the course in miracles workbook lessons 1-60


the course in miracles workbook lessons ten

"my thoughts do not mean anything"
"this idea will help to release me form all that i now believe"

again this is a slightly differnt take on a previous lesson,,
instead of these thougths we are focusing on your thoughts and for me,, my own thoughts.

and so
my thoughts about god do not mean anything
my thoughts about the light do not mean anything
my thoughts about the past do not mean anything
my thoughts about society do not mean anything
my thoughts about bush do not mean anything
my thoughts about tsumi do not mean anything
my thoughts about jesus do not mean anything
my thoughts about the churc do not mean anything
my thoughts about buddha do not mean anything
my thoughts about the tarot do not mean anything.

this idea will help to release me from all that i now believe.


a course in miracles workbook lesson 11

"my meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world"

the book says this is the first idea we have had that is related to a major phrase of the correction process which is the reversal of the thinking of the world.
it seems as if the world determines what you percieve. yet today idea introduces the concept that your thoughts determine the world you see.
the key to forgiviness lies in this in its initial form for in this idea is your release made sure, be happy"

as your thoughts do not mean anything and you do not see nothing as it is now for you see only the past..

therefore your meaningless thoughts are showing you a meaningless world.
the book says look at everything without any exceptions and apply this when you can.

so as you look at your foot think about that, or your tarot cards, your movies, your family, your community.

I am not sure if it can be applied if you as ..
my meaningless thoughts about god are showing me a meaningless world.
my meaningless thoughts about death are showing me a meaningless world.
my meaningless thoughts about politics are showing me a meaningless world.

what I would do is switch them off by looking all over and saying my meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world..
and once in a while take a break,,
then come back or mediate on anything that comes to mind.


a course in miracles workbook lesson 12

"I am upset because I see a meaningless world:

"I think I see a fearworld
but i am upset because i see a meaninglessworld

and in this application use both good and bad terms as their quality does not matter

"I think I see a fearful world, a dangerous world, a hostile world a sad world, a wicked world, a crazy world, "
but i am upset because i see a meaningless world"

"I think i see a good world, a satisfying world, a loving world, a peaceful world, an accepting world, a beautiful world"
but i am upset because i see a meaningless world"

for me before i use the examples of the book the reason why a good world is a meaningless world is because in our current state of mind which isnt trained yet to recieved the creator presence..
we do not know what good is,, just by our past experiences.
we do not know what peace is,, just by what we think it is.
we do not know what accepting is,, just what the books tell us tiis
we do not see what beauty truly is,, how we can see a beautiful world.

but the book uses this example.
a good world implies a bad one,
a satsifying world implies an unsatisfying world
a loving world implies an world of hate
a peaceful world implies a word of conflict
a beautiful world implies a world of uglyiness.

I know this brings up feelings of discomfort, of unbelief, yet stick with us til lesson 30 and you will begin to understand why we have to let go of what we currently believe in order to accept that which shall come after.



I've been reading the posts, and I have to say that I find it the most depressing stuff I've ever heard.

I also feel strongly that it is a real distortion of both Buddha's and Jesus's teachings.

In Zen poetry, the particular uniqueness of each thing is noticed and praised.

I understand the mu lesson -- that we keep saying "it's not this, it's not this, it's not that, etc." until we experience what can not be grasped intellectually.

The search for meaning is a basic human drive -- it sounds like a formula for depression to tell people that there is no meaning in anything, that people who love you are not special. I think it is a strange way to try to get to universal consciousness, if that's what you're trying to do.

Here's my course in miracles: The universe is sacred. Everything, every single thing, is important. Attention. Attention. Attention.


HOLMES said:
I know this brings up feelings of discomfort, of unbelief, yet stick with us til lesson 30 and you will begin to understand why we have to let go of what we currently believe in order to accept that which shall come after.

red maple I hear you for as i did them,, i felt that discomfort
I have started this,, and had to restart it for I stopped doing it,, yet the messages that come afterwards.. truly gives hope and brings light into the mind.

"The universe is sacred. Everything, every single thing, is important"
that is all true..
for all is loved in the eyes of the creator.

i did a workshop called flying on your own, and kinew training.
in the workshop they spend 2 and half days bring us down,, helping us to realize what we are thinking by their excerises. then afterwards they build us up.
it is true in many differnt spiritual training..
the master of zen tells his student to let go of his attachments to the world
both buddha and jesus as the masters as well
and that is the importance of it as it as well that is let go..
that is all I can say until we get to lesson 30.


a course in miracles workbook lesson 12

"a meaningless world engenders fear"

"I am looking at a meaningless world"

"a meaningless world engenders fear because I think I am in competition with the creator"

the book states this idea is really another form of the preceding one.
this is more specific to emotion however.
and a meaningless world is impossible for nothing without meaning exists.

it doens't mean that you will not think you percieve that which has no meaning for you are likely to think you do percieve something that has no meaning.

this idea brings up anxiety in all the ones who are seperated for it is a situation where the creator and the ego challenge each other.
the challenge lies in the empty space of where meaningless exist, that conflict is whose meaning is to be written there.
the creator meaning or the ego menaing.

the void is used to demonstrated the ego impotence and unreality as the ego rushes to frantically est ablish its own ideas in the meaningless void where the ego seesk to put meaning.
in the idea that the ego is impotent it is correct.

you learn to see the meaningless and accept it without fear for to fear the meaingless is give the world attrbutes it does not posses.
and also give it images that do not exist.

to the ego, illusions are safety as they are to you when you equate yourself with the ego.

as resistance to the phrase
"a meaningless world engenders fear because i think i am in competition with the creator"
comes up . realize that you are afraid of the vengence of the enemy.
for the ego sees the creator as an enemy.
and remember the creator sees not the ego..
so how can it see the ego as an enemy.
hence only the ego is parnoid.

