temperance as communication


i've been getting this card since spring this year as advice in matters of communication. i've been trying to make sense of it and looked at the card from all possible angles but i can't translate it into any practical form of communication.

it's about mixing opposites, usually things that don't mix by nature. it's creating something new. it's also the card of alchemy and the fulfilment of the lovers etc. etc., but how do you actually communicate temperance-style?

i'm also wondering whether it might be related to justice, which has also been cropping up pretty often. i think there might be a link because justice also has two cups in a way, the two scales. but whereas i see justice more as verbal communication (if at all) because of the sword, temperance seems to be something different.

can anyone help please?


Negotiation? Mediation...maybe?


Perhaps, you usually have different opinion on things, and the card suggests you should not focus too much on your own opinion. Or as GeorgiePorgie said, be mediation, and.... don't judge too often??


Temperance can appear when what's needed is: patience & TACT in handling situations.

I have also noted that under this influence you may need to be patient in the sense that you restrain yourself, so that you can ultimately act with timing & precision .. as precise timing* may determine your success.

So this last may somehow tie-in with what others have suggested re: negotiations &/or mediation.


How about from the perspective of balance? Walking the middle path ........ so communicating not from one side or the other ..... but from the middle ....... a position of compromise which has been achieved by blending both sides?


jenessa said:
Temperance can appear when what's needed is: patience & TACT in handling situations.

I have also noted that under this influence you may need to be patient in the sense that you restrain yourself, so that you can ultimately act with timing & precision .. as precise timing* may determine your success.
yes, i think that might be it. i got a very strong sense of timing. it also ties in with balance/ justice. i had a feeling that it might mean to stand back and observe the situation before making any pronouncements. i think not focusing too much on myself is also part of it. to be centred but not self-centred.

but how does one know when the time is right? i don't want to miss it.


try other versions

Have you considered that Temperance is one of the original 7 virtues? (Justice, Strength, and The High Priestess - use to be known as Prudence - are the other 3 in the MA) Try looking at different versions of this card in other decks. For example in the BOTA version she's holding a pitcher of water very similar to the Star card and a torch, like in some versions of the Devil card.
By the way, are you a 'fence sitter', or very opinionated? What about the other cards in the spread? Remember that spreads are read as short stories, and although there can be the same character in many different stories, the plot can change - i.e. the other cards.


Clou said:
Have you considered that Temperance is one of the original 7 virtues? (Justice, Strength, and The High Priestess - use to be known as Prudence - are the other 3 in the MA)
that's interesting, thanks. i've never thought of it before. prudence, the thoth 8 of pentacles, is another card that appears often.

yes, i suppose i'm a fence sitter in some respects - in good libran fashion. i've never associated that with temperance. might she be related to the devil then? i remember in one spread she was preceded by the devil.


Just saw this thread and Temperance (or Balance) seems to show up for me quite a bit as well. Temperance is all about harmony, handling any situation with grace and care. True for me about certain issues.

What helped me really get a grasp on the meaning of Temperance is that it is the opposite of The Devil. Whereas The Devil is a bold, brash type that overreacts and clutches onto anything remotely pleasureable....Temperance uses reason, kindness, and thought before dealing with others, and uses moderation in all things. She's a lovely card.

For me, Temperance has meant that I have to put myself in other's shoes and see things from their standpoint. That too is what she is about. Getting along and even making some sacrifices to keep peace. It's not an easy thing to do, but this card usually carries a strong message that a person needs to slow down and tread lightly.


The definition of temperance can't be forgotten: "Moderation and self-restraint, as in behavior or expression." " habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions"

Holding oneself in check, being careful not to rush ahead impetuously, not speaking impulsively, considering carefully, being tactful and thoughtful of the other person. Those are all what temperance means.