Thoth response study


WolfyJames said:
I'm 3 of Diamonds.

I love the Liber T of the Stars Eternal by the way, I never use the Thoth itself though, what does that make me?
:laugh: I'm not surprised. Most of the 3D's that I know will take a System and then recreate or improve it.


Well I, apparently, am an 8 of Clubs, and as I sit here now on the train reading the Book of Thoth, I absolutely loathe it and feel like assigning it to one of my students as a punishment.

This opinion, however, may have something to do with it being 7:30 am and me having already been on the train for 45 minutes, and is thus subject to moment-by-moment change :)


8 of diamonds, lover, not a fighter :D


8 of clubs, where does this system come from?

We used another and I turned out 2 cups.

I dont wanna be 8 clubs!!! :laugh:


I love 8C's! Very energetic, opinionated people that I learn a lot from!
*known as the Knight's Move on the spread

This is using playing cards, not tarot. The first known publication was The Mystic Test Book by Olney H. Richmond back in 1892. Carried on through books by Edith Randall & Florence Campbell, Arne Lein, Robert Lee Camp, Iain McLaren-Owens, etc. Each author tweaks the assignments to express their take on the cards.
planet - number
season - suit (some do the elements also)

My personal fave (Iain McLaren-Owens) would apply
8 = Neptune; Clubs = Earth; summer

So, Neptune in Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn.

10C, would be Bacchus in Earth.

ETA: Another author, Sharon Jeffers, give the 8C's title/phrase as The Power of the Mind.

10C = The Teacher })





cardlady I am confused. You mentioned above that according to one author clubs is related to summer but the chart says that I am a 7 of clubs and I was born in the winter. Does number 7 relate to Saturn?

I think the Thoth is one of the most beautiful and magnificent decks ever made. I especially like the way it incorporates astrology and spent some time learning about the astrological and cabalistic reasons for the card meanings Crowley uses. However I also felt a bit trapped by logic and system when I used the Thoth so I'm not sure I qualify as either a Thoth lover or a Thoth hater. I've learned a lot from it but right now for reading I prefer decks that involve my imagination, feelings and intuition a bit more.



I love the Thoth.

What does that say about me?


Myrrha said:
cardlady I am confused. You mentioned above that according to one author clubs is related to summer but the chart says that I am a 7 of clubs and I was born in the winter. Does number 7 relate to Saturn?
It's a confusing club since many of the authors swap out their correspondences to the suits. })
It doesn't mean that if you were born in that season, you will be x.

In the Mystic Test Book by Olney Richmond (the first published work we know of) it specifies
Hearts as the Spring quarter
Clubs as the Summer quarter
Diamonds as the Fall quarter
Spades as the Winter quarter

Of course, each quarter has signs which are representing 3 of the 4 elements.
:heart: no water sign
:club: no air sign
:diamond: no earth sign
:spade: no fire sign

My current level of understanding is that these are more how you Process & Interact with your surroundings. I'm still trying to observe and it may not pan out.

The planet=number changes with the various authors too. Some base their assignments on specific numerology, ie. 7 = Neptune (or Jupiter if you don't use outer planets)
I prefer the linear method of Iain Mclaren-Owens' Astro Cards/Magian Cardology

1 Sun
2 Mercury
3 Venus
4 Mars
5 Jupiter
6 Saturn
7 Uranus
8 Neptune
9 Pluto
10 Bacchus
Jack Vulcan
Queen Moon
King Earth

But, I have enjoyed & learned by looking at the others by Camp, Morrell, etc.

A key phrase that I really like for the 7 is "right use" and for me the Uranus falls in line because to truly evaluate that, you have to be willing to try it out in unorthodox or rebellious ways.

ETA: Lillie, I'll work on yours ASAP, but just off the top of my head-
Crowley's 10C is your Jupiter card. Something that lets you expand and grow past boundaries. (Iain McLaren-Owens' birth card is my Jupiter.)

The 8:heart: is Neptune in Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
a passionate & turbulent life lived more deeply than most would care to