Talk Egg to Me!


What is the purpose or intent of egg shaped stones and minerals? Is it an aesthetic thing or are they supposed to be used in different ways? One of the stores I frequent has balls of adventurine (I think), rose quartz, clear quartz, and amethyst, as well as a few others. But today I saw two eggs in the case and didn't bother with them as I wasn't sure what they're used for...



yes , shapes have some kind of use . spheres for example distribute the energy evenly in all directions, in the same maner that crystal wands direct energy towards a specific point.

eggs as I recal are for storing energy for specific or programed purpose or something of the sort , there are many sites about it, I'll try to find tou a link later, but someone much moreknowledgeable than me will probably give you a better answer than me before I have the chance to find the link , haha.


The egg-shaped stones are carved only from crystals found on Easter Island ...


The egg-shaped stones are carved only from crystals found on Easter Island ...

your're a funny guy.

I thought the eggs were more for massage, pressure points and all that. Lots of people like them for decorative reasons - which is why I like crystals in general. The crystal store near me has DOZENS of these crystal eggs, in all sizes, but most are very expensive. I keep my eyes peeled for them in thrift stores and at flea markets, where I have found many - I give them to my aunt, she keeps them in a big bowl in her bathroom. All the different sizes and colors look pretty cool together. Some are plain, some are really gorgeous. I've only kept one for myself, it's a deep dark maroon purple, not sure what stone it is.


I thought it was the small balls, or the "massage wands" as the thin bars are often called that were for massage. I mean, the egg I saw was bigger than my fist @_@

I guess it is a decorative thing. I kind of find the odd shaping to be less than pleasing to the eye. But different strokes for different folks, I guess. Thanks for the input.


I thought it was the small balls, or the "massage wands" as the thin bars are often called that were for massage. I mean, the egg I saw was bigger than my fist @_@

I guess it is a decorative thing. I kind of find the odd shaping to be less than pleasing to the eye. But different strokes for different folks, I guess. Thanks for the input.
I didnt liked them before , but it is I guess , an aquired taste. now I really like them ... evn though I dont own any XD


I'm very new to stones and crystals, but really enjoying exploring them recently. Here's what one of my bookmarked sites has to say about gemstone eggs:

Throughout the ages, the egg has symbolized new beginnings, the spark of creation. Traditional folk religion regards the egg as a powerful symbol of fertility, purity and rebirth. Magic rituals often use eggs to promote fertility and restore virility (of the body and mind); and to foresee the future. Eggs mean growth, protection, new beginnings, resurrection. The Vernal Equinox celebrates the coming of spring and the egg is an important part of this ancient festival.

I guess it's true that eggs are connected with springtime in various ways. Many of us think immediately of Easter eggs (or Easter Island eggs, apparently...;)), and the egg is also an integral part of the Passover Seder, and these are both important holidays that occur in Spring. Maybe gemstone eggs are therefore best used for meditations and magic work aimed at fertility, virility, purity, and/or rebirth/resurrection (sorry for all the slash-marks -- I <3 punctuation!).

So far, in my own personal collection, I have two items that could be deemed "egg-shaped." One is celestite, although it's probably not technically a true egg, in that neither end tapers more than the other -- it's more symmetrical, like a sphere that was elongated slightly along one axis, if that makes sense. The other one, a piece of rutilated quartz, is more truly egg-shaped, with one end narrower than the other. I bought the celestite because I wanted that particular kind of stone, and it was the nicest one of the bunch on sale in the shop the day I went -- I didn't buy it because I necessarily wanted something egg-shaped. Similarly, I got the rutilated quartz one because all they had were about half a dozen egg-shaped crystals, and then one big rough one that wasn't my style. The eggs jumped out at me because there's so much going on inside this particular kind of stone, and it occurred to me on the spot that it could be really cool to try scrying with one of I bought the one I liked best. I haven't tried the scrying yet, but I aim to very soon (I also got a small gold sheen obsidian sphere for the same purpose, and I'm curious to see how successful I am with each one -- I'm a scrying neophyte).

So anyway, I was never seeking eggs per se, but I ended up with a couple! So far, the celestite seems like a very mild kind of stone, although whether that's due to this one's particular shape or just the general nature of celestite, my limited experience can't say. And then I can't speak to the rutilated quartz one just yet...


I have one or two egg-shaped crystals, and I always display them on a little lucite ring so the round end is at the bottom and the 'point' is up - does someone display them on their side? I only ask this since some are making comments about esthetics as though they find an egg shape unpleasing or something ..... :confused:


The egg-shaped stones are carved only from crystals found on Easter Island ...
Funny as hell :laugh:

I have one or two egg-shaped crystals, and I always display them on a little lucite ring so the round end is at the bottom and the 'point' is up - does someone display them on their side? I only ask this since some are making comments about esthetics as though they find an egg shape unpleasing or something ..... :confused:
I like the egg shapes too!

( Of course this has NOthing to do with my one and only acid trip -decades ago- when I bonded with an egg :D )


I have one or two egg-shaped crystals, and I always display them on a little lucite ring so the round end is at the bottom and the 'point' is up - does someone display them on their side? I only ask this since some are making comments about esthetics as though they find an egg shape unpleasing or something ..... :confused:

I use those little lucite stands for other crystals, most for the spheres, and have the one egg I have, which is a smaller one, in my dish of similarly colored crystals (yeah, I group them by color - all the red, orange, browns together, all the blues and purples together, etc.) and it is usually on it's side. My aunt has a nice collection of crystal eggs, and hers are all in a bowl, just laying however they naturally lay. They look very nice that way, she has some interesting ones - not sure what they all are or what their value is, as they were all flea market finds.