Tarot and house clearing


Last weekend I had a discussion with the someone who was interested in my clearing the energy in their house. She suspected it may be residual energy from her ex-husband (I am a friend of the new husband) or there may be a ghost, or it could be something else. I've cleared energy before but never dealt with a ghost. While we were talking I suggested that I do a tarot reading at the house to determine what was going on, what sort of energy needs to be cleared. At the time it made perfect sense to me to approach the situation this way, but now that I think of it I wonder how *would* tarot be used to determine the cause of the energetic imbalance? What sort of a spread would you use? How would you tell if it was a ghost?


I wouldn't do a tarot reading at the house . It's probably better to do the reading away from the house and don't try to talk to any spirits directly using the cards . Address the questions to your guide instead . (Spirits don't always tell the truth . )

You can simply write down the questions you want to know as a spread . For example, ask what spirit energy is there and ask what residual energy is there .If it looks like there is spirit energy present , you might also ask what is holding it there or why it wants to be there , etc .

You might also use a pendulum in the house to detect spirit energy and points of energy imbalance .

In general, if it's a spirit you will feel cold spots and often the energy will seek you out when you visit the house . Sometimes it can feel like a pressure or energy in your face , or you will see it in your mind's eye or hear it trying to communicate . Usually the residents will have noticed incidents or feelings that indicate they are not alone . Other times , a house can seem unnaturally energetically empty and spirits will hide to keep from being sent on .

I should add that sometimes just releasing the stuck or negative energy in a house will allow trapped spirits to move on . Or , when one or more people with a raised vibration and brighter light (so to speak) enter into the situation , sometimes they can release spontaneously .There can be a feeling of deep peace when this happens .

Technically a ghost is thought to be just a replaying imprint , and a spirit is an energy that you can interact with . Ghost energy should go during a house clearing .

For more information , check out the book Healing Lost Souls by William Baldwin .

Glass Owl

Threads that may help you if you believe the home has paranormal activity:

How do I converse with ghosts
This thread includes a 5 card spread by Mark McElroy

Fiona Broome's 3-Card Ghost Spread

Tarot to communicate with the er...un-alive.

The Ghostie in My Room or To Read or Not to Read

Spread for the Haunted

Tarot Cards and Spirit Portals

Spirit Visiting Spread

Please check out TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) for more information, advice, and help in dealing with paranormal activity. They have groups around the world and they investigate cases free of charge. You can also watch TAPS investigators in action on Sci-Fi's Ghost Hunters.

Some terms used in the paranormal investigation field that may be helpful:

Haunting: The manifestation of a ghostly presence, or presences, attached to a specific locale. Hauntings can be categorized into four (usually) distinct types, these being Intelligent (responsive), Poltergeist (likely initiated by pent-up stress on a subconcious level), Residual (replay) and Demonic (non-human origin). See also "Infestation."

Infestation: Repeated and persistent paranormal phenomena, generally centered around a particular location or person(s). Also known as a haunting.

Residual (Haunting): Psychic imprint of a scene which is repeatedly played out, where the witness of such phenomenon essentially is peering into the past. The ghostly participants of these time-displacements often seem unaware of their living observer.

Intelligent (Haunting): A haunting by a responsive entity, and dynamic in nature unlike a residual haunting. A characteristic of an intelligent haunting is the ability of the phenomenon imposed by the entity to have free will or to make conscious decisions.

Ghost: The image of a person witnessed after his/her death, reflecting the appearance of the living, physical body yet less substantial. These forms often seem to exist in a dream-like state of semi-awareness, at times though not always cognizant of their human observers.

Spirit: Existence apart from, or transcending, the purely physical; also, the life-force of an organism. A spirit commonly refers to a ghost.

Entity: A disembodied "consciousness" commonly referred to as ghost, spirit or (if of an apparently malicious or resentful nature) demon.

Apparition: The projection or manifestation of a quasi-physical entity.

Demon: Hostile and resentful entity, supposedly of non-human origin, which some believe to be "fallen (from grace) angels."

Poltergiest: German for "noisy ghost." This is an extremely rare occurance wherein random objects are moved and sounds produced by an unseen force, the sole purpose of which seems to be to draw attention to itself. The phenomenon always involves a specific individual, frequently a child or adolescent.

Wraith/Wrayth: The image of a person appearing shortly before or after his or her death; term can also be applied to a ghost.

Lepke: A very unique and interesting type of spiritual manifestation, a ghost which has the appearance of a solid, living person, may even converse with someone, then suddenly vanishes. "We were talking, I turned to face her again, and she was just gone!" Such apparitions are most often reported to have been encountered within, or immediately outside of cemeteries.

E.V.P (which stands for "Electronic Voice Phenomena"): Disembodied "voices" and sounds imprinted on audio recording devices.

