The Bohemian Gothic Tarot


KofSwords -- hmmm ... wouldn't this work better as a Knight??

I don't mind the covered face - it's the idea and not the expression anyway. If we rely on facial expressions for our interpretations in readings then we may not get the variety needed.



Little Baron said:
Not so sure about the king, in the fact that he is covered up. I have been using the Gilded this afternoon and one of my gripes with that is that I can't see any of the knights - just their armour. Is there a reason for it in this case, Karen?


Yes, we want him to feel closed off, inapproachable, hard - and, as this is Gothic, I also want the viewer to have to ask themselves if there is in fact a person in there at all. If you pulled open that visor - what would you see?


Skydancer said:
KofSwords -- hmmm ... wouldn't this work better as a Knight??

I don't mind the covered face - it's the idea and not the expression anyway. If we rely on facial expressions for our interpretations in readings then we may not get the variety needed.


No, he wears a crown - and he is the one armoured King of the Deck (as in fact the Queen of Swords was the one armoured queen of the Victorian Romantic). You know, to me Swords is very "metallic" in a sense - hard, glittery, a shell that it's difficult to get behind.


not to sure what to make of him he looks very static probabely tha fact that he has no face or more important no eyes to gaze in


la-luna said:
not to sure what to make of him he looks very static probabely tha fact that he has no face or more important no eyes to gaze in

Yes, and that's what we wanted. He is in stark contrast to many of the other much more flowing figures - he is stiff, rigid, and unshifting in his opinion. Difficult - and daunting I hope.


Maybe that's what's missing - the eyes. And yes, static.

I get the idea though. But it does seem ... yeah, static.

[edited: oh, okay. Now I get what you were after!]


This deck looks like it will manipulate the mind quite nicely. I think I could see myself using it for looking past what is being presented, to what may be alterior motives. (not just for this obviously, but it could go to move the veils to see behind the facade).

I understand your view points on all the cards to date, and I have to say, it is making me question my own views on diversity with the cards which have overt cross dressing / drag queen overtones. They too have made me feel a little uncomfortable which is no bad thing if it makes me ask the question "why". How these would relate in a reading will be interesting indeed.

Queen of cups is looking particularly good though!! And I am not forgetting this will be highlighted in silver for the special edition. Already that is getting me salivating.



Silver special edition?? Wow - missed that ~

More intrigued all the time...


Yes, with silver ink overlays and - we hope - a silk bag. But we are still organising the bag so that's not certain.

We're very pleased with the deck so far, but I do think it will be seriously atmospheric (am I trying not to say "creepy"?) in use. I've decided that I am chickening out of showing the Death card for now - some of the cards are quite demanding.

Pagan X

Hmph! Having been mistaken as male when my hair has been cut short, I must speak up on behalf of women with prominant features (and unplucked eyebrows) everywhere.

One of the wonderful things about using historic photographs is that it gets away from following the current stereotypes of beauty, both feminine and masculine, and from the results of current beautifying procedures and makeup.