
A very well deserved award Freder, big congratulations to you! Zircus Magi is my favourite go-to deck which consistently gives brilliant readings, so I'm glad that others feel the same way about it.


Good, Freder, and deserved recognition.


Excellent news!


New Addition to the Zirkus Family

I've been thinking about the future of this deck beyond the first edition -- in the sense that I want it to HAVE a future.

Since the Big-Time deck publishers haven't exactly been knocking down my door to do a mass-market version of the deck, I've started looking in other directions.

... combine this with a bunch of other ideas tumbling around in my head, and what did I get? A Whole "New" Product: "Zircus brand Fortune Telling Playing Cards."

Think of the famous "Gypsy Witch" deck, but much better designed and derived from Tarot instead of Lenormand: A regular 52-card playing deck with images and meanings from the Zirkus Mägi printed on each card.

I'm doing this because it kills at least a couple of birds with one stone: I get to test a couple of different printers to see if they are up to handling the Zirkus images to my satisfaction, as a kind of "audition" for carrying on the full tarot deck, AND I get to see if there's any kind of market out there for this other kind of a deck (because I have several other ideas for more: I think of it as a kind of "Gateway Drug" for Tarot! :) ).

The design work is all done, the proofs have been ordered up, and now I'm just waiting to see how two different printers handle the finished product.

A sneak peak at the look of the new playing card deck is at the Zirkus website, http://circustarot.blogspot.com (click the link in the sidebar).

-- and We Shall See What Happens. I still can't promise a second edition of the full deck, but I'm working on it...

Thanks, all --
