Tarot Cards and People's Looks?


I've read before that the 8 of cups can represent a blond woman......Of course to me that just seems like old superstition.
I agree that the tarot can only give vague glimpses into physical appearance if even at all. Much more a tool for inner exploration than physical.


I understand. I read through the descriptions and concerning my boyfriend- they were spot on. It said his complexion was sanguine and he is red-headed and has a red tone to his skin. Also, some of the descriptions about his temperaments, occupations, etc. were very accurate, but I can see how that can't be true of every single person born in the same month as he is.

Mystic Zyl

I find that when tarot and astrology try to predict looks it is really a hit and miss, kind of thing, like flipping a coin, heads or tails.