The Sky's the Limit


*presents with a flower bouquet*
May I sit please?

I had a very interesting dream this night. The details are to private so I can't share. But I would to like it's meaning for my reality and it's impact with my real life.

Ahoy Falcor
have some flowers in return <<<🌸🌹🌻🌷💐🌼>>>

Key - Cross rx - Fox

Indeed, dreams are too personal to share in the public. The impact of it to your reality seems to be helpful.
Key is security, Cross stresses the importance, Fox is a spiritual guide.
The dream's message is about finding a connection and deepening the bond with your inner guide.


Ahoy Falcor
have some flowers in return <<<🌸🌹🌻🌷💐🌼>>>

Key - Cross rx - Fox

Indeed, dreams are too personal to share in the public. The impact of it to your reality seems to be helpful.
Key is security, Cross stresses the importance, Fox is a spiritual guide.
The dream's message is about finding a connection and deepening the bond with your inner guide.
I had a feeling they have a good message for me, surprising and not, like it what have to be. Another piece of me coming back and I am glad for it.

thank you =]


Ahoy matey, thank you for sitting.
Aye, the concept of hope has a confusing effect on me. There's always a reason for hope.

Coffin rx - Scythe - Moon rx

Transformation is a process that creates an emotional state. The Coffin is a box, the Scythe is a tool that helps you to escape from it. Sitting in that box makes you wish to make a call to be released from it.
Reversed Coffin could denote an unfinished matter. You have not come to peace with a situation.
Reversed Moon could be a delustion created by wishful thinking.
Thinking relentlessly whether or not getting into contact with E will also put you in a box. Now Scythe could be the moment when you open the box because you know what you have to do.
You may give them a call, which puts an end to the state of confusion (Scythe points to the Moon), because then you will know for real.
You may not contact them because sitting in that box presents you with an insight about your emotional needs. You may have understood that E is the only person in all the world who can do something that nobody else can do. Now you may still wish to contact them because you need to verify your perception.

The cards are not saying you should or shouldn't call him. Because basically, this spread solely reflects on your state of confusion. You may hope that E has something to say to you that gives you further hope.
These cards describe your inner conflict you may have to sort out before you decide whether or not to contact them.
Another way of reading this spread: Coffin is the silence between the both of you. The ringing of the phone is the wake-up call: Scythe! You cannot ignore it. There may be a chat that puts things into perspective. The chat may be pleasant and inspiring.

Coffin is an end. Scythe reaches out and hits the Moon. This could also denote an end to the peaceful situation because calling them may confront you with an ugly response, because the Moon is also the soul and it does not like to be harmed by the sharpness of Scythe.

What a wonderful reading :love: Most of the time I do wonder if this is all wishful thinking on my part. I know that he still loves me, but I was not a good companion. He understands why and has never once used it aganist me. It was a really hard time in my life. But I know I've hurt him a lot and that he ended things for his sake as well as mine. We were toxic to each other. Him, trying to shield me from life. Myself, being extremely selfish because of health issues.

Your cards speak of inner conflict - I don't know if this is love or remorse. I feel very guilty and I wish I could make things right. So I don't really know if these feelings are real or not.

Thank you very, very much!


What a wonderful reading :love: Most of the time I do wonder if this is all wishful thinking on my part. I know that he still loves me, but I was not a good companion. He understands why and has never once used it aganist me. It was a really hard time in my life. But I know I've hurt him a lot and that he ended things for his sake as well as mine. We were toxic to each other. Him, trying to shield me from life. Myself, being extremely selfish because of health issues.

Your cards speak of inner conflict - I don't know if this is love or remorse. I feel very guilty and I wish I could make things right. So I don't really know if these feelings are real or not.

Thank you very, very much!
Thanks for the feedback.
Let's say your feelings are real. What if they were all inside the box (Coffin), and they keep haunting you (Moon).
With Scythe as center card,
which may symbolise the pangs of a guilty conscience, it does not matter whether it's love, the wish to make things right, or remorse that keeps haunting you.


DD, you are a hero!
I may read your cards now differently. Mountain + Child could represent the disabled children. Stealing money from them adds to their troubles! :mad:
Mountain + Ring: they have done it for a while. The Mountain also reads like an end, or 'no', so you've put an end to the recurring stealing.
Child + Dog: you are loyal to the children, you are their protector. You've done a great job!
The Ship... I like to see it as destination, the direction your life is taking. It's the long-term effect when you think about how long it takes to make a ship change its course.

