Saturn and Leo


I see Saturn most often connected with The Tower.


Leo62 said:
Fulgour - though I understand your numerological reasoning (I think!), Saturn as the Fool makes no sense to me at all...whereas Saturn seems to naturally fit with the World.
I'm not doing "numerology" but basic common sense.
The Golden Dawn gave us 0=1 which is all wrong...


And if we're re-thinking Saturn, there's no place like
“Star of the Sun”

In the Babylonian astrological texts the word Shamash (Sun) was used to designate Saturn: “We learn from the notes written by the astrologers that by the word ‘sun’ we must understand the ‘star of the sun,’ i.e., Saturn.” Ninib was the Babylonian name for Saturn: “Ninib in various places is said to shine like the sun.”

In The Beginning: by Immanuel Velikovsky


Thanks Fulgour. However, I don't give a Shamash what the Babylonians thought, Saturn as the Fool STILL doesn't make sense to me. ;)


...but somehow "The World" works for Saturn...?


Shamash does not translate as Sh*t by the way...

Leo62 said:
...Saturn as the Fool STILL doesn't make sense to me.
Try picturing with your mind, where ever it says Saturn,
to read it as The Fool, and with Jupiter, read Judgement:

We have the unique opportunity to explore for ourselves
the mysteries and wonders of the truth, free of magicians.


saturn is chronos

I'm with Leo, Saturn as the Fool doesn't work for me.

Saturn is the lord of time, learning and hard work. So he doesn't fit the Tower either, which is a "Boom" sort of thing. Mars is fine for the Tower.

The Fool may eventually become a Saturn type, but not at the beginning whereas The World worldly always.


the recent probe revealed

An actual "chunk" of Saturn would be so light
it could easily float on water... this gigantic
planet so distant in space is the consistency
of styrofoam... but let's ask Aleister Crowley.


From 12th "The direction of Saturn in Leo is refined by the Mars transit. This Mars transit along with the TS will enable you to be more personally involved with Saturn’s path. This year as TS enters Leo, Mars is entering Taurus. Now go back to your chart and find the house that Taurus rules. There will be some major goings on here in the next 6 months that will make your TS much more personal to you. If you have planets in Leo or Taurus, this will be an interesting time with lots of action going on as they challenge each other. One thing to remember is that Leo and Taurus are both fixed signs that dislike change and this Mars transit will call for change." my MC and my Desc will both play into this. Hmm. Very career based.


Fulgour said:
Try picturing with your mind, where ever it says Saturn,
to read it as The Fool
OK Fulgour, I'm going to dig my heels in here in true Saturnian fashion. I don't WANT to picture Saturn as the Fool - The World is what works for me...looks like we'll have to agree to disagree on this one...:):):)