Tarot for Your Self


Mimers said:
This is a great book. This was the first book I ever bought and learned the cards with. It is also a lot of fun.
I will add that this is the book that I wish would have been my first book. If I hadn't bought a book that told me all the astrological and numerological memorization I had to do before I picked up the cards, then I wouldn't have put them down for 18 years. Indeed a wonderful book for getting you to work with the cards, to understand them as an extension of you.

Incidentally, I was browsing through an Atlantic Book Warehouse the other day and saw several of the first editions of this book for dirt cheap. If you have a discount warehouse book shop near you, look for it. It is worth picking up the first edition since it is designed as a workbook and the cheap price lets you not feel funny about writing in it.


I got this book a couple of months ago and I have to say that I do love it. Some of the exercises I like more than others but this is the first book that I have read that gets me to see the cards for how I see them and think they mean rather than look in a book for the meanings everytime. Since I have started reading this book my tarot readings for myself and others have been alot more meaningful and make alot more sense to me. So I think this is a great book and I do plan I buying more books from Mary.



Just got this book, based on soooo many recommendations on this site. I've skimmed it a bit. I'm not sure what I think about the Personality, Soul, and Year card stuff...but I figure it might give some insight into ME...which what the book is intended to do. Plus that is one of the reasons I'm studying tarot.
The other book that seems to be really recommended is 78 Degrees of Wisdom , which I have ordered.

I hope I will like this book as I get into it more. So far it's been good, but not super outstanding.

I know I won't do all the exercises either, I don't enough patience for some of them. LOL. Which exercises did some of you find the most useful? Least useful? What areas of the book were most helpful? Least helpful?

Rusty Neon

hi souljourney,

I find that, with internet groups like ATF, you really don't really have as much use for all the exercises in Tarot for Your Self as much as you would if, say, you were all on your own. Here on ATF, there are enough exercises, games, deck study, and practice readings from a wide variety of styles.


For the last couple of years or so, I stopped buying tarot books altogether and kept the ones I bought earlier for reference ( e.g. Tarot, your everyday Guide, Tarot Spells, Tarot for Beginners, Tarot for Dummies ) and of course devouring whatever accompanying books that come with some decks ).

Mind you this rule doesn't apply to hoarding and collecting tarot decks and LWBs.

However, recently I have been having an aching urge to get myself the tarot book to keep by my side at all times as a reference, such as Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom, since as someone mentioned earlier, most of what one really needs to know about tarot is found somewhere around this site.

I had also considered getting tarot for yourself and tarot reversals but I feel that neither will add much to what there is on this site and when seriously googling.


souljourney said:
Just got this book, based on soooo many recommendations on this site. I've skimmed it a bit. I'm not sure what I think about the Personality, Soul, and Year card stuff...but I figure it might give some insight into ME...which what the book is intended to do. Plus that is one of the reasons I'm studying tarot.

I am working my way through Tarot for Your Self. I find it quite exhausting so I do one or two exercises at a time and then leave it for a few weeks. It's the only book that leaves me feeling exhausted, but it is forcing me to do exactly what I meant to do when I started learning about Tarot.

I've read that with psychoanalysis whenever a patient gets close to a subject that is very stressful to them, they tend to avoid; stop showing up, or change the subject during the discussion. Forcing myself to continue through this book feels like I'm fighting something inside myself.

I think it was not meant to be a reference book or something interesting to read like Pictures of the Heart or The Journey of the Hero, it is meant to stir things up inside you. It's like working out; it hurts while you are doing it and it hurts worse the next day, but in the long run you are better off for it.

Interestingly, I'm also working through Understanding the Court Cards another Mary Greer book, and although it is also made up of exercises, they don't have the same effect. I think it's because with this book you are learning new information, but in the other you are digging inside yourself.


I learnt so much about myself, life, the Universe, relationships etc. when I got that book all those years ago. The experience was invaluble, and now it's a bit dated, but the whole thing about it is that it is a personal journey of self discovery.

To all those who are working through it, enjoy :D


This is one of two books that I hope will be waiting for me when I move to my new house by the end of next week! I look forward to working on it.

I ordered this and the other book of Reversed Cards by the same author after reading the many pro's and con's and other people's thoughts and opinions of the workbook. This site is valuable to me and I am so glad to be here!

Good day to all!


I bought this book when I first started out using Tarot because everywhere I turned, people were going on and on about how good and helpful it was... Well, I think I did like the book at first, but I remember the exercises quickly bored me--some of them were just too complicated and mathematical for me. If this would have been my first book on Tarot ever, I would probably have stopped using it. So I wouldn't recommend this book to beginners at all.


Yes, I have found some of the exercises to long for me. I'm not the type to sit and meditate for a long time about something. A lot of her exercises seem to be just that...trying to get the human in the card to talk to you...jump into the scene with them. That really isn't my cup of tea. BUT I must say that some of the exercises are good. I've skimmed the book and I like the "affirmations for each card" given in the meanings section. Some of the spreads I find really interesting and some I find really complicated. And the whole section on permutations...um ?????
Overall I like the workbook idea, but I guess I think it's just too much. I'm not sorry I bought the book as I think later on I will get into some of the more detailed parts.