"Throw" vs. Spread


I've been noticing people are using the term "throw" in the forums and I'm wondering if there's a difference in that and using a spread. If so, what is the difference? I'm more used to hearing the term "throw" as in throwing out dice. Or maybe runes. Spread sounds so much gentler somehow for the cards.


Yeah, that throws me sometimes, too. :D

But seriously, I think it's just that Americans use "spread", and other English speakers use "throw". I think it's the same thing.

Unless someone has some Arcane Answer?


As far as I am concerned, a 'spread' is the arrangement of the cards with their positional meaings. i.e. The Celtic Cross is a 'spread'. A 'throw' is a specific placement, or throw-down, of the cards using a spread or not. I think 'throw' could be roughly interchangeable with 'readng' except that 'reading' also implies the interpretation of the cards in a throw, which were laid out according to a spread. :)


my view point is that a spread have specific position and meaning and throwing is just putting one cards after another to see what it means whitout any specific meaning.
but you can allways throw cards in a spread ;)

Lot of interpretation are possible, that's a multipurpose word :)

Love, Light & Power


s'Ok by me

To me there's 'throw' rugs and bed 'spreads'
and that's about how it feels with the cards.
But like I never called a guitar an "axe" so...


Fulgour said:
To me there's 'throw' rugs and bed 'spreads'
and that's about how it feels with the cards.
But like I never called a guitar an "axe" so...

You funny. :p

I think they are being used interchangeably here. Like I've heard both 'cast' and 'throw' a spell. I bet those who use 'throw' are also into witchcraft - similar slang.


The way I use these words is that I say I throw a spread, which to me means I put cards down (the throwing part) in a specific pattern (the spread part). So for me the throwing part is the active choosing and placing of the card, and the spread is the array of fixed positions. I believe I learned this way of using the terms from my initial two teachers.


How about 'Layout'?


I always used "Layout"for a "spread" (pattern) and "laid out" for "cast" before I started coming here and everyone else seemed to use spread or throw....


I verb laid out/throw/cast the cards in a noun layout/spread/throw.

Seems to me we're working a very few words mighty hard. ;)


... and you can 'draw' the cards, or 'pull' them for your spread, reading, lay-out pattern. Egad ... brain hurts and it is only early morning still!
