindfold" spread, it could refer to the actual situation or the querent's perception of the situation. Card 3 is hinting at the latter, but I'm not sure if that's what you mean here.

I personally like what you've listed for card 5, but I'd frame it as such: "the likely outcome if you continue on the same path with the same preconceived notions and perceptions."

I really like the concept of your spread--it can definitly be useful in many contexts!

Thanks & Blessed Be,



Thanks for input


Yes, I did mean the ACTUAL situation for card one. Positions one and two are actual. The "above" row is the perceived and the "below" row is the unknown or unconscious. Your wording for position five is good. Thank you.

I'm not sure this reading is quite right yet, but it's getting close to what I'm looking for. Ideally, I'm trying to find out how our personal blindfolds (or preconceived notions) can impact our ability to resolve life's problems. I think that we are often getting good advice - we just don't let ourselves see or hear it. I also think that there is the perception to take a "victim" stance and feel acted upon, when in reality, we have the power to change what seems to be a long run of bad luck. Patterns of bad karma are often the result of seeing only what you want to see - and not seeing how you - the "victim" are actually creating your situation.

I hope this makes sense. The idea of the spread was to show how our personal blindfolds can cause us to create our own chaos and how through conscious removal and intuitive action - we can create a better outcome.

Given the longer dissertation, do you or anyone else out there in Aeclectic Land have any more suggestions?

Thanks again FS!



I'm going to try this spread and see how it turns out. Do you want me to post my results here...or PM you? You can see how it answers some of those questions.



Cool thanks

You can either PM or post in the my readings section. If you post here, the mods will need to move it. Whatever you're comfortable with.

Thanks for trying it out!


Ok I've tried it out, I even have a screen shot of the cards that I'll try to post. I'll give you some feedback as far as how the questions felt as I asked them...and I'll post this in Your Readings, but will have to come up with my own interps, too. I'll PM you when I've posted. We can discuss the spread and how to tweak it. :)



Hi guys

It's ok to post the screenshot here, and to discuss how to tweak the spread here so that others can join if they want to.

It was felt that at times, posting a reading as an example of the spread, helps the understanding of it, and also helps to be able to make adjustments to it, so that would be fine.

What we want to avoid is people posting a spread for other people to interpret (ie, free readings).



Tweaks needed - but it's getting there.

Here'a a link to the reading that GA did as a trial for this spread:

If the link doesn't work - it's in the My Readings section.

Moonbow - thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure exactly how it worked in this section as this is my first attempt at creating a spread.

As to how to improve the spread - I'm definitely in agreement that the wording needs some tweaking.

Will post some thoughts on where and how shortly.

Thanks again GA :D



Totally tweaked!!

Okay - how's this. I've tweaked the positional meanings and think it's better - more on target to what I was trying to get at in the first place. Any thoughts Aeclectic?


1. REALITY: The Actual Situation
2. CURTAIN: What's blocking your vision?
3. TUNNEL VISION: How you perceive the situation
4. PAST PATTERNS: Behaviors or thought patterns that affect the present
5. OUTCOME 1: Likely outcome if following present course
6. BLINDFOLD: What are you unable or unwilling to see?
7. PAST PROGRAMMING: Preconceived notions or perceptions
8. ADVICE: Advice from beyond the veil (subconscious messages)
9. OUTCOME 2: Probable outcome if you remove the blindfold & follow advice