
As someone who is fairly new and has enjoyed learning from this forum enormously (and more recently Reading Exchange) i have noticed a slip in the quality of feedback more recently and also that people seem to be asking the same question over and over again. I know this is probably something that can't be regulated but it is something I have noticed more profoundly in the last few weeks. And yes, feedback is courteous as well as crucial on a learning site and I have been missed in feedback as well and that can be disappointing.


I do not regularly post in this forum.

Yet, when I visited here recently, the first thing I did was to stop and read the rules of the forum.

It was clear to me from reading them that feedback was expected for every person that replied to my reading.

I don't know how much more clear they can make it. They also state that "Thank you" is not considered feedback. They are also very clear about time limits with regard to feedback. One is expected to leave feedback in a very timely manner after receiving a post in one's thread.

I am just posting what I observed here that is applied in practice. As it stands.. there's obvious frustration over the method of feedback or lack there of.. and I proposed a solution. That's all. A big bold sticky with a message that says "Please don't forget to leave a feedback for those who help" or that sort of thing might help.. signs do wonders. It works in many work places as a reminder for others and something you really can't miss.

I leave a detailed feedback for everyone that either reads for me or interprets on my thread. I might have missed a couple.. not intentionally but due to oversight. I tend to read the rules and try to follow it best as I can.. but not everyone does. And if feedback is so important to people.. then I think it should be emphasized in someway. Not be lost in a list of rules that most probably won't even read or will barely skim over.

But I am not speaking for people who doesn't leave a feedback deliberately. I am speaking for people who are still learning their way around the forum and learning how the community works in practice.


This thread is sort of acting like a sticky. :D

In a way. At least people are talking about it. :)


My view as a Your Readings moderator

Could I just say that in Your Readings feedback is definitely required and if you answer a thread here and do not get feedback for the reading you've given it's quite OK to contact Alta and myself and we will follow it up for you and ensure that the thread starter returns to the thread and leaves feedback?

We regularly contact people who have not left feedback in their threads and if someone repeatedly does this we lock any further threads posted by them until feedback is left.

Continued posting of threads with no feedback is considered an abuse of Your Readings and of ATF members and could result in a ban from Your Readings.

Sulis - Your Readings co-moderator


As to it not being in the rules, I just read the rules the other day and it's been put in there for sure. I don't think we used to have the rule, but recently someone did some updating and added it, I think. I'm in agreement with it. It's the least a person can do in response to what's actually a free reading, in my opinion. It's a let-down when you put in your time to try to help with an exchange and then you just get "thanks, good reading, I appreciate" it or even less.
I am (not) sorry to say that I have recently taken to reporting "thank you" as "feedback"....

what I meant is: Someone who posts in Your Readings and is just looking for someone to agree with their assesment of the cards, or what they want to believe is true. They want the answer THEY want, and don't really care if the Tarot agrees. So they ignore the feedback of everyone until someone agrees with what they wanted to hear, or with what they wanted the cards to mean. Or, they will just say "oh that is an interesting answer, thanks" until one person agrees that some positive cards CAN be the negative answer they really WANTED! ;p And then they go crazy with the feedback! lol!

Cause all they REALLY wanted...was for someone to agree with what they personally wanted to hear. And not to agree with the cards, obvious though they may be. :)
Absolutely !

Your perspective as a newbie to this forum is valuable. I disagree with the above quote, however. Many people here and in the sister sub-forum, Reading Exchanges, know quite well about the rules because they haunt these two sub-forums trying to squeeze out as many free readings (often on the same subject/question, over and over) as they hope they can get away with.
YES - especially on the repeat questions. (mind you there are a couple of serial efforts going on right now where full feedback IS being given, but than a different version of the question is being asked - quite obviously in the hopes of getting a different answer. That isn't disrespectful to members, but it is disrespectful to yourself, I think ! adn very sad.

This feedback issue has been an issue for years and that speaks for itself, that basically nothing much can be done about "making" people "obey" the rules.

Personally speaking I do generally receive "feedback" but there are many "thank you" onlys mixed in there, and now and again I receive "bad" feedback, people complaining, being rude or just being plain as*wipes. Of course there are some who ignore my interps because they obviously didn't like what I said, and a few who disagree venomously because "it doesn't fit what they think of themselves".

For people to think about before they s*** on me and some others, you guys selected your own cards.

Now I keep a blacklist of ill performing members.
*cough* Me too !

