ROC May - AnemoneRosie and JoJoCat


AnemoneRosie and JoJoCat's spread (intuitive)


May's Suggested Spread:

I decided to choose a spread that's related to Beltane this May, and this spread provides insight on many different aspects, so I think it's pretty cool. This spread is from Tarot For All Season by Christine Jette, and I found it from Llewellyn's site.

May Queen
May is a time of fertility and high spirits. By Beltane, the dark time of the year is a distant memory and the possibilities of life seem sweet. Use the May Queen spread to regain or confirm a sense of abundance and safety. If you have a specific question in mind, ask it as you shuffle the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them in positions one through five.


Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now?

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future


Important Notes:
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Please stay in communication with your partner, and PM when you have posted your reading, feedback, or if you are experiencing scheduling issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to post readings and feedbacks.
5. Have fun and let's ROC!


Please PM Fortuna for questions or issues.


Hi JoJoCat,

We're partners again!
This spread strikes me as being pretty heavily focused towards a general reading, wouldn't you agree?


Hello AnemoneRosie! Partners twice in the same month, hooray~

I also enjoy that we have completed the readings from the other circle -- this feels fresh to me :)

Yes, a general reading is fine with me. Spirituality has been such a huge force in my life lately that you may get more information on that front! Going deeper into the other reading is good and also good is another topic coming up -- it will all become clear :heart:

I only have one working oracle (LOL same as my "only one dark deck" thing hahah) -- saju oracle, based on a Korean form of fortune telling. I've gotten incredibly deep and fulfilling readings from him though (they're posted in this subforum if you're curious).

It looks like the spread was designed for tarot (with the mention of "card suit") but we're intuitive readers! We can do this!

And now I have a thought. Western systems have 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth) but Eastern systems have 5 (fire, water, wood, metal, earth). So I'm going to try identifying the element for Card #4 through the latter lens, as this deck is grounded in that. How does that sound to you?


Eastern systems is totally fine.
I noticed that too, about the suits. I was thinking to myself "hmm... does that mean that I should use one of my natural-world themed decks, then? Or playing cards?"


Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.

meeting (like the act of meeting)

So FYI the terms of the cards are in Korean and I translate them -- so there are definitely concepts that are very culturally embedded and therefore have connotations beyond the words in English. Here the card for "meeting" signifies a meeting that is slightly coincidental but also very very welcome. And so I am told about your need for kinship, for peers and a crew that welcomes and loves and accepts you as you are. I feel however that you are more solitary but this is because you are very selective about who you let in -- once they are in, they are IN -- you share your loyalty and super-duper support.

So I'm glad that you have boundaries around your need for true friendship to feel secure. you are secure in yourself because you no longer share of yourself superficially -- you no longer trying to make friends with everyone (did you do this in the past? if so it was from your desire for kinship and that's okay too, but it's much healthier to be as you are now.)

See how the two people are inside the wall? That's because they are inside your shields. Yay for good boundaries!

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.


This is a great card to get for abundance! It is once again literal LOL. There's a feeling of needing to "get the work done" to bring in the harvest, but the hard part of waiting for crops to grow and such is over. Now is the hustle of bringing in the abundance (whch honestly feels like money to me rn). It feels like you are in the flow, and that is wonderful. The sun is rising and you and your crew are collecting the hay/wheat. :royal:

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.

So this is where the reading goes deeper: in trust there is betrayal/treason

Regeneration requires you to consider which of your "people" is actually a thief in hiding. This is someone that you've trusted in the past and who has seemingly proven to be trustworthy in the past -- but that's because they play a long game. Or maybe their feelings changed, or their motivations or allegiances did. For whatever reason, there is some a block in your energy field from someone you were previously close to :(

The bold action is to cut them off. Like the person with the ax, chop them down and out from your life. Even if you get a small wound from it, it's better than the bigger wound of the hurt and betrayal (sorry for bearing the bad news about this).

Part of me wishes that I could say this is about something internal, like about your viewpoint, but the message I'm getting is that it is VERY external. I also get timing messages sometimes -- and the timing I'm told is 2 weeks. So this will come to play in 2 weeks, although you can speed this up if you wish.

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now?


I read this card as within the suit of earth, even though water (in the well) and wood (in the tree) are represented in the picture. It is about earth and being grounded and feeling the power of feeling your prayers seep into the earth for them to bloom. What you pray for will manifest as long as you believe in the power of earth. And have faith. And it may be another iteral message -- to ask for what you want. I feel you have not done this in a while -- but asking is a good thing, it really is.

