The Knight Swords reversed


Hi, There has been a bit of talk about reversed cards , one has been haunting me in my readings Knight of swords reversed ,i have an inkling i know who this is -someone in a relationship (not with Me) what do you make of its repeated appearance??


The Knight of Swords is doing the Conquering Hero Thing: Rescuing Damsels in Distress even if they don't want it, Helping Little Old Ladies across the road even if they want to be on this side.

If he reverses, he becomes my ex-stepson: the young man whose role-models are men of violence, who think it is "manly" to fight instead of to make peace, who think being feared is the same as being respected. Erk.


Thanks nisaba, still not sure what to make of this one-think trouble is brewing hubble bubble...


I wouldn't quite be telling his partner to move out, but I *certainly* wouldn't be spending too much time in his company, and I'd let her know quietly that any time she want's you'll listen to her talk, or offer her a bed for the night. (that is, if you're willing to do that).


There are so many ways to read Knight Swords and then comes reversals... I can never decide if what it does is focus on the negative qualities of the upright card or cancel them out.

Upright I think of him as brash and bold and fearlessly charging into action, with no thought of the consequences. So if he's in a downward swing, he might not be able to move freely, feel constricted, may not be able to take any sort of action because he is stuck by what could happen. He might think before he acts, but more than likely will just react, like a tornado... leaving a swath of destruction behind. Like getting mad, a devastating argument and rushing out of there.

Mostly I think it has to do with mental attitudes, usually for the positive, but now could be focusing on what's wrong and hell bent on using what ever means to attack what he perceives as blocking him.


I often see the Knight of Swords, rx, as someone with a chip on his shoulders who tilts at windmills--trying to right the wrongs of the world without really understanding what the wrongs are. :p As an aspect of personality, sometimes I think this is the inability to stay the course long enough to make a difference (as in jumping from problem to problem before rectifying the last one.)

The fact that this card is following you around, to me, suggests that you haven't sufficiently dealt with whatever it is he is trying to "show" you. If it is a person, then this guy is in your sphere constantly stirring something up (emotions? conflicts? ideas?) If it's an aspect of personality, maybe it's here to remind you to tie up some loose ends that haven't been sufficiently closed out for you.


It could also represent someone who is not in a hurry. When he is upright, he is rushing to get to his destination; he appears to be the quickest of the knights to bring the meaning of the surrounding cards to fruition - he carries the action forward quickly. But when he is rx, it feels like one is at a standstill; going fast until one is "stopped in one's tracks".


Hi, Thanks for the replies, think there might be more to the saga than meets the eye- He has asked me if i am happy-now that could just be a general question as ive made some changes in my life,but i think its odd??


Suit also important

I think we have to be clear on "Knights" vs. "Knight/Swords." Knights, in general, are as nisaba said, young men on quests with the best of intentions and the noblest actions, though even upright, their youth can make them focused so much on those intentions that they charge ahead without considering the consequences. Like Starry's mention of tilting at Windmills. Keep that in mind, too. Whatever their age, they are thinking and acting more like teenagers than adults. Which is why, when reversed, they all have chips on their shoulders ;) However, we also need to be clear of the suit, as it tells us more about our knight's individual personality, what they'll tilt at and how they'll go wrong when reversed.

Knight/Swords is in that "intellectual" suit, and so even upright he's going to be less about those emotional and passionate pursuits that we attribute to the Camelot sort of knight. Less interested than the Knight/Cup at winning a fair maid's favor or being selfless and kind to the weak, less interested than the Knight/Wands with being the grand hero, winning tournaments or performing dramatic gestures, less interested than the Knight/Pents at getting that treasure back to the villagers from the dragon or like Percival, doggedly pursuing his goal for months on end.

Knight/Swords is trying to show off his smarts. He wants the King to say, "Sir, Sword, you are the cleverest of all my Knights!" So if he's going to tilt at a windmill, it needs to be a difficult puzzle to solve. And that old lady he's helping across the street probably has some fascinating information he's interested in. It's not that Knights are selfish, just focused on their goal and on winning the prize, whatever that prize may be.

Turn a Knight upside down and you've got two possibilities. Either he's blocked from his goal--meaning our Knight/Swords is tongue-tied and can't think sharp and clear--or he's using his talents to undermine his kingdom rather than to bring glory to it. So what you have in a Knight/Swords rx is a verbally and mentally abusive boyfriend. His goal isn't to use his talent with words to make his partner feel special and wonderful--or use his cleverness to solve a problem in the relationship--but rather to undermine that partner with words and smarts. Likewise if this Knight/Swords is a co-worker or a friend, he will take all he knows of a person that he sees as competition and use it like a sword on them. He may spread rumors that sound so valid and true that they damage that person for a long time.

One place where you can see many a Knight/Sword rx is on internet forums, by the by. If you run into a Troll who is particularly clever, relentless and cruel, that's your Knight/Swords rx. They have enough maturity to make some nasty cuts (unlike a Page/Sword rx who can only toss out childish taunts and gossip), and they are as relentless as a Knight on a mission.


I agree. The knight of swords reversed is nasty and he is probably gay or bisexual. When i say nasty, I'm saying it to mean rude, sarcastic- not particulary intelligent just snarky. He is a bastard, stay away from him and he'll stalk you. He's like a hacker, like trying to hack in emails too etc. He is wreckless and will blame his problems on you. He's crazy, but will drive you crazy too.