Taking it all too seriously?


FaeryGodmother said:
I've been talking with an friend of mine recently and thinking a lot about how seriously she takes tarot. Now, I love tarot and divination and all associated things but I think it is possible to take things way too seriously. Guidance and insight is one thing but stepping over the line and saying, "oh no I don't want to see him any more because the cards say it won't work," seems so ridiculous to me.

I don't think it's a matter of taking Tarot too seriously or not.

everybody has very different approaches to how they deal with life in general and some people just don't cope well at all.
taking resposnsibility for yourself is a very difficult and frightening process for some people and they need constant assurance from someone or something that they're making the right decision.

at one point in my life I too would have said that's ridiculous, I mean it's really incomprehensible to me, but.......some people, for various reasons are just that way. whaddya gonna do.

as for how people handle their cards, that's meaningless. many dedicated and serious tarot people treat their cards very casually, even collectible editions. and some only use everyday decks they don't have to worry about. just a matter of personal preference, so I wouldn't start worrying about setting a good or bad example by the way you handle your cards. that IS ridiculous.


SunChariot said:
Well, I believe the cards always tell the truth, so yes it would be serious to me if they suggested I leave someone I love. I would take that very seriously. But I would not just up and leave. I would do more readings to see why they told me things would not work and what I could do to fix them.

I agree with you SunChariot. I think rather than do more readings i would try to see what the cards were telling me in the situation; give it my own evaluation (and the reading, i'm always concerned i will read what i want to see or fear to see into readings for myself) and ten act on that. Kinda using the cards as a spring board for decision making, or a reference point.


I think that is very important for those who get into anything related with magic and wonder to develop an acute sense of humor. We need to laugh a little, and avoid taking ourselves too seriously. The mystic and the mad man are as close to each other as the solemn is to the ridiculous.




I agree with Enrique! You need to have a healthy sense of humor as well as a strong sense of self trust.

Some of my friends have gone overboard with readings - they get crazed and ask me to read them evey 5 minutes and can't make a decision without a reading - that to me is abuse - it's also silly and it makes me very angry that they can't think for themselves! I usually cut them off....or tell them they need to pace themselves. It's not healthy in my opinion.

To me they are a wonderful tool! I use them to ....
figure out what is going on when I can't seem to see it
help me see an issue from a different perspective
to validate my feelings sometimes when I think I have a clue but am not sure what of ;)
to meditate on
to give me guidance or inspiration
to warn me

but if they were to tell me something my heart disagreed with I would go with my heart every time .... with my eyes very very open. But then again if my heart has told me something I sure wouldn't do a reading about it because I wouldn't want to be in a position to question my choice even if it was for a fleeting moment.

All my opinion only :heart:


Very much agreed. Tarot is not there to make our decisions for us. In effect, it is only a tool to give us all the information about a subject so we ourselves can make enlightened decisions, having the facts laid out before us first.

I remember now learning that when I was starting out in Tarot. To just take what the reading says at face value, and act on it is in that sense an "abuse" of what Tarot is meant to be, a tool to help us us have the info we need to think out our problems effectively and come to the best decision.

It's a problem solving tool, just as making a list of the pros and cons of something is, and it only shows one possible future: where the querent is headed now. There are always other possible futures if they chose to change directions. It is not saying you better leave because this is going to happen and it is inevitable. It is just saying that this will happen if you don't change paths.



For me, humour takes the fear away -- what fear? And the creative imagination liberated from fear, can really take off.


My personal view is that the answers come from my higher powers (angels..) so I certainly have no fear of any kind. I know they are protecting me and sending me the info I need to make the best decision. On the other hand I don't usually look to find humour inmy readings, as I consider the answers direct angel communcations and I don't laugh at my angels. But sometimes I laugh with them. They can have a good sense of humour when they want to.:grin:



I think the taking it too seriously comes into play when we find ourselves paralyzed in life, unable to make the smallest decisions without consulting our chosen Oracle ‘o The Day.

As for truth, and predicting the future…

I’ve used Tarot as a fish finder in the Puget Sound with success.

I’ve used Tarot to find ‘places to go’ in strange towns (similar to a compass where the destination is unknown).

I’ve used Tarot to choose items off a menu in a Chinese restaurant (with mixed success – I assumed that the Emperor was a confirmation for choosing ‘Governors’ Chicken’ since they were both ‘rulers’. I failed to take into consideration that the Emperor sits on a throne, as I did for the rest of the night).

Ya gotta approach this with a sense of humor, a touch of humility, and a belief that we cannot prevent what we cannot predict.


Not long ago, I went through some turmoil, and wanted the cards to reassure me - or at least tell me something certain! Uncertainty can be hard to deal with. However, I was in such a bother that I didn't trust the readings either, and did several, all of which contradicted each other. Realising I was being silly and getting into more turmoil, I laid the cards aside, and meditated awhile. I asked - why am I getting such contradictory answers? Why can't I get some real guidance now I need it so much? In the course of the meditation, the answer came gently: "because you are not trusting yourself, your own heart, your own inner knowledge, and so the cards are simply reflecting this lack of trust. When you start listening and trusting your inner voice again, the cards will start helping you, if you need them. But don't turn to them simply to validate your inner knowing, because then you fall back into mistrust. "

So after that I concentrated on accessing that inner knowing. I meditated on the High Priestess, and eventually heard what I had to hear, and came out much clearer. Trusting that crystalline clarity inside me, I can now read again. But I don't do it on that topic, because I have been given the answer already, and I don't believe in messing with Spirit when it gives you answers to questions you have asked.

I tell that story to illustrate that to me it is actually not serious to rely on the cards at the expense of the inner voice. It's silly and juvenile. However, the cards can often tell you something that the inner voice recognises. For me it can be, quite often. I'll lay cards, and I'll know that the story they tell is true. But fairly often, too, I shall access that inner voice without cards or other divination methods. Why then use them at all? Well, I think they can illuminate, and give various angles to a problem. They can show you the stages on the way. They can also help you see something you might not have asked. A typical example is - you ask if you'll get that job or marry that man - and the cards indicate that you will, indeed - but that it won't live up to your hopes and you'll regret it. The cards have gone one further, allowing you to explore the situation more deeply. Divination can also help, once you have taken a decision, to carry it out in the best possible way, avoiding pitfalls, not rushing anything and not missing opportunities.

But knowing where to go, and what decision to take, still comes down to how closely you are connected to your inner voice. Nobody - not cards, not other people's experiences, not therapists, not common wisdom, not even God/dess or your spirit guides - can know better than your own inner voice, if you learn to hear it, listen to it and trust it.

Now that is serious business ;)


I think it can be very helpful to see things outside yourself - and for me, that's how the cards work. Now, if I'm doing a predictive type reading, I won't live my life by them, but believe me, I'll take them seriously and ask questions about things that look dodgy in the cards - cos they frequently are that dodgy in real life, I just don't want them to be - you know?

I find it a little astounding sometimes that people come to you, want to know about the future and you use the cards the same way - then they either roundly ignore the reading and/or freak out because 'it worked!'. I've known some tarot readers like that, for that matter.

I don't think that counts as 'living your life by', but when the cards are saying 'this is going to be the job from hell' or such, it's generally a real good idea to start going over the contract with a fine-tooth comb, asking all kinds of questions. Let's just say I've never been sorry when I've done that. When I haven't, I've been sorry more than once.

Seldom do readings for myself anymore, though, and mostly it's to pick up energy patterns around important stuff. If I'm working with a new deck, I do for a few months to get the feel of it, though.

There's a spiritual side to it as well, but that's a whole other kettle of fish, and doesn't so much involve these types of readings.