Tarot des Femmes (Tarot de Mujeres) -- the effrontery


AND the LWB is cookie-cutter. It's exactly the same LWB that's included in quite a few AGM decks.


if you know any artists, stiff cards like this make great glue spreaders when you need a thin layer on a flat surface. They could also be painted over with gesso, and cut down to ATC (artist trading card) size for artists that are into that....they paint little works of art on small cards and then trade them online with other artists who have done the same. I do that, and it's a pain to have to cut out the little cards, or buy them precut - better to recycle an old card deck.


:lightbulb A perfect deck to use for either pimping or testing out your pimping technique before doing it in a deck you really care about! :D


OR - to practise shuffling with if you are as BAD at it as I am.

Which is very very bad, and not good for the cards either :(


seems like someone had to know someone to get that published by a company that knows tarot.


seems like someone had to know someone to get that published by a company that knows tarot.

I don't know. They also published Power Animal and the rather awful Angel one....


seems like someone had to know someone to get that published by a company that knows tarot.
This is the same company that published the Power Animal, Angel and Spirit tarots, which have the same format - somewhat interesting Majors, ho hum Minors and the exact same LWB.... I ranted about it here back in 2009.



Wodney - haz you got me on ignore ??? ;)


You were typing faster than he was


You were typing faster than he was

Exactly. I was trying to find the link to the thread I started, which is why dear gregory beat me to posting. :)