Stones for chronic pain?



I don't see Howlite listed here yet. It is an incredibly calming and soothing stone that can help relieve pain. I wouldn't use it to channel pain out directly like with loadstones/shamanstones etc. Just put it on your skin and sit with it awhile... Give it some time, try to relax with some deep breaths and let it do what it does.


Greetings all,

I've been trying to find stones to help with chronic pain. From what I can gather, moonstone, clear quartz and lodestones are my best bet - please correct me if I'm wrong here.

I have these stones and many others, but I have only ever used them for colour therapy. I have no idea what I should be doing with them to get the vibrational benefit. I have tried lying down with a quartz point in each hand, one pointing towards my body and the other away... I have felt the pulse and found it helps but not for very long.

I believe this really works - I just don't know what to do. So I'm open to all suggestions! :)

Thanks for your help,
I've had some success with amethyst, as well.

Do make sure to talk over chronic pain with your doctor, if you haven't already. But if you have already had a word with the doc, then by all means, have at the amethyst. :) I have a little bitty amethyst cluster that I applied to an achy knee, and I was amazed at the speed at which the ache disappeared.

I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in that knee, so amethyst isn't going to keep the pain away forever, unfortunately. But hey -- every little bit helps.


Infinite is a trade name for a mix of Serpentine and Chrysotile, or just Serpentine by anyone else selling it.

I would take care when seeking out stones that have a patented name and only one exclusive seller. That makes me wonder if they are "patenting" names for regular stones, in order to sell them at a significant markup.

I would suggest doing homework on any stone with a patented trade name prior to making any kind of significant investment.


This makes me think is there a crystal that could "absorb"/"change" the energy somehow?
Also if you don't have the blue kyanite there's other crystals that are said to work on all the chakras. I'm sorry I can't think of any offhand but at the healing crystals for you website I know I've looked up crystals and read this as one of the properties of more than one crystal.

And I agree with Lotus...sometimes you need to keep pushing it and seek another opinion. And good for you to seek the help of crystals : ) I do hope you find one or most likely a combination that will work for you.

Clear quartz is definitely one that works on all the chakras. I personally think it has a lot of appeal, both visually and vibrationally. And while I know not everyone ascribes to the practice of programming a crystal, quartz is definitely one you can infuse with either the energies of another stone, and/or an intention such as pain-killing.

Always Wondering

I don't really get the link with CFS; I actually met someone on a forum who said she had not fibromyalgia, but a painful form of CFS... no idea how that works!! The sub-types etc really surprised me when I heard of that.

Diagnosticly speaking, people with Fibromyligia need to have pain in the upper and lower quandrants of the body. Also they must have a certain amount of sore spots, eleven I think. I only have pain in my neck so I would consider that I have Chronic Fatigue, because with or without the neck pain, I have post excercise fatigue that knocks me on my butt for days or weeks. Some people are sure they have chronic fatigue during the summer and fibromylgia during the winter. I do have more pain in winter, fatigue in summer now that the hellish pain of the crisis years are over.

I do not think I have a spiritual malise, though I do consider my issues are connected to some kind of energy/kundalini block. It's a chicken or egg question which comes up alot in these syndrome types. I find the research of low energy producing mitochandria interesting and finding d-ribose helpful. I've read that it takes more energy to relaxe a muscle than to tense it and if we don't have the energy it won't relaxe. This is my working theory now.

I went to a gem fair with my sister in law. She insisted on some serpentine for me, while I looked up CFS and gemstones and bought some apatite. I have to say I am finding the serpentine more powerful. I feel as I am moving old issues finally. I am seeing habits that have been keeping me stuck, or wasting my energy. I do belive there is an emotional element as well. It is part of my wholistic approach I find so necessary to these types of syndromes.