There used to be someone in Your Readings who would post wanting help and then no matter what others would interpret, they'd argue with it every time. lol Now, that's not feedback, that's just contrariness. I finally quit posting on their threads. They got downright indignant---after asking for the help they got!
I remember her.... })

It IS in the rules - and I quite often post a link to the rules when I get pissed off; I think if more people actually reported totally crap feedback, the people dropping by in hope of freebies might slow down some. There were a few threads recently which mods (who do a fine job but policing is a thankless task...) actually closed after feedback had been asked for and not given... It even happens in circles at times (offenders are banned, when I host }))


Just chiming in to quietly agree. Sulis and I do get swamped with the volume, and are quite happy to follow-up if we miss something (& we do) and one of you sends a PM.



This particular forum is more set up with a base of "helping the person who started the thread to understand their cards" more than "helping the people who provide interpretations".

Actually, based on my observations, the forum is most targeted at helping all of the third-party people sitting at their computers reading all the responses in a thread.

It is true that many of us in this thread have focused on the time and effort the interpreters have expended and the lack of manners and consideration of the Original Posters who ignore that effort. However, the greater harm of shoddy feedback is in fact not to the Good Samaritan interpreter who feels they wasted their effort but, rather, to all the forum members reading the thread who are cheated out of putting these card/reading interpretations into an informed context, such that they can learn.

If OP write, "oh, I can see what you mean, thank you!!," everyone reading has been cheated out of connecting the cards to real situations, as when the conscientious OP comes back and says, "Ah, yes, you're right about that reversed Queen of Pentacles; I'm a terrible manager of funds and I spend money like water."

This is perhaps why I've participated on and have done more involvement on the Reading Exchange forum instead. There, I can set my own guidelines from the beginning. With this set up, there is bound to be more conflicts.

! Nothing could be further from my own experience. I was never a frequent user of the Exchange, but I gave it up for a lost cause after several nasty experiences. That place is crawling with repeat free-readings trawlers and ill-mannered louts. Because of the stipulation that the OP (i.e. oneself) must first read for the other, it often happens that the OP puts effort and thought into his or her reading whilst the respondent either reciprocates with a two-sentence, book-generated response or blithely ignores the OP's explicit requests in the opening post for "detailed, thoughtful feedback that addresses each card I analyzed in your reading."

The excellent mods have got rid of repeat offenders and are very keen to keep the forum clean, but there's only so much they can do. I ignore that Forum, myself. Because I am not as interested in readings as in study, I don't come by Your Readings often, but I would do so even less if not for the strong, consistent presence of conscientious community members that helps set the tone for other posters and for newbies for who show promise of being conscientious (such as poppierossi, perhaps); their community spirit is infectious to those other posters *who care* and it helps keep YR afloat where the Exchange often sinks.

I find this community to be very helpful and everyone I have come across so far have been very generous with him or herself. Anyways I hope to continue to partake and give as well.

Your conscientious feedback as an OP and your generous interpretations of other people's readings will help hundreds, perhaps thousands, of readers out there. May other posters follow suit.

This thread is sort of acting like a sticky. :D

In a way. At least people are talking about it. :)

They could make this actual thread a real sticky. Confrontation sometimes speaks more clearly to a certain type of "gimme gimme" personality where polite, gentle reminders often roll off their backs.

I am (not) sorry to say that I have recently taken to reporting "thank you" as "feedback"....

And that's just what others should do. The community should tend its own, not rely on the overtaxed mods to swoop in. And indeed, I've seen many posters step in before a mod has a chance to do so.


I've only used the reading threads areas for a few months but its clearly written about feedback and the moderators will come in if you don't leave full feedback. gentle persuasion I think is the answer!

If someone has taken the time and energy to do some sort of divination method for me I feel its personally important to leave good and full feedback. Where does what they say fit and what doesn't make sense at all? I suspect the people who don't just want a freebie reading.

I've also stopped responding to threads when the person is argumentative :D these forums are about learning and whilst people have all kinds of different views and directions of a spread, bending it just to suit what you want to happen doesn't really seem ethical :)


This happens in reading exchange occasionally too - often with people who ask the same question repeatedly in a lot of threads.

I still offer readings though, because I love it when someone finds them useful and helpful :)


! Nothing could be further from my own experience. I was never a frequent user of the Exchange, but I gave it up for a lost cause after several nasty experiences. That place is crawling with repeat free-readings trawlers and ill-mannered louts. Because of the stipulation that the OP (i.e. oneself) must first read for the other, it often happens that the OP puts effort and thought into his or her reading whilst the respondent either reciprocates with a two-sentence, book-generated response or blithely ignores the OP's explicit requests in the opening post for "detailed, thoughtful feedback that addresses each card I analyzed in your reading."

I agree with this, but I do think that most people in Reading Exchange do give good feedback and are very grateful. I think the problem is that there are a small core of repeat offenders who seem to repeatedly ask the same/very similar questions on threads offering readings and give little to no feedback.

I actually don't mind if the reading is on something that's in the future and they give me feedback after the event, but I think often they just forget and you get nothing.