this is the first attempt at stating explicit cause and effect relationship
which we are inexperienced in seeing but as we go through this workbook we will begin to understand how it builds on simple concepts but resistant to us due to our egos.


a course in miracles workbook lesson 13

"god did not create a meaningless world"

"god did not create that war, and so it is not real"
"god did not create that disaster(specifiy), and so it is not real"

conclude this with
"god did not create a meaningless world"

as you do this be very specific in applying this idea
"god did not create a meaningless world, he did not create the anger
and so it is not real"

as the creator be it god, allah, great spirit, buddha, or jesus as you call it.
the creator did not create a meaningless world and that is why a meaningless world is impossible.
for what the creator did not create does not exist, that which it did create,, it exists as it was created.
the world you see therefore is of your own making, has nothing to do with reality and does not exist.

let go of the thoughts you have written on the world, and see the word of the creator in its place. the early steps which can be called salvation in that sense can be painful and difficult and some of them will lead you direclty into fear yet you will not left in fear but move far beyond it.
for our direction together is towards perfect safety and peace.

this we can see now why our meaningless thoughts were showing us a meaningless world for we were not seeing reality as it is,.
we are not seeing the world that creator created and everything as it is.

and so to correct this,, we see now that the creator did not create a meangingless world and so how can we see it?
the world of war, the creator did not create it,
the world of abuse, the creator did not create it
the world of poltics, the creator did not create it
the world of religion, the creator did not create it.
his messengers were told to spread this news,, and they interprated it as they saw fit,,
hence this term,,
the creator did not create a meaninglessworld was corrupted by some to mean that the creator shall judge those who create such a world,
and forgot the message of love in that message.


a course in miracles workbook, lesson 15

"my thoughts are images that i have made"

"this arm is an image i have made"
"this god is an image i have made"
for god of judgement, god of attack, god of wisdom,,
even god of love for while the creator is pure love, it is on a magnitute we can not understand
"this devil is an image i have made"
"this tarot card is an image i have made"
how can that be when somoene else made it?
we do not see the tarot card as it is,, just what we want to see in it.

so if the creator did not create a meaningless world, who did,
we did and so the thoughts are images we have made.
and because they appear as images we do not see them as nothing as we think we see them and so it is.
the functiong given to your body eyes was not to see but to for image making.
so your body eyes takes the place of seeing
and it replaces your vision with illusions.

the light you see around the same familiar objects is the begining of real vision,
do not be afraid of them or the light episodes you will may have.
these light epiosodes may take many forms and be unexpected
yet bbe not afrid of them as they are signs that your eyes are opening up as last.
the light episodes symoblize true percetpions and they are not related to knowledge so will not reveal knowledge to you but will prepare the way for you.

I think these light episodes involves seeing things in the area of light, and colour such as true auric sight.
and so be not afraid of them but welcome them with open arms.


a course in miracles workbook lesson 16

"I have no neutral thoughts"

"this thought about (insert object, ideal, and so forth) is not a nuetral thought"

and to apply it
"this thought about blank is not a neutral thought because I have no neutral thoughts"

this is the beginning step in realizing that your thoughts have effect on the world, by dispelling the belief that your thoughts have no effect.
everything you see is is the result of your thoughts.
and there is no exception to this fact.

now i will step away from the book and examine an idea.

how many times have we wished bad upon a person and they got into an accident, perhpas died.?
and then we feel guilty, so guilty.
then our friends tell us "can you move stuff with your mind? (i did once but that is besides the point ) are you god? do you have powers?
then when you inevitably say no
then they say stop your guilt trip".
it is not like we stopped their hearts from beating with our minds..
or destroyed their minds with our psychic blast,

yet is it possible that we cursed them with our mind and they not realizing what we did could't protect themselves for they didnt' have the white light up,, or think postive?.

for this to be true, all negative thoughts, fanasties, moments of anger must have affect.
and all postive thoughts, visulations, moments of love must have effect as well.
so be not mindful of what you say,, but be vigiliant of what you think before you say it.
I am sure this will be examined as we go along.
let us get back to the book.

thoughts are not big, little powerful or weak, they are merely true or fals,
those that are true create their own likness, and those that are false make theirs.
there are no idle thougths, for every thought you have contributes to truth or illusion, either it extends the truth or it mulitples the illusions.

accept that your thoughts are never ideal or neutral and savation requires that every thougth you have contributes to the peace or to the war, to either love or fear.
you may dismiss fear thoughts as unimportant yet it is essential you seem them as equally destructive and equally unreal.

and here is where the guilt doenst' exist ..
for what you contribute to as destructive ,, is not real,
and so when you think in terms of love,, it is always real.


a course in miracles worbook lesson 17

"I see no neutral things"
"I see no neutral things because i have no neutral thougths"

and as you look around notice this
"I do not see a neutral computer, because my thoughts about computers is not neutral"
"i do not see a neutral creator, because my thoughts about the creator is not neutral"
I do not see a neutral tarot, becuase my thoughts about the tarot is not neutral"
I do not see a neutral bible, because my thoughts about the bible is not neutral"
I do not see a neutral american idol, because my thoughts about the american idol are not neutral
I do not see a neutral brother, because my thoughts about the brotherhood are not neutral.

these ideas are but another step in the direction of indentifying cause and effect as it really operates in the world.
you can not see truly no neutral things as you have no neutral thoughts
you may think that you thoughts come last as a reflection of what is going on in the world, but it is the other way around, your thoughts come first.

you think this way not the world, as if it were not so, perceptions would have no cause and would be the cause of relaity.
yet your perceptions are not the cause of reality but your thoughts that cause the perceptions.