Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 29 - #89


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 29
Number: 89



First, I'll have to look up what a mockingbird is ;)

The term is familiar, and that it's a songbird, but I have no idea which. brb!

right, i found out they don't exist here lol - some family relatives of theirs, but not them.

So, um, I have never heard their song and can't talk about it, except for the name "mocking"... and then i have no idea why it has that name! What / who does it mock? does it imitate others to mock them?

If anyone can explain this to me I'd be grateful!

On the other hand, I guess the symbol could in a way relate to every other first birds singing in the spring. Heralding their presence and thawing to come, new growth to come, longer hours of daylight to come, warmth and summer to come.

They are the sign that old King Winter's reign is done with, is broken, and Princess Spring is on her way, bringing along merry colours, lusty birdsongs, busy insects, heady perfumes... the spirit of life has returned!

But I'd still like to know more about the mockingbird before I continue, because it's not just any bird, but a mockingbird! This has to have a significance...


In high school we had to read the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” and it still is a favorite in school curriculums now. I didn’t get then….I didn’t get it when my daughter read it in high school last year. But I get it now!

A mockingbird apparently does not have its own song…it listens intently to other birds and mimics or repeats as many as 30 different imitations one after the other, creating from these tones, a melodious song of there own. And it doesn’t just sing this song anywhere, it sings out in the open for all to see way up high in the treetop.

"Singing is a highly physical happening, a unique form of communication produced by muscle-movements set in motion by a fundamentally emotive desire to express beauty." From a bookd called The Physical Nature of the Vocal Organ.

Ohh there is a lot of wisdom in that little bird, it is so creative and unselfishly shares/gives its knowledge to others. This is in fact a form of sacrifice of one little individual giving their all for a greater mass, humanity.
We are simultaneously on a journey and a destination at the same time. And it starts with the big question Who Am I? When we ask this question of ourselves, the first thing we encounter is confusion and chaos. For it is here that we simultaneously fear and desire to know ourselves. A fear that we will be sucked into a tornado of unusual experiences, and worse yet, we might like them. And a fear that we might find what we really want of life and yet discover that it is so so different from what we already have. It is a fear of touching a realm of multiple realities, of awesome spaces and godlike possibilities. It is the fear of criticism from others, the fear of looking foolish, pretentious, even crazy, to close family members, friends and co-workers. It is the fear of becoming a new kind of human being.

Chaos, confusion and uncertainty are the alchemists ingredients for the development of clarity, intuition, order, knowledge and wisdom. Mix these together and we can find our center, our identity, our balance and our boundaries.

I’ll do the body part separate….it's really fascinating!!!!!



The body part of this symbol is the fourth rib. Interestingly, the breast nipple of both men and women sits at and around the fourth rib! I know, the breasts are connected to the sign Cancer, but there is a message here, one of nurturing, sacrificing…..and don’t forget ‘the willingness to accept it from others’. There is also a small chakra in each nipple, when we sing, the 4th rib is stimulated by the diaphragm which stimulates the chakras in our nipples, which also produces its own etheric song. This is all in keeping with our little mockingbird.

Gosh we’ve covered a lot of body parts! (I know I haven’t listed them all) We’ve looked at the lungs, the circulatory system, blood vessels, the thymus, the thyroid, the oesphagus, the arms, the hands, the palms, the shoulders, the ribs and the diaphragm. And don’t forget about the Symbols for Aries and Taurus. We’re getting close to half a body here!

Now for a moment imagine the diaphragm, (a muscle of expressive emotions) as a very large, dome-shaped design that fills the rib-cage front to back and from side to side. The stem of it is anchored on the inside of the lumbar spine where it rises to the uppermost dome quite high in the chest (at about the fourth rib or about the nipple level). The bottom edges of the lungs and the heart rests on top of it. Can you feel it when you take a deep breath?

Remember Marina, when we had a hearty and spontaneous laugh over the funny bone? You started the process and I and perhaps many others laughed right along with you. Our diaphragms physically reacted in sympathy with one another!

When we sing, the diaphragm muscle is tensed high (4th rib). When air is low in our lungs the diaphragm is high. So if the air in the lungs is high, the diaphragm is low. (Definitely a Gemini thing) Singers know not to take in lots of air, when they do it weakens the diaphragm and its connection with their voice. Singers also know that too much breath weakens their ability to close the vocal chords, which in turn results in a poor tone.

Taurus rules the throat and larynx and Aries rules our circulation and vascular system..oh and I forgot Mercury which rules our two lungs, the ribs, the hands, the arms,the fingers. All these are seen singing together here, a very unique way of communicating.

Also, Spring is a time of beginnings, our little bird has gathered the passion and expression of its other feathered friends (some happy, some sad), cheerfully singing high (air) up in a tree, for all of earth to see.

So many of our emotions are cloaked by heavy and uncomfortable feelings.
The mockingbird tells me we need to express how we truly feel; and if we do, others will hear them. Most of the time we don't let people know how we feel, because we are afraid of how they will react to them. Why not sing your song and see what happens!



Paula Abdul (singer actress - in the US) has this Sun Sabian Symbol as her Sun symbol - No surprise really, her singing potential and talent in music is obvious, it is why she is famous. This symbol also indicates she has the ability to see creative potential (American Idol), and birds are symbols for travel. Specifically the mockingbird also related to racial acceptance and doing things morally correct (e.g. To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee), she is REALLY one of the 'good guys'.

Dr Jones Key word - quickening...



Hi Marina!

How interesting Paul Abdul has this symbol and in her Sun chart! This symbol was a fascinating study....its one of those that just keeps on going, higher and higher. I'm sure we will visit the singing aspect again, so we can expand on it again.

A quickening and awakening!

Thanks Marina



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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