Anomaly: An occurance or condition removed from ordinarily understood experience. See also: Paranormal

Paranormal: The realm of occurances and phenomena removed from those to which people are accustomed and comprehend, and presently uncategorized by standard academia.


That's quite a comprehensive list Glass Owl, but from what I've seen of TAPS they just take measurements and go away , lol ! I'd let them investigate my house plumbing though. They can clear your pipes , but not your energy .


Doing the reading at the house seems sensible to me, and doing simple one or two card readings for all the different questions that may pop into your mind. A large spread is too restricting and I don't think that it will answer your questions to get a straightforward answer.

Long ago I used a pendulum to try and discover if there were any ghosts in a certain house but I found none. Sometimes the living are a force that can be truly over powering, so if you find no ghosts, spirits then look to the leaking energy from the living.

Okay, if the house is very old, then there is every likelihood of residue but if the house is new then the likelihood diminishes, unless there was a multiple murder or something equally gruesome happen there.

So, first check to see if there is really a ghost because smudging won't be enough if there is.


I think that is a good idea and especially agree with DI's post suggestions.

When I got my new house I did a space clearing (as laid out by Karen Kingston in her book "Creating Sacred Spaces") without checking the source and it worked all right. But if there are serious issues, getting some clarity on them may very well make it more focused.



willowfox said:
Sometimes the living are a force that can be truly over powering, so if you find no ghosts, spirits then look to the leaking energy from the living.

that's an excellent point........I agree and it greatly depends, I think, on the individual personality of the person(s) moving into the new dwelling; but this isn't to say that a clearing/cleansing/blessing is not a good practice.

Dark Inquisitor said:
I wouldn't do a tarot reading at the house . It's probably better to do the reading away from the house and don't try to talk to any spirits directly using the cards . Address the questions to your guide instead .

two more excellent points as well.....yes I totally agree.

edited to add:

I think the process of moving into and setting up a new space (in the absence of formal ritual) whether it be a home or business is in itself a (subconscious) ceremony wherein you slowly take over the dwelling with your own sense of purpose, identity and strength of will. As this progresses you are redefining/transforming the energy and character of the space.

of course there are exceptions........


Thanks for all the advice. The house is new, so unless something else happened on the site leaving residual energy I doubt there is a ghost. I suspect it's energy from those living there now. My gut says the discordant energy is the family adjusting to the change in relationships, divorce and new marriage.

I'm still inclined to do a reading at the house to see what I can find out before proceeding with a space clearing. I think I'd get better information about the situation by reading there, but what do you think? Would I get as good a reading if I did it elsewhere? How important is the physical location of the reading? I've never given this much thought before.


Acacia said:
My gut says the discordant energy is the family adjusting to the change in relationships, divorce and new marriage.

I'm still inclined to do a reading at the house to see what I can find out before proceeding with a space clearing. I think I'd get better information about the situation by reading there, but what do you think? Would I get as good a reading if I did it elsewhere? How important is the physical location of the reading? I've never given this much thought before.

Well like I mentioned above, the energy of the living can be quite devastating and as this is a new house, it would seem the energy is leaking from one of the inhabitants. Like you say too new for a ghost already.

I think that it is important to do an on site reading, that is where the energy is and that is where you will find your answer. You won't find ghosts in the local cemetery by sitting in front of the TV at home. I recommend using a pendulum as well. It's all about location, location, location, so if you ain't there you ain't going to see or feel anything much.


Hi Acacia,

I don't have any practical experience with this, but if I were in your position, since you seem to be sensitive to energies, the location will choose itself for you. Go with your gut/intuition. If the house does feel right, then do it there, but it may also be a question of where in the house to do it. Do a walk through and see what you feel. The ideal location could be on the front doorstep or even the garden or driveway (entrance to the energy "zone"). A specific ghost in a new house is rare, but who is to say what was at that location before the house was built (remember the movie "Poltergeist" - they built the house on top of a cemetery). And true hauntings generally are energies attached to a physical object (house, piece of furniture, jewlery). Was there anything left in the house before they moved in or was there anything unearthed during construction? Perhaps the neighbors could shed light on the history of the location. I found out a few months after moving into my house that there was a fire on the second floor and supposedly a boy died hiding in the closet. Thankfully, I have not encountered any energy disturbances connected to this (but I am not positive the story is completely true either).

I think the tarot will be an excellent way to get your bearings, not necessarily to communicate with a specific entity, but to get a "map" of what energies exist. You could even pull cards for each room or location you feel an energetic connection with. Maybe do a Feng Shui energy map for the house and select a card for each room (see link below for example). I think the key is to keep the mode of thinking neutral - hauntings are not ALWAYS negative...


Just my 1.5 cents...