Scent and Tarot?


I was just reading some perfume reviews and had an interesting thought. Since scent is probably our most powerful sense and can often trigger intense memories and emotions, is there any way we could integrate that into tarot? I’m not talking about the usual burning of incense, scented candles or essential oils during a reading; I’m talking about using specific scents with specific cards to evoke the feeling and emotion of the card.

For example, I might have a sitter take a quick sniff out of a bottle of orange oil while contemplating The Fool, giving that feeling of exhilaration and happiness.

Any other ideas or thoughts on this subject?


There is this:

I have it, but I haven't actually studied it.

There are also incense/scent associations to tarot through Golden Dawn docs. Check out 777, Complete Magician's Tables and The Magician's Companion.

I think there are also tarot-titled perfumes out there too?

I like your idea of using scents in a reading to REALLY give the feel of a certain card! You'd only have to have 22 different scents -- or 78 . . .


22 scents would be pretty easy, you could probably do that with pure essential oils alone. Mixes for the minors would be pretty cool too!

Laura Borealis

I like the idea but I wish she had sample size vials. She doesn't even describe her scents. I can't justify buying a $20.00 bottle with no indication of what it smells like.


I love tarot and i love scents/perfumes, so i think it's a fab idea.

Dolce and Gabbana have some "tarot" fragrances out, havent tried them yet.


This sounds like a great idea! So what essential oil would you match with each major?


This would largely have to do with the interpretation of a card. The thing about scent is unlike other senses like taste and sound, scent is more definitively pleasant or unpleasant. So you might need some pleasant and unpleasant scent for each.