The Primary Deck Reflection Thread for 2011


Hello and Welcome! This is the 2011 Primary Deck Reflection Thread.

With the New Year starting and the 2010 thread reaching a 1,000 posts it is a good time to start a new thread.

If you think that you would like to spend some quality personal time with that special deck then the Primary Deck Reflection may be just the thing for you. This is a group exercise similar to the Intensive Deck Study (IDS) but the focus is on mutual encouragement on the practical personal use of a tarot deck and not necessarily the academic use of that deck.

The Primary Deck Reflection (PDR) Guidelines

  1. Use whatever decks you wish as long as you have a main deck with which you read for yourself and post what you have learned. Not necessarily the reading but more on how the deck spoke to you and the results.
  2. You can post your individual readings in the "Your Readings" forum, be sure to follow all forum rules, please.
  3. Commit to using this deck for personal readings and reflection during this year.
  4. You are free to change your PDR deck as much as you want using whichever deck works best for you.
  5. If you reference a personal blog in your PDR it is required by Aeclectic Tarot Forum rules and ownership that you must link to the Aeclectic Tarot main page (!
    Here's a link to some graphic links provided by Solandia:
  6. Links to previous year's threads:

PDR 2011 Participants :

  1. alesia - Liber T
  2. BlueDragonFly - Tarot of the Sidhe
  3. Cassandra022 - Nusantara
  4. Cocobird55 - Victorian Romantic
  5. danny.mac85 - Robin Wood Tarot
  6. enchanted spirit - DruidCraft Tarot
  7. Eyebright - Anna K
  8. Fire Cat - Minchiate Florentine (Al Mondo Publ.)
  9. Flaxen - Tarot of the Sidhe
  10. Hopena - To be determined
  11. inanna_tarot - Tarot of the Sidhe
  12. kmartin60 - Vargo Gothic
  13. Llynn - Master Tarot (Folchi/Montano)
  14. Onyx - Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot
  15. shiresun - Robin Wood Tarot
  16. SpiritOfTheDogz - Necronomicon Tarot
  17. The Red Queen - Steampunk
  18. WolfyJames - Tarot of Vampyres

I will be happy to add any participants I just ask that you do send me a PM so that I can keep up dated! If I ever leave anyone out then please let me know. If I have the wrong deck listed or when you want to switch please also let me know too!

Remember that these "rules" are more guidelines. The goal is to empower each reader to use the Tarot to gain valuable insight and understanding of ourselves and our lives.




Add me to the list, please! It's time to get back to study and reflection of the cards!

I'll be using the DruidCraft and my blog/website.

Thanks for doing this, Onyx!


Add me and the Robin Wood please! I really need to get back into working more with my cards and have been giving me really good readings lately, so I am going to spend more time with them.



enchanted spirit

Thank you for setting this up Onyx! I have been meaning to spend a lot of time with my Druidcraft. I'm glad that I have this PDR to give me some motivation to stay on track. I already posted my Sacred Days of Yule reading. :)


I'm still here with my Robin Wood Deck, and would like to continue to participate in the PDR! :)

My first day of the year entry, "Endings and Beginnings" is posted.


I might give this a try this year with the Connolly Tarot


Oh me most definitely.

Inanna_tarot is going TDM mad hehe. So, between now and March 1st I will be primarily using Marseille type decks. These may range between dodal, noblet and major tom mostly as I really love these 3.

Sometimes its just to draw cards, and sometimes for some comparison work.

I'll post my daily draws on AT (when I remember) and I've got a trusty notebook for my other spreads, unless I post it on AT somewhere.

OK so I might dip into the odd oracle moment, but thats ok with a PDR hehe.


I was thinking of the Fairytale Tarot (MRP) and the Faeries Oracle, but I keep thinking about my Thoth (in connection with the PDR). I haven't made up my mind yet, but I would like to be included once again... I need to commit to something - I'm already trying Project 365, and need to try harder with the tarot.


Clinging 101 is posted. And interestingly, I'm 6th on the list and I've been getting sixes in my readings, usually two of them, quite frequently. I've got to check up on the meanings of the cards from a numbers pov. :)


PDR 2010 Participants :

1. BlueDragonFly - DruidCraft Tarot
2. danny.mac85 - Robin Wood Tarot
3. Enchanted spirit - DruidCraft Tarot
4. inanna_tarot - Tarot de Marseille
5. Onyx - Tarot de Marseille
6. shiresun - Robin Wood Tarot
7. SpiritOfTheDogz - Connolly Tarot

I'm wondering how this works, how do we study the cards for year that has just passed :)