
Briar Rose

doreen said:
Hi Marion,
Selenite can be used to construct a protective grid around your home.
A large piece placed in the house promotes a peaceful atmosphere and aids concentration.
Selenite works with the Angelic realm and attracts angels.
It can also be used for cleansing your aura.
Hope this is useful.

I just bought my first piece of Selenite today, 9.4.07 and it looks alot like Marion's. Like they are twins or something. Anyway, after reading Doreen's discription of Selenite, and other's as well, I know I needed it to be next to me.

I am pulled towards it greatly. It's my first piece. Let's celebrate the love.


Satori said:

Have you selenite lovers seen this cave? I picked up a crystal magazine and it had an article about this place. Whoa. I would love to go there and just sit and soak it up.

I'm sure I have seen those pictures on here before, but still, WOW! :bugeyed:
It would make me appreciate the powers of selenite, I don't think I would ever want to leave, though I wonder if you can have too much of a good thing?

Thanks for showing us those wondeful pictures.

*Writes 'Go to Mexico to look at selenite cave' on her ever expanding list of places to go.*


I have a lovely little selenite wand carved all spirally like a unicorn's horn, lovely for meditating when plagued with a headache. Did y'all know that selenite and water don't get along? It's okay to wash your selenite, but then dry it, and definitely don't leave it soaking in water. It disintegrates, I believe.

Who knew? :) Kat


Yep no baths for selenite. What other crystals not be put in water?

Selenite is very powerful and it can take you to a physical journey, past or future.

I cant sleep with selenite the energy somehow mixes the dream and thoughts to too strong for the be in with dream state with the gem.

Working with selenite is good to remember to mind negative thoughts as the stone has very strong energy.

Selenite can clean other stones by placing them on top of selenite. Im not sure what is the perfect way to clean selenite. It's strong I think selenites doesnt gather much energy, at least the self cleaning must happen at least it's a powerful stone.

Briar Rose

I am having a strong attraction to Selenite these days.
Is anyone else?

Any new pics anyone cares to share?
Any experiences?


I LOVE selenite!!! :heart: Got pieces of it all over my house.

I've read that selenite plus 3 other stones......kyanite, calcite and hematite are here to help us through the 2012 transition. So I have a small altar set up with the four stones.


I have the most beautiful selenite sphere, about 3 inches in diameter. Someday I will try to read it as a crystal ball. For now it sits on top of my deck desk radiating calm and psychic ability (both things that I need more of!). I have also read that it brings harmony in relationships, so I let me husband buy it for me as a gift. :) It seems to be working--some . . .

I know it's not the kind of cleansing you mean, but my husband's a chemistry teacher, and he said we shouldn't put ANY water on it at all, so we cleaned it with ethanol on a cloth. (He was even concerned about moisture in the air, but it lasted out in the air through the fall with no problem. And in the winter it's really dry in my house. It has yet to weather a DC summer, though!)

Briar Rose

Oh good. Thank you for that information! This is a pic of the one I bought last year. I just love it.

I think I would like to buy a a small wand. I bet a dish of Selenite would look pretty in the sun.

Is Selenite something you hold and meditate with, or do you pass it over the Chakras for balancing?


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morticia monroe

I just got a few beautiful pieces from a friend in the Mojave who dug them himself...let me go take a couple pics,,,,scamperscamperscamper....