
The book is on its way...

I've more or less completed work on the new (much less silly) book to go with the full deck. Just a few more hoops to jump through, it could well be available before Christmas. Such as it is.



Hi Freder,

I think your deck looks awesome and you are clearly a very creative person.

I was sad to read your (understandable) response to the news about the other circus decks being released.

Although I have no direct knowledge of card publishing, I have intimate knowledge of the publishing industry and this leads me to note a few things.

First, the publishing cycle tends to be much longer than anyone outside of the industry thinks. I suspect they had those decks in development before you approached them.

Second, if they say the resolution is too low, either it is or it isn't. You could simply send a full resolution file or inquire about their technical requirements. If there is a real issue, you can learn from it. If there isn't, you might still have a chance to get it published.

Third, if Circus decks become popular, perhaps all boats will rise. Many of us, if we like a theme, will get all the good decks of that type. This may actually lead you to greater success rather than less. People who have never heard of your deck or books are more likely to find out about you because a mainstream publisher has put out a circus themed deck, let alone two.

Fourth, if the two decks they have out do well, they might be interested in picking up a third. But this can only work if you keep a good relationship.

Being angry only hurts you and impacts your ability to be creative. If you let this stop you, you will just be stopped. This is only one of the many creative efforts you will put forth in a very creative life.

I hope you will continue to produce other interesting decks.


I've moved on and would appreciate it if this area of discussion didn't go any further. Thanks.


Companion Book now available!

Hi, all, the good news tonight is that the final and conclusive companion book for the deck -- THE MOSTLY SENSIBLE LITTLE BIG CIRCUS TAROT BOOK -- is published and now on sale.

It's available right now through the publisher; within three days it will be available from Amazon, B&N, Baker and Taylor and others, and shortly after that it will be available through your local independent bookseller.

I make no claims to it being a definitive text on the tarot or anything else. Most likely readers will find things to both agree and disagree with. What it is is simply the best I can do right now. Honestly -- I'm really glad it's done so that I can move on to other projects.

Here's the link to the deck's homepage: http://circustarot.blogspot.com -- you can find the book by clicking on the appropriate link in the sidebar.

Thanks to all who have expressed an interest in this. Thanks to all whose enthusiastic support has carried me through this great tarot journey.

My time with the Zirkus Mägi -- at least my active, creative time -- is now done.

Best wishes to all --



A Teasery Tease -- and a Newsy Note about the App

As I near the completion of my Oz Oracle deck (http://ozoracle.blogspot.com), I've already begun my next tarot project.

This will be a full tarot deck in the Marseilles style, not so much on a theme but based on a specific source, and unlike (I *think* and certainly *hope*) anything else out there. I hope to launch the site for it around the end of this month. Quite a lot of work has already been done on this project, so I expect it to be available sometime in the Spring. So consider this a tease. Not sure if I should continue posting about it here or start a new thread.

Just to keep this on-topic: Good news for owners of the app version of TAROT OF THE ZIRKUS MÄGI: The Fool's Dog has just today updated it with the complete text from the new book, including expanded card meanings. This is a free update if you already own the app, and for new buyers it won't affect the sale price in any way. For iOS users, you can update through iTunes. I'm not sure how the Android version works, but I assume it's pretty similar.

I'll add here that I have under 235 copies remaining of TAROT OF THE ZIRKUS MÄGI, and they are going slowly but steadily. Don't wait for a sale because there isn't going to be one: if I were to discount it at all, this would be unfair to the people who have supported me and the effort so far. In fact, when I get down to around the 75 copy level, the price is going to start to go up.

Many thanks to everyone for your kind words and support!



I certainly look forward to seeing your Marseille creation!


oooh! i look forward to it as well!


Me, too. And your oracle looks fabulous too. When will that one be out please?

I still want a spare copy of the Zirkus but funds are non-existing right now. :(


Oz oracle should be out in the first part of February -- fingers crossed. Thanks for asking! I hope to be finishing it in the next eight or ten days, but then there's a delay for the proofing process, etc.



Hi Freder, I see that iTunes just sent the download of the book to add to the app (I own a copy of the physical deck as well). so looking forward to reading it. The OZ oracle is great too!