Tarot.. Bad or good?


Oh, bad - bad to the bone })


In my experience, I have found that a person's "good" or "bad" luck is more determined by what choices they make or what motivations they have. It is easier to "blame" luck or fate than taking responsibility for one's own actions and making changes to fix things.

My mother is an excellent example of this (sisters to a lesser extent).

For example, if someone would rather be in a relationship with ANYONE rather than being alone, more likely than not, they will have "bad luck" with relationships.

What I have found with the Tarot is that is an excellent tool of self examination. Many times during readings for myself, I have unveiled an insight into how I do things or relate to things that bring out issues that could have caused me "bad luck" in something, but instead, I was prepared and was able to address the situation.

Just my humble opinion of course!



sweetiepie1 said:
Ok so is doing tarot card reading, bad luck??
I believe it IS theoretically possible to incur bad luck from tarot reading if you don't know what you are doing, i.e. if you don't accurately interpret the cards. What appears as "bad luck" is actually the predictable outcome of incorrect actions. If you don't correctly interpret the meaning of a spead, how can you follow the most beneficial course of action? If you don't follow the most beneficial course of action you end up with less than desirable results that appear to be bad luck. Sometimes this may only result in a proverbial "slap on the wrist" that you can learn from and go on, but if the stakes are high, you may end up way in over your head. This is one of the main reasons I prefer reading with a small number of cards. It's easy enough to make mistakes with three cards. Why increase your chances by throwing more cards on the pile? Divination is nothing to play around with. Start small until you are sure of yourself. Then you can move on to bigger and better things.



Tarot is really, really bad luck for people. :cool4: That's why we're drawn to it... like moths to a flame. :grin:


sweetiepie1 said:
Ok so ive always been into this type of stuff... astrology, tarot card reading, and thing such as that. Ok so is doing tarot card reading, bad luck?? As in does it actually make your life worse or bring negative energy to yourself? I'm just worried. I want to keep doing this, but i dont know. I mean its not something you play with, i kno that.. its serious but is doin it bad?

Check this thread out,sweetiepie1.I had a similar problem to yours and started a thread which grew quite fat.So,hopefully,you may find helpful information there.I believe Tarot is ok.It is ypu who uses the cards.They are nothing without you :)



Books on Tarot magic available

Recently I was in the local book shop, was fascinated by a book on Tarot magic. Mostly it involved spells to do good, example significator card of a wrong doer crossed with the seven of swords, then next to this justice and judgement. I'll not give more details about this for obvious reasons, but say " Do as you will but harm no one"


Tarot is serious.

People who use it sensibly, seriously and with care are not evil.

The readings you get from Tarot are not evil.

Anything can be used for evil, if you set your mind to it.

So - what are your plans for using Tarot ?

If you go into this intending to learn, and most importantly in the first instance, to learn about yourself, it is not bad.

On the other hand, if your plans are to use it to snoop - whatever you get may not be what you expect.


gregory said:
On the other hand, if your plans are to use it to snoop - whatever you get may not be what you expect.
Or as my nana used to say - evesdroppers often hear uncomfortable things about themselves.

Tarot is a tool used by people - it is as good or bad as the people who use it, and everything in between. Are you a good person? If so, then the tarot you use will be good, and the energy you generate using it will be good too.

Ross G Caldwell

sweetiepie1 said:
Ok so ive always been into this type of stuff... astrology, tarot card reading, and thing such as that. Ok so is doing tarot card reading, bad luck?? As in does it actually make your life worse or bring negative energy to yourself? I'm just worried. I want to keep doing this, but i dont know. I mean its not something you play with, i kno that.. its serious but is doin it bad?

As so many people here have said, if you have bad intentions, then you can use tarot for bad things.

If you have good intentions, then you will use tarot for good.

If you believe tarot is bad, then you will feel guilty about using it. That's bad. We tend to find what we're looking for in moral actions, so if you feel guilty, you'll end up as a hypocrite if you keep using it when you feel bad about it. This will show up when you read for people.

Of course, you might scare yourself sober when your readings turn out right all the time, and you will stop being ashamed and start being honest and forthright. Then you will do good with tarot.

I say - tarot is good, and honesty is good.