TAROT..good? bad? indifferent?


I have read a lot of posts about tarot cards just being paper and ink. I get that, I really do. It's what we do with them that counts and maybe that's why so many who don't know about tarot are afraid. It's not the cards they're afraid of, but the knowledge they think we have and what we do WITH the cards. The power they think we can invoke with them.

I mean something as benign as a pot can cook a meal or...be a weapon! :) So maybe it isn't surprising those who don't know about tarot can be spooked the same way they are re religions or cultures they don't understand.

So, is it our duty as readers to explain to those who question, or even scoff, how we personally use it? Or not?

After all, tarot is only as good, bad or indifferent as the person working with the cards....or not?



greatdane said:
So, is it our duty as readers to explain to those who question, or even scoff, how we personally use it? Or not?
Um ... our *duty* is to leave the world a little better - or at least not worse - than when we came into it. That's it.

As a reader, I would therefore take care to make sure that my readings don't incite global warfare or even local feuds.

Other than that, I have no duties as a reader.

As a *human being*, I sometimes choose to ignore people who badmouth Tarot, sometimes choose to try and educate them, occasionally choose to become combative with them. It goes on a case-by-case basis, depending on who they are and what they are saying. I certainly don't do any of those three things out of a sense of duty.


Just confirming....

So the only duty a reader has is to make the world a better, or at least, not worse place and not to incite local feuds or global warfare? Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that before.


Is it our duty? Well, if we don't then who will?

It all depends though on the other person.

I take my title of reader quite seriously. I may be the only reader these people ever see in real life so I conduct myself in the best way possible. I have an image of what a good reader is and I try my best to live up to that when I've got my reader's hat on, so to speak. If the other person is willing to have a conversation then so am I. If I change their mind, great! If I can get them to try to think for themselves instead of believing lies and rumors, even better! I think people can more easily believe what they've seen with their own eyes than what they've heard from someone else.

But I do look at that as more of a human thing than just a reader thing. :D


Thanks Sinduction

Since often the people we meet haven't been exposed to tarot before, and only know what the media feeds them, I think it can only help the tarot world by being a good representative. We all know that there are scam artists out there, they may be few and far between, but they are out there and I think that sticks more in the minds of people than all the good ones. Plus most people have no idea what tarot really IS.

Since I don't read professionally, and rarely read for others, it isn't that it comes up alot for me, but I have explained to some friends and family how I read and why I read. I am thinking of getting a TarotCrone tshirt though :). THAT would invite questions in my neighborhood....and at the dentist's office....


greatdane said:
So the only duty a reader has is to make the world a better, or at least, not worse place and not to incite local feuds or global warfare? Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that before.
No, that's the duty I have as a human being, not as a reader. It is a duty to all human beings, whether they realise it or not.


Hiya GD!

Like you, I read mostly for myself. I do read for friends and family when they ask, and I do read with other members of AT, but I'm not out there as a professional at this point. In my limited experience, I have been in the position to explain what the tarot means to me and why it's an important part of my life. I have at least a couple of friends who hang on to big misconceptions about what tarot is. For me, I can only tell them how I see it. They know me well enough to know that I would only engage in something that I saw as beneficial and enlightening. I suppose that through my own personal growth and development, they may see what positive benefits the tarot can have on someone's life.

Tarot is such a personal thing. Because it becomes such a big part of who we are, I would imagine that our best qualities are reflected in our work with the tarot. I'm referring to people like us who use tarot primarily for our own personal development. Maybe that is where our responsibility lies, in allowing the tarot to help us become our truest selves. Who we are and how we engage with the outside world is what matters.

Because I know you personally, and I know what a generous and thoughtful person you are, I would think that those you know, who are aware of your tarot reading, will assume it to be a positive addition to your life. You engage with the world in such a loving and kind way. In other words, the tarot will reflect back to the world what you put into it. You don't owe anyone an explanation. You only put good out into the world. This includes all that you glean from your study and meditations on the tarot.


If someone is afraid of the power of Tarot in my hands, then they have the same belief it is a tool as I do.
I do need to show them my use of the tool has not a wrong intention.
Is a duty? No.



The duty is to be yourself, and if part of being yourself is to explain, then do so, if not, then don't.

On a personal level, I add to that as best I can, 'do no harm' but I think it comes back to me first as a being and then I think it depends on the circumstances.

I also regard the bible, other books etc. as just paper and ink too. It's hermeneutics which guide us when we add our own personal meaning and interpretation on what those two things happen to form in any particular circumstance - and I find that interesting because it always differs from person to person, thing to thing.


Thanks for your thoughts

kakooii, Rosanne,JC and Nisaba.

kakooii, I think I was thinking more re professional readers or even just readers who read for others occasionally. I was wondering their thoughts re explaining, not in great detail, but basically about the cards to those they read to. It was nice reading your perspective.

Rosanne, Thanks for your thoughts as well. I was wondering if readers work to clear up misconceptions just because they themselves feel they should or feel it's a duty as a reader and I appreciate your opinion.

And JC :), yes, you and I approach tarot in much the same way and basically approach how and what we tell people about our reading the same. I agree with what you said re tarot being good, bad or indifferent and that was part of my original question. While it's just paper and ink, what and how we use it is what attributes it takes on and sends out into the world. So thanks for your words, J!

Nisaba, well, one can't argue with wanting to make the world a better place and whether we use tarot or any other way to put forth good, that seems that's all that matters! So thanks for sharing the basic thought of doing good.

Hope you all have a grand day!