Haha! Well I try :) :angel:
What they've done is just so wrong on many levels it's sickening. The government in this country keeps on cutting back social aids and those children need all the help they can get.
I'm indeed loyal to those children. I'm heavily involved with my daughter's school as well as many community projects involving special needs young adults. I have their back for sure!
NEVER would I let anyone take advantage of them and you couldn't pay me enough to convince me.
The Ship is very telling here. I'm in it for the long haul !

Thank you gorgeous :heart:


Hey, may i sit if possible?

I would like to ask what will happen next between M and myself? (Romantic interest).
He said he would get in touch but it's been over a week and nothing although he has been online :/
hi nh, here's your reading.

Tree - Dog rx - Mountain rx
Tree is stable, Dog is loyal, Mountain is always getting in the way of things.
The next thing to happen is decribed here as you being on watch, keeping a weary eye on M's activities, without coming to any positive result.
There's not much happening, matey.


Mulled cider....gulp gulp gulp.....YUM!!!....before I get too drunk trying to drown my sorrows and disappointments....let me thank thee :)

I'm sad tbh didn't want to withdraw but no choice really now but it will still be seen as 'my decision' I lose money too sigh!
Reversed Ring may denote a delayal, Tree is keeping things in place, reversed Fishes could be loss of money as you may have to pay the same sum a second time. It's really a tricky situation, demands you not to get drowned in sorrows.
Zhadee may I prey on your kindness a little more hehe
Can I please request for a message from my guides why this issue/ delay/ disappointment with SV? I have been trying for it since Nov last year and now I'll have to start again on it if I want it. It had potential to give me a new start but alas!!

Ring rx - Tree - Flowers

²/³ of the spread is identical. You have to change the sorrow of the Fishes into the joys of the Flowers. The Fishes are the work you have to do. This requires diligence and patience, a great deal of care and indepth knowledge. Doing so will be rewarded with recognition. I don't see the first spread showing any disadvantage, the Flowers here denote that your efforts will be well rewarded.
I'm sorry if this is not helpful, but they cards keep repeating the same message: it's going to work out alright.


hi nh, here's your reading.

Tree - Dog rx - Mountain rx
Tree is stable, Dog is loyal, Mountain is always getting in the way of things.
The next thing to happen is decribed here as you being on watch, keeping a weary eye on M's activities, without coming to any positive result.
There's not much happening, matey.

:( yeah sounds like it will stay like that as that is how it has been for a week now. They have also been keeping an eye on my activities but have not said anything so I guess it will stay that way for a while.

Thanks a lot x

May i ask what my guides are advising me about M?


:( yeah sounds like it will stay like that as that is how it has been for a week now. They have also been keeping an eye on my activities but have not said anything so I guess it will stay that way for a while.

Thanks a lot x

May i ask what my guides are advising me about M?
Book rx - Bear rx- Snake rx
All 3 reversed may symbolise a blocked situation.
Book is a secret, Bear is passion, Snake is slyness.

This combination makes me think of an elder/old woman's behaviour. So either you should in this situation behave like your mother/grandmother would advise you to do, and that you should not be 'too obvious, too passionate, too quick'. Or whatever associations you have here.

These are strong cards, reminding you to be careful. Especially the Snake is a red flag. It's something toxic, best beware of jealousy and trapped emotions.


work is a complex matter, D 🌟 Let's just pick 3 cards.
Snake rx - Sun rx - Rods

Snake deals with healing, Sun comes with energie, Rods are the ways of applying. I keep seeing you as Reiki master =)
You are ready to receive and disperse energy on many levels.

Snake is also a cable, Sun is a machine, Rods are tools. Make use of your computer. Write. Spread the news. Go public. Make knows that you are in the field.
If Snake is a piece of string, and Rods are knitting needles... this is creating a network. But Snake reversed may show that you find it a hard thing to do.

Snake is also highly flexible and versatile, Sun always shines (even when we don't see it), Rods never tire. You need to work in a steady, unrelentless manner. Each day you have to do something. If you are on fb, you have to update your account twice a day. You have to be busy. Make the transition a soft one, don't stop working in your old profession in order to have full-time for the new one.
Be very careful, but don't ever stop working. It's an exhausting time, hence the Sun is reversed. Be assured - it'll rise and shine again, filling you with confidence.

Hey "Grande Pirata Fantástica!"

This is a very interesting reading, in so many levels. :D
I'm a reiki practitioner but not a reiki master. But i'm ready to indeed receive and disperse energy.
This is interesting about needles, i'm doing a course to be a acupuncturist and this is being one of the best things that i done in my life.
Yes, the network is something crucial that i'm having problems to build. This is probably my biggest challenge now, the network.
Yes, spot on...there is a need to work hard and be more disciplined now, but indeed this a period that i need to stay in my old work...there will be the time to do the transition.

Spot on "Pirata", excellent reading...

Thanks Z!