Tarot courses for newbies are they worth it?


Hello, I have found a tarot course in my neighberhood I live in a small village so it's rare this thing exist. They use tarot cards like I would like to use them, as advice.

However I do not know, I doubt everyone here took a course. But maybe some did. I would like some opinion on why you think I should or should not go. The price would fetch me a new cellphone which I need mine is dieing. I never buy expensive ones thought so I am looking at 1 course day every week for a span of 10 weeks.

It costs 175 euro, which would be 238 dollars. Actually that would be a lot of tarot decks, books and or a new cellphone which I need. :p

I think I could do well if I use this forum and read some books but the hard thing I find is stringing cards together. If you get like a spread with a few cards some cards interact and it's hard to see that. The court cards tried them today but they remain very hard I think I have the gist of it now. But I would panick if one or two pops up.

I do thank you all for your help and am curious as to what you would say all.


pah. I am a firm believer of the internet and its free resources. we live in a world where information should be free and open sourced, not costing us money.

I used www.learntarot.com that site alone taught ME A LOT


I would buy a couple of books, they will help you over some months or even years, and you can save the rest of money to buy your mobil phone. Is my opinion. I think the course is expensive and you may take more profit from a couple of books that you can read the times you need.


I wouldn't bother. Buy (and read) a few good books, surf the internet and capture useful information, practice (and practice some more), spend time here (lots of intelligent dialogue going on) and - ideally - find a RL focus group to hang out with (easier said than done, I know; I've been looking for a long time, and even tried starting one - twice!); even if they have nominal dues for attendance, you will probably get more mileage out of your money. And it will be much more fun than a "classroom and homework" grind.


It depends on your own style of study. How do you usually learn best? Involved in discussions in groups? Or on your own with your chosen material? I never thought about joining those courses you mention, since I like to learn on my own, I like to take my own time, make up a study schedule, re-read the parts of a book I found interesting, meditate on what I have learnt...

If you are very into group studies, maybe you should think about taking that class. Otherwise I think you will do fine with 1-2 good books, lots of practice (take a look at the exchange!), a deck, and this forum. ;)


It depends on your own style of study. How do you usually learn best? Involved in discussions in groups? Or on your own with your chosen material? I never thought about joining those courses you mention, since I like to learn on my own, I like to take my own time, make up a study schedule, re-read the parts of a book I found interesting, meditate on what I have learnt...

If you are very into group studies, maybe you should think about taking that class. Otherwise I think you will do fine with 1-2 good books, lots of practice (take a look at the exchange!), a deck, and this forum. ;)

I like to study on my own a lot, but always am insecure that I am doing it wrong... That is my weak spot.

And to all others thanks. I will go look for some good books. Which I havn't looked into yet, books that is.


After a year of study (or more), I have found a book written by Dusty White, which is called "the best way to learn tarot ever" (or something like that). I have read many books for newbies, I'm enjoying this book much, so maybe it could be one to add to your list of recommended books.


The price would fetch me a new cellphone which I need mine is dieing.

Buy the phone.

Courses are always basic (even the elaborate ones that go on for yours!), and are always based on one person's perspective.

You regularly see people around here saying they learn more by being on the forum, asking questions, and seeing the answers to questions other people have asked, than they ever learnt in courses.

On the occasions I teach, I teach a mean course and it is wo4rth every cent of the cost - but I still think people can benefit more in the long-term by being a regular member here.


Thanks all I will today go torugh all 78 cards and meditate and see how far I come. I can medtiate for a long time ussually, around 1 hour. I should be able to enter a few cards in that time.

Should I do it randomly or should I really go trough the suits, it's a question I wanted to ask for me to learn every card I will take it easy though.