Tarot and timing


I remember once hearing that you can figure timing of events using the tarot but I don't remember how it works. I remember that the suits signified days, weeks, months, and years but I don't remember which suit represented what.
Is there a set rule for this or is it more what the reader determines?

Michael Sternbach

Personally, I doubt that timing works. And I haven't heard anybody even claiming that they can do it reliably, so far.

Michael Sternbach

Let us know your results, please.


Let us know your results, please.

It's not anything that I am working on at the moment but I have had people ask me in the past when things will start changing in their lives.


Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, "When" questions can be answered to clients by "whenever you do the necessary real-world work". Despite the fabled Nisaba's Timing Method being my own invention and very, very useful, I might use it only once a month or so, sometimes not even that. People make their own destiny. It's down to them to live their lives, not hide away waiting in their room for something to happen because I said it might.


Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, "When" questions can be answered to clients by "whenever you do the necessary real-world work". Despite the fabled Nisaba's Timing Method being my own invention and very, very useful, I might use it only once a month or so, sometimes not even that. People make their own destiny. It's down to them to live their lives, not hide away waiting in their room for something to happen because I said it might.

Oh God, if only I could convince my son of that! We just had a "discussion" aka fight, about how HIS choices are what makes his life miserable and not other people. Of course HE is the victim so it's not his fault his life sucks! *shakes head*