ROC May - CosmicBeing, Barefootlife, and LisaStarlight


CosmicBeing, Barefootlife, and LisaStarlight's spread


May's Suggested Spread:

I decided to choose a spread that's related to Beltane this May, and this spread provides insight on many different aspects, so I think it's pretty cool. This spread is from Tarot For All Season by Christine Jette, and I found it from Llewellyn's site.

May Queen
May is a time of fertility and high spirits. By Beltane, the dark time of the year is a distant memory and the possibilities of life seem sweet. Use the May Queen spread to regain or confirm a sense of abundance and safety. If you have a specific question in mind, ask it as you shuffle the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them in positions one through five.


Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now?

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future


Important Notes:
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Please stay in communication with your partner, and PM when you have posted your reading, feedback, or if you are experiencing scheduling issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to post readings and feedbacks.
5. Have fun and let's ROC!


Please PM Fortuna for questions or issues.


CosmicBeing reads for Barefootlife
Barefootlife reads for LisaStarlight
LisaStarlight reads for CosmicBeing

Have a great exchange!


Hi LisaStarlight! I have: Animal Spirit Oracle, A Curious Oracle, Earthbound Oracle, and Spirit de la Lune for you to choose from. Do you have a preference?



let me know if you have a general or specific topic


Hi LisaStarlight! I have: Animal Spirit Oracle, A Curious Oracle, Earthbound Oracle, and Spirit de la Lune for you to choose from. Do you have a preference?

Oooooh! Lovely choices! I've had a look and I'd like the Earthbound Oracle, please. Thank you so much, Barefootlife. :)


Hello Cosmicbeing! I have the following oracle decks for you to choose from: Kipper Cards; Les Vampires; Wisdom of the Oracle; The Enchanted Map. Do you have a particular subject in mind you'd like a reading on?


Hello Cosmicbeing! I have the following oracle decks for you to choose from: Kipper Cards; Les Vampires; Wisdom of the Oracle; The Enchanted Map. Do you have a particular subject in mind you'd like a reading on?


Deck: Les Vampires
Topic: General....have no clue what to focus on. So see what the cards and your intuition picks up for me.



Position 1: Safety - Wisdom
You have a powerful need to know. You don't feel secure in the state of unknowing, in those times when your vision is muddled. Luckily, this book of knowledge is unlocked, and the raven has brought you a gift. You certainly have the power to know. But wisdom is also knowing when you can't know, when you don't need to know, when you're unable to know. Those things are all okay, and it's important to feel secure in your ability to learn as well. Then there are things that can only be believed or felt, and you have to find a comfortable place in that state as well. Someone said that wisdom is knowing what you don't know, and I think that applies well here. We all have to learn to be comfortable with the vast amount that we'll never know or understand.

Position 2: Abundance. - Time
The great thing about this card is that there are so many kinds of time. Seconds pass in the hourglass, days pass between the sun and moon, months pass in astrology. All kinds of human time. And then there's the mountain, the measure of time in millennia. It may not seem like a prosperous thing, to have an abundance of time, but it's the one thing that no one can manifest more of. Perhaps you haven't reached the place you want to be yet, but you have the time, even if it feels like you need to hurry up and get there.

Position 3: Regeneration. - Vision

Owls are traditional symbols of wisdom, but this one has its eyes covered. Perhaps you're not sure what you want to do right now, or maybe you're not sure how to achieve it. Without a plan of some sort, even the most vague of ideas of a direction, it's hard to flourish. You're still in process of figuring out your heart's desire, or the path to it, which, of course, keeps it from being fulfilled. Don't be afraid to choose the unknown path, even though it takes you from your comfort zone. You have the time to take the meandering route, if that's how it ends up.

Position 4: Love. - Balance

For you, relationships are all about balance, about giving and reciprocation. This is an air card (feathers mark the suit of swords in the companion tarot deck), so intellect and logic play into all your relationships. You probably don't find yourself running off after every glimmer of a crush - you wait for the real thing. Connections for you aren't solely emotional, they have to be mental as well. Your friends and lovers need to mesh with you on both levels in order for you to truly bond.

Position 5: The Future. - Cycle

The entire world moves in cycles. The cycle of the day, of the moon, of the seasons. The Fool's Journey is a cycle. Everything revolves. I tend to think of life as being less a circle and more a spiral, though. We come around to familiar landscape, but never quite the same place. Sometimes it takes a few go-rounds to get it right. In this case, I think the card is telling you that it's going to take a few tries to truly figure out what you want for yourself, and to not get frustrated with the process. You have, as the spread points out, plenty of time to get it right, and the right people around you to help see it through.

I hope this resonates!


I hope this resonates!

Thank you so much for this reading! There's a lot here, and I will go through it shortly to give you thorough feedback. I actually logged in to post CosmicBeing's reading here and wasn't expecting mine. It was a lovely surprise. :) Thank you again!