Three of Swords as I've never seen them

Astraea Aurora

Guess what happened to me today. I had picked my new Morgan-Greer for a reading about my Tarot reading abilities. Everything went fine until I reached the last position “how I can improve my Tarot reading ability”. And here they were lying – Three of Swords! My first reaction was ‘Oh no. What do these have to do with improvement? Hey – this is about my knowledge of the cards and how I use it – it is NOT ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS!!’
Hmm, silence at the other end of the line. Tarot didn’t answer. So I decided to take what Tarot had offered to me, Three of Swords as improvement. I went for a walk to my favourite place, a small wooden house at a pond in a large park. I saw the dark trees standing against the sun fading sky and it hit me. The swords came out of the dark forest right into the water, in the picture they come out of the dark clouds into the heart. Heart equals water. What if my improvement meant to try to hit the nail more often? My thoughts and words should hit the heart of the matter or the heart of the sitter (whatever you like) at the exact center. They should become more precise, not only missing or touching the heart but really hit it.

See it? Three Swords as I’ve never seen them. (Oh my, just had to share. :))

Astraea Aurora


That's a pretty good illustration to help you bring the meaning of 3 Swords into focus for you.

Another idea... just for kicks, is not getting all bummed if you don't nail it the first time, but learn from it, grow with it. You'll have times when it seems like all your readings are right on and other times when you can't read the writing on the wall... don't get discouraged, it's all part of becoming a better reader.


I thought I'd share a recent experience: The three of swords was plaguing me for some weeks in readings for myself and by others, often as advice, until I finally got the message, and it was: Open your heart! And open yourself to the world and the people around you, allow the energies to touch you, go through you, don't be afraid of the world, you can handle it. :heart: Perhaps this is also relevant in your case, since I found taking this advice helped me do better readings too. :)


I love it when inspiration strikes and resonates likes this. It's very personal and meaningful even though others can usually see somthing in the meaning too, and when your own meanings come to you like this it's an excellent and deep way of always remembering them.

Here's a thread started by Firemaiden about the Three of Swords, it has many different opinions and variations of the meaning of that card and may help to understand the card further:


cool story

3 of swords = honesty and bottom line -healing too

i'm getting to like some aspects of this card

Astraea Aurora

Hi folks,

thanks for your comments.

I know it'll take time to get better and that's why I said I will TRY to be more on spot. Unfortunately getting better doesn't happen in a minute. :neutral:

Open your heart - you say it. Don't know if I dare to but I see it might help. I see I might be a bit cool when reading so it's a tough task. As with WalesWoman's tip I think this will take its time, too. But I try my best.

I like my storie too. I'd never expected something like that happen to me on that walk. It's a route and a place I've visited very often in the past years and nothing ever happened there. I was so euphoric when I realized what was going on.
I will have a closer look at your link when I have some spare time for me. (I'm almost off to my guy for some lasagne cooking tonight ... :D)

Honesty - by saying what you really feel even if that means to hurt somebody? Can you explain how you mean 'honesty'?

Have a nice evening, ladies and guys ... I'm rushing off, Astraea Aurora



yes its really saying how you feel to another person good and bad - the 3 of swords is getting to the bottom of things -you know? honesty - its the bit that both dont want to hear - the secrets etc - bring them out inthe o pen and thats the 3 swords....out and on the way to healing


The really cool part of your story, of how 3 Swords applies is the fact that you saw it in the world around you, that reflection of the three trees crystalized it's meaning for you.

This seems to be one of the first breakthroughs in understanding tarot... when you start seeing it when you least expect to and get a revelation.

The trick isn't so much "trying" to get better, but allowing your mind to open to new possibilities. Trying actually seems to make it harder... so relax and let it flow... the cards are the trees, your interpretation is the reflection. :)


Astraea Aurora said:
Guess what happened to me today. I had picked my new Morgan-Greer for a reading about my Tarot reading abilities. Everything went fine until I reached the last position “how I can improve my Tarot reading ability”. And here they were lying – Three of Swords! My first reaction was ‘Oh no. What do these have to do with improvement? Hey – this is about my knowledge of the cards and how I use it – it is NOT ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS!!’
Hmm, silence at the other end of the line. Tarot didn’t answer. So I decided to take what Tarot had offered to me, Three of Swords as improvement. I went for a walk to my favourite place, a small wooden house at a pond in a large park. I saw the dark trees standing against the sun fading sky and it hit me. The swords came out of the dark forest right into the water, in the picture they come out of the dark clouds into the heart. Heart equals water. What if my improvement meant to try to hit the nail more often? My thoughts and words should hit the heart of the matter or the heart of the sitter (whatever you like) at the exact center. They should become more precise, not only missing or touching the heart but really hit it.

See it? Three Swords as I’ve never seen them. (Oh my, just had to share. :))

Astraea Aurora

So in the end it was all about relationships. Both your relationship with the cards and your relationship with the querent, how you affect them and how your answers touch their souls.

BTW, when you get to the point where you see your real life helping explain to you the meaning of the cards, the trees=the swords, you are very well on your way to becoming a better reader. Once you can do that things flow more and more.

I remember my first few times that happened to me, it was magical and so unexpected. Although still magical, I accept now that this is how the world works. And I know how exciting that is when things like that happen, especially in the beginning and I'm excited for you. :heart:


Astraea Aurora

Ah, thought so but I was a bit unsure. Now it's clear. Thanks.

Yepp, trying it may be forcing it. Letting go seems good - matches with elvenstar's "open your heart". Will "try" to let go :) (For me as an Emperor, both Soul and Personality card, this will be hard, letting go ... what if I loose my control mechanism for the rest of my life? :))

Thanks for your excitement. So you say this might happen more often? Wow, looking forward to it :D.

Blessings, Astraea Aurora