Stalemate Spread


1. The overall conflict/situation – Knight of Wands (Seeker) – Think you nailed it already.
2. How they really feel about you – Five of Wands – She's intentionally creating conflict and there's a power struggle
3. How you really feel about them – The Hanged Man – Speaks of sacrificing the job.
4. Common Grounds - 8 cups - Neither is fulfilled
5. Outcome – Seven of Cups – You're considering you're options here, an opportunity may open up for you under the 7C, it's not a good card for outcome because you're looking to leave.


1. The overall conflict/situation – Knight of Wands (Seeker) – Think you nailed it already.
2. How they really feel about you – Five of Wands – She's intentionally creating conflict and there's a power struggle
3. How you really feel about them – The Hanged Man – Speaks of sacrificing the job.
4. Common Grounds - 8 cups - Neither is fulfilled
5. Outcome – Seven of Cups – You're considering you're options here, an opportunity may open up for you under the 7C, it's not a good card for outcome because you're looking to leave.

Thanks Headinthecloud
2 -I believe she is intentionally doing that, as everyone else seems to know what is going on, even the clients. There is a power struggle, as she came in after me on the same pay level (but with more experience prior to the job). She took over so she may have sensed my coolness to her stamping in as opposed to gently finding her place.
3 - I am willing to sacrifice the job as if I am not happy there and I have leant all I can in that area at that level, I need to progress. Trying to figure out if it will be a sacrifice worth taking is where I am at I suppose.
4 -Neither of us is fulfilled I agree and are gone in our heads, at least I am for sure.
5 - Yes, I am looking for other work as we speak and have told my line manager I am happier in a different area, where I am once a week. She didn't say she would move me but she did say she wants me to move to different areas to get experience in all and that I will do one more day a week. So you think I should stay?



Thanks Headinthecloud
2 -I believe she is intentionally doing that, as everyone else seems to know what is going on, even the clients. There is a power struggle, as she came in after me on the same pay level (but with more experience prior to the job). She took over so she may have sensed my coolness to her stamping in as opposed to gently finding her place.
3 - I am willing to sacrifice the job as if I am not happy there and I have leant all I can in that area at that level, I need to progress. Trying to figure out if it will be a sacrifice worth taking is where I am at I suppose.
4 -Neither of us is fulfilled I agree and are gone in our heads, at least I am for sure.
5 - Yes, I am looking for other work as we speak and have told my line manager I am happier in a different area, where I am once a week. She didn't say she would move me but she did say she wants me to move to different areas to get experience in all and that I will do one more day a week. So you think I should stay?


From these cards there's some sort of sacrifice being made but it could be a change within the company or a complete change. The outcome card is not an action card, it doesn't show definitive change but you're looking for a way out. If you want further clarification I'd suggest doing a spread focusing on outcome only.


From these cards there's some sort of sacrifice being made but it could be a change within the company or a complete change. The outcome card is not an action card, it doesn't show definitive change but you're looking for a way out. If you want further clarification I'd suggest doing a spread focusing on outcome only.

Thanks Headinthecloud,
I also feel I am making a sacrifice in the sense that I am starting at the beginning and frustrated that I am better than what I am doing. I have to put up with this for the time being as work is not easy to find. Experience is vital regardless, and this takes more time than I would like. I also feel I am in limbo as I am neither here no there but progressing slowly all the same in terms of responsibility I am getting.
I might do the outcome only spread. Thanks again Headinthecloud. It is much appreciated.
