The Cat Caught on Fire!


A mosquito, reincarnated as a cat?

What a funny (and painful, for the cat) thing to happen!

Cats often rub against me - whether I am reading tarot or no - but I've not seen one try and impale itself on a lit candle before.


Well, the cat was pure white. And very fluffy.

It was a male cat, and I was reading with the Wheel of Change Tarot.

I was talking about a court card and I was in the kitchen of the establishment.

Elvis was presiding over the reading. He was in his white leather suit, atop the fridge, in bust form, and in full, living color. He was off to my right, and a little behind me. Let us just say, Elvis had my back.

Behind me to the left was a rather large aquarium containing a very very large turtle. And the turtle would get to swishing around in there and flipping over a large skull that decorated his pond. He seemed to be watching me, and later they told me they feed him chicken and all sorts of things. Hmmm.

So the readings were being punctuated by flames and turtle antics.

As for the offending cat, he was ok.
The sitter I was with went off straight away to find the hostess who was also her sister. I asked her to do this because I was concerned about the dear tabby.

And the flame was very high and very bright. It went right up the cat's side and was sparkly to boot, because lots of the fluffy longer hairs were going up in flames.

The cat was fine, and he avoided me and the kitchen for the rest of the night.

One of the theories I came up with was that the ghost of the house lured him up there in an attempt to get rid of him. Reportedly, the place was haunted.


Cats can see energy. I remember some years ago, I was giving a friend some healing and her cat came and tried to "catch" the energy coming out my hands, as she would if it had been a piece of string.

When I was doing my "developing intution" course, we held some of the weekends in someone's house. She had a cat which kept on coming into the room, apparently attracted by the energy. And on one occasion the cat jumped up on the table and walked through the candle flame, leaving the room smelling of scorched fur. After that, he got shut in the kitchen.

I think we need to remember that cats can see stuff that we can't and they need to be kept out of the way when we're dealing with energies if we don't want them making a nuisance of themselves (and possibly setting the house on fire!).


Apollonia said:
Or the cat is a performance artist.

Like many cats, this one craves attention - and knows how to get it!


A haunted place, cats on fire...really, i wish my reading were that fun :D :D :D

Maybe it thought it was a Circus felines thta jump through the burning circle. You know, my dog thinks she's human, or a very big, powerful dog (she's a yorkshire terrier!) day she went and bothered a much bigger dog (a pitbull) and almost ended up in it's stomach. And she treats me and my sister as if we were just like her...or inferior. She only obbeys my mother and my father.

I tell you, you have some crazy animals out there o_O



baba-prague said:
Like many cats, this one craves attention - and knows how to get it!

I agree....I almost posted right after Elf....but I didn't want her to take it the wrong way....

The cat was originally looking for all cats do when "they" feel the need....the rubbing on the leg didn't get what the cat as bold as a cat is.....the cat decided to jump on the table to get what it wanted ...."Now"....type got what it wanted alright....most certainly "attention"....but kinda like a kid that does something wrong to get attention.....this was one hell of a big "boo boo" ! Hope the poor thing is ok now....and hope that Elf and her querant have managed to settle their nerves by now....I know I would have been frazzled for quite some time after something like that.


Too Funny (sorry I love my cats) but this is both spooky and hillarious.

Thanks for sharing. Don't tell me, the sitter wanted to know about a health problem :)


Poor pussy cat, it was obviously feeling neglected ...... although I had to chuckle when I first read it Elf!


How was the reading Elf ? That is just too funy..after the fact of course..and that the cat suffered no damage except for a singe..that tells you something too !

The turtle, the cat, and the candle !
Sounds something like that old movie.


I was reading at this home that night as well (thanks to elf). I was in the living room and I guess I was so focused on my readings that I didn't hear the commotion. I did hear something about one of the cats on fire, but I thought they were joking ..... however, my last reading was for the host (who was a VERY jovial spirit) with the hostess by his side, and seemed VERY agitated .... now I know why.

By the way, elf, I was there for about another hour after you left. The host filled me in on the paranormal activity of that place. It wouldn't surprise me if that had something to do with the Combustible Kitty ..... not sure how your readings went, but I had the most intense readings ever in a house party setting. I was so drained from the experience that it took me a couple of days to recover.