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future

highest civil service exam

I'm getting a feeling of men judging you. Do you have a "test" or "exam" in your future? Like maybe a sort of trial where people in power (men) evaluate your progress and fitness to practice your profession? This would be the card for right before I sat for the attorney bar exam, for example. It feels like that. The feeling also comes through that you will be fine! You will excel and pass with no issues!

Card three does conflict with my good feelings about card 5 -- but it feels to me like #3 is more of a warning, like "don't put all your eggs in one basket" or another way to say "don't trust everyone."

The outcome feels like a ntural outgrowth of all that you've done so far and it will be fine. Even if you were to ignore the warning from card 3, you will be fine.

jumper: abundance

This jumper is a lot of why I feel like these things are just flowing things that breeze in and then breeze out. They are not lasting. You've gotten great cards -- spring and summer bloom beautifully for you! :heart: :royal:


I'll post your reading tomorrow; I don't have access to my cards for the next 15 hours.


Reading for JoJoCat

Sorry for the delay!
I've decided to use the Earthbound Oracle for your reading today. To be honest I can't quite remember the situation from DDT and so this is will be a little bit more general. If you require any detail about any of the cards please don't hesitate to let me know!

Position 1: Safety. ~ Luna~ **Emotional security

In order to feel safe you need to feel that you are in control, or that you have answers. At the very least you feel safer with a roadmap and a compass. However, it appears that you're feeling as though you've not got as many tools with you right now and that you feel rather lost in the dark. However, this card says that you do know. You've got the answers inside of you with your intuition and you're being guided forward. The answers are there; your challenge is that of trusting the source.

Position 2: Abundance. ~ Air ~ **Feelings of plenty

This card indicates that your emotional stability is related to your ability to logic it out. As noted above, trusting your guides and your intuition is not something that is coming easily to you right now, and so your challenge is to do so anyway given that you can't reason with it. Alternatively, is it possible that abundance feels rather ephemeral right now, causing the problem to grow even larger than it needs to be?

Position 3: Regeneration. ~ Deceit ~ **Exploring the possibilities

This card shows either a two-headed snake, or two snakes intertwined in a ball. Either way, this is what it is that keeps you from success. It doesn't so much appear to be external deceit as it is, perhaps, a type of self-sabotage. While a part of you knows what it is that you need to do, there is another part (perhaps your ego) that keeps shooting down the aspect of you that has the answers. And so you find yourself held back by fear, and by a sense that now isn't the time. However, if not now - when?

Position 4: Love. ~ Resistance ~ **Emotions and relationships

Here there is an island. It appears to be in the eye of a hurricane, or to be set into a stormy sea. Relationships seem to be rather full of turmoil at this time, even if they're outwardly peaceful. There are friends, and then there are 'friends' - those who are hurtful instead of helpful and those who drain your energy rather than replenishing it.

Position 5: The Future. ~ Creativity ~ **The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future

This card features a chameleon basking on a branch. The lizard's colouring fades into the surroundings as it lies there in wait. This lizard has a great evolutionary advantage. Like it, you too have advantages and you're able to see the world just differently enough to be able to come up with these inventive solutions to problems. Perhaps the solution isn't directly a multi-coloured dreamcoat, and yet you do see the world in more metaphysical colours than many do. As a result you're able to see what others aren't, and so you can see that which is most appropriate, and which others have no idea of.

Interestingly, both Regeneration and the Future positions feature reptiles. While you require input from external sources, as they do the sun to keep warm, like them you can use it to keep you going. You're not going at this entirely alone, and you're less isolated than you may perhaps feel. While the Love card hints that you may feel isolated from those around you, you've got a rich inner sense that contributes to how you navigate it all. And this inner compass is what will get you through it all safely, towards abundance.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm pretty tired right now and so this was a bit shorter and less detailed than I had anticipated.


Feedback for JoJoCat

Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.

meeting (like the act of meeting)

So FYI the terms of the cards are in Korean and I translate them -- so there are definitely concepts that are very culturally embedded and therefore have connotations beyond the words in English. Here the card for "meeting" signifies a meeting that is slightly coincidental but also very very welcome. And so I am told about your need for kinship, for peers and a crew that welcomes and loves and accepts you as you are. I feel however that you are more solitary but this is because you are very selective about who you let in -- once they are in, they are IN -- you share your loyalty and super-duper support.

So I'm glad that you have boundaries around your need for true friendship to feel secure. you are secure in yourself because you no longer share of yourself superficially -- you no longer trying to make friends with everyone (did you do this in the past? if so it was from your desire for kinship and that's okay too, but it's much healthier to be as you are now.)

