Skills trading with Tarot?


FatesLady said:
I have given a friend a free reading as a thank you when she left a freelancing job and suggested me as her replacement.
And I have given readings to the ICU nurses that looked after my partner when she was desperately ill. I've read for the girl I used to do joint Tarot/Jewellery parties with (and she used to give me earrings). I read regularly for a manager at a local cafe, hoping that she'll give me a gig one day (she's not the owner, but has influence), and I also pull out cards every time I go in there.

I am a professional. I do it for money. I also do it for trade. And I'll do it for free on occasion, not for friends (I'll refer them on, and if they are broke, help them with the costs or trade directly with the reader), but when the mood strikes me. As a general rule: if you ask, you pay/trade; if I offer, it's free.

Lula Jing

FatesLady said:
and I have given a friend a free reading as a thank you when she left a freelancing job and suggested me as her replacement.
Nice exchange! :)

Lula Jing

nisaba said:
As a general rule: if you ask, you pay/trade; if I offer, it's free.
I like that and will remember it! ;)