Sweet Dreams & Herbs


Tha Mugwort :) Has Arrived!

2 tins of whole leaf fresh packed mugwort...
the tea we made tasted like drinking from an
elves booty after she danced on a mushroom.

Not bad... but we do have some licorice root
coming (soon please, postman). But 'til then
we may just be using a drop of peppermint.

How am I doing? What do you think...


silly elf!

you have to drink mugwort AT NIGHT, silly elf!

and please, add lots of honey if you don't have licorice!!!

(although i've heard mugwort oil enhances the third eye, so if you're tasting elf booty, maybe you should put a drop of tea on your forehead instead of just your tongue!!!-)



Fulgour said:
the tea we made tasted like drinking from an
elves booty after she danced on a mushroom

Just an idea, Fulgour: use only a teaspoon of Mugwort per cup and don't add the extra teaspoon for the pot.

Mugwort tends to taste funny (turns bitter) when left standing for too long, better to make a fresh cup then.


Hi serenaserendipity~ yes we do drink it at night...
although I wonder if it would make a nice tobacco?

Hi catlin~ Less is definitely More with Mugwort! :)