See how the two people are inside the wall? That's because they are inside your shields. Yay for good boundaries!

It's true - this is how I go about meeting people and making friends. I have many, many, many acquaintances. Friends, however? I have few friends. It's very difficult for people to be let in to my inner life, and it's rare when that happens. While I sometimes crave having more friends, I also know that I find it mostly intolerable the majority of the time as, yes, it takes a lot out of me to be so loyal and supportive!

I definitely have boundaries, yes. I work as a social workers. Boundaries are mything. I used to try the opposite a little bit, but it never worked out. It's not who I am, so I've mostly given up.

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.


This is a great card to get for abundance! It is once again literal LOL. There's a feeling of needing to "get the work done" to bring in the harvest, but the hard part of waiting for crops to grow and such is over. Now is the hustle of bringing in the abundance (whch honestly feels like money to me rn). It feels like you are in the flow, and that is wonderful. The sun is rising and you and your crew are collecting the hay/wheat. :royal:

Don't you love when the cards are literal? :laugh:

I'd say that the money coming in is that, until three weeks ago, I was unable to work because school kept me so busy that I didn't have the time. Now I'm back to working and earning paycheques and my first ones will be coming in at the end of the month. So we're getting there!

So in the words that you used, the part of waiting for the crops to grow is definitely over. Now I'm working in my chosen field and so the hay and wheat is coming in.

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.

So this is where the reading goes deeper: in trust there is betrayal/treason

Regeneration requires you to consider which of your "people" is actually a thief in hiding. This is someone that you've trusted in the past and who has seemingly proven to be trustworthy in the past -- but that's because they play a long game. Or maybe their feelings changed, or their motivations or allegiances did. For whatever reason, there is some a block in your energy field from someone you were previously close to :(

The bold action is to cut them off. Like the person with the ax, chop them down and out from your life. Even if you get a small wound from it, it's better than the bigger wound of the hurt and betrayal (sorry for bearing the bad news about this).

Part of me wishes that I could say this is about something internal, like about your viewpoint, but the message I'm getting is that it is VERY external. I also get timing messages sometimes -- and the timing I'm told is 2 weeks. So this will come to play in 2 weeks, although you can speed this up if you wish.

Boo. I can't even think about who this might be. I will keep you posted when I figure that out! Perhaps that's what the timing is related to; I'd have to see an incident in order to discover who it's referring to. I agree with you about small wounds vs big ones, though. It's usually how I roll.

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now?


I read this card as within the suit of earth, even though water (in the well) and wood (in the tree) are represented in the picture. It is about earth and being grounded and feeling the power of feeling your prayers seep into the earth for them to bloom. What you pray for will manifest as long as you believe in the power of earth. And have faith. And it may be another iteral message -- to ask for what you want. I feel you have not done this in a while -- but asking is a good thing, it really is.

I agree with you. I want to have a deeper (larger?) spirituality. I can't figure out how to create one for myself. I want one though, and part of that means believing in the power of earth. And as a part of having a spiritual crisis, I feel that I've had no one to ask in a very long time.

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future

highest civil service exam

I'm getting a feeling of men judging you. Do you have a "test" or "exam" in your future? Like maybe a sort of trial where people in power (men) evaluate your progress and fitness to practice your profession? This would be the card for right before I sat for the attorney bar exam, for example. It feels like that. The feeling also comes through that you will be fine! You will excel and pass with no issues!

Card three does conflict with my good feelings about card 5 -- but it feels to me like #3 is more of a warning, like "don't put all your eggs in one basket" or another way to say "don't trust everyone."

The outcome feels like a ntural outgrowth of all that you've done so far and it will be fine. Even if you were to ignore the warning from card 3, you will be fine.

jumper: abundance

This jumper is a lot of why I feel like these things are just flowing things that breeze in and then breeze out. They are not lasting. You've gotten great cards -- spring and summer bloom beautifully for you! :heart: :royal:

The only tests that I know of are that of general workplace performance, and for a certification that, really, shouldn't be too hard to get. I could apply to the professional college, but I'm not sure that I want to quite yet.

I definitely live by not putting all of my eggs in one basket, so hopefully I'm able to continue doing so. I'm glad that things are, more or less, flowing as they should. I'm alright with things breezing in and out for now. I feel very temporary.

Thanks for reading for me!


I'm sorry for the delay in my feedback! I will do it on Monday my time (might be Sunday evening your time). Thanks for reading for me~ :heart: