The Moon as "hidden face'


I want to get some insight / ideas on this card .

I pulled it as the middle card in the " face you show , face you hide , face you are " spread ( for self) using the Golden Tarot .

Based on what I know about myself I would take it to mean , any , of the following :

Someone who does not like to show their emotions ....really keeps them
hidden 'secretive' in this way .

Someone who likes to be in control of a situation . ( Links to above )

Someone who has alot of creativity that is lying dormant.

Someone who keeps fears hidden .

Someone who does not project a type of , or certain type of , 'feminine'
energy . ( I got the Queen of Swords as " Face you are " . Whilst I see her
as feminine , she , as I , could never be described as "girly" .)

Any more thoughts on this one ?

I don't normally think of my astrological placements etc when I read the cards for myself ( maybe I should ) but I am a Cancerian , with a double whammy of having the moon in other signs . (Sorry , can't remember which ones )

zach bender

(18) moon is a way of knowing
a female connectedness
nonverbal, certainly not swords
and usually not clearly understood
as a hidden face, I would guess
that it may be hidden from yourself

what was the third card



Hi Zach .

The first card ( face shown ) was 8 swords.

I'm not sure ( part and parcel of the moon / condition as you say ??) that I understand what you wrote . What is it that I cannot see ? I think most of the time I am pretty intuitive ( so I wasn't so surprised to see the Q of swords who IMO uses both logic and intuition to help her out ) but indeed may not be being very intuitive about some aspect of self ??!! If this female connectedness is not verbal or as you imply (? ) mental , then it must be either spiritual or sexual ?!
Sorry Zach ....can you help me out a little more here ?


-The moon can represent an illusion that you give off to other people,
hiding your creative talent and true personality or
feelings on a certain subject.

-It could be because you fear what others might
think or because you aren't sure yourself on the matter.

-It could also mean you are seeking mystery
in adventure to prove your independence.



Danica . To paraphrase your words , " ( you ) hide your creative talents.... because you aren't sure yourself on the matter " .

This is very true . I have alot of ,self imposed ,self doubt . ( Which is one of the fundamental messages for me in the 8 swords ) . Thanks for your insight here.


that was my first thought on the moon
when you said the card you show is the
eight of swords i thought it might be more of
trying to stay in control and not letting others
see your doubts for fear of being looked
down upon or seen vulnerable

putting all three together 8 of swords, moon, queen of swords
- you are struggling at finding confidence in your work- as i said before
- hate being vulnerable to misconception/ deceit of others



Danica : " Hate being vulnerable to misconception / deceit of others "

A ++ !!!! You hit the nail on the head there Danica . Both , especially the
latter , sit very badly with me . I think it ties in with my sense of fairness
( Q of swords again .)

Looks as though the key word for the Moon , in this situation, is vulnerability .


Hidden face: Are you a silent dreamer with unrealistic ideas, do you have anxiety problems,

Briar Rose

Somethng that is hidden, or needs to be uncovered.

But what were the cards next to it? That might be important as to it being either a situation that needs to be uncovered, or if it was a court card it could mean a person is hiding something.

Also, you didn't by chance see what the shadow card (card at the bottom of the deck) was?


Could it be that you try to appear consistent and strong (stubborn?) while deep down you actually are unsure quite what to do and keep changing your mind about things?

I usually read the moon either as changability, a cycle or illusion depending on the question, position and surrounding cards. I think in this spread/position I would be most inclined to go for changability so that's where that interpretation comes from.