To senior members questions about ethics and evil/negative?


This is towards the senior members of tarot reading community:

AWWWW - do I have to be "Senior" to reply?

1. When you meet a person with negative energy/aura. What is your belief in what has cause this? I mean do you beleive in evil spirits/demons?

I believe that we create what we believe in. If I sense a "negative vibe" off someone - what I'm usually sensing, is that in some way they may be a person who will be a challenge to work with and may perhaps cause trouble later (e.g. by gossiping, or coming to see me simply to "prove I'm wrong" - or other such agendas or personal clashing traits that people may have). I'll only know if they have a spirit/demon - if they say they do. And then - well - that is entirely their issue. It has nothing to do with me and is not my jurisdiction as it were.
I trust that - providing I stay in integrity - the Universe only ever sends me people that I have the tools to deal with - even if it does mean that they are a huge palava and I have to put my foot down and say "very sorry but you need to go and see someone else now". For me - and for them - there's a learning experience in that.

2. Would you read for this or about this person if you are asked? Or would you tell them to leave.

If they are the former I describe - I may decide I don't need the hassle that my instincts are warning me about. That's my choice in the moment. If the latter - yes I would. Everyone needs help sometime. Even demons and spirits.

3. Have you ever read for someone and the reading was telling you there is someone extremly negative/within vicinity of this person. Do you read into details of this someone or you just advice to distance them from this individual?

Yes I have. And I would do my best to give a reading with options as well as alerting the sitter to the potential unpleasantness. I don't think that singular advice that they distance themselves would be helpful/constructive.

4. If you do believe in daemons, would you pull cards into the details of this being or just leave it alone?

Only if the sitter asks - I might draw for an overall feel. And I wouldn't deliberately pick a "dark" looking deck. I'd just use my intuition for which of my "reading" decks would be most appropriate. But any further than that would be referal onto someone who deals with that.
Advising on spiritual cleansing or curses... hmm. I've not bumped into that yet.
Possibly, I might see if I could help construct a simple ritual format for "keeping them safe", that they could do themselves, according to their traditions - and then refer them on - to a "spirit release" or other such person.

...Cleansing. I really need to start looking at that as I do pick up sandness to a point where it drags my personal experiences up and then I have to be sad or mole over the past hurt. Don't know why this happens but I guess its the bond that get formed over reading.

You have not figured out your boundaries yet. You need to discover the way to that "switch" which says "you end there, and I begin here - and the twain never have to meet - unless I say so" - just like a nerve synapse - the two ends of a nerve which have a gap that chemicals/gas travel across to pass a message on - but the two never actually touch.

When I first began my journey as a therapist - I had huge trouble with this issue as you describe. And I went to many workshops covering all-sorts-of-ways to
"cleanse/protect" etc.

Then 2 things happened: 1) Whilst discussing "protection" on a kinesiology course - one of the students who was an "old hand" said: "Why would I need to do that? if I do that - I begin to screen myself off from the intuitions/sensitivities that I need in order to do my job effectively". It had never occurred to her that she could "pick up" her clients "negative vibes" and therefore - she never had. Mind over matter.
2) I studied Zero Balancing - a modality which specifically looks at different types of energetic relationships in the healing field (would extend to doing readings - or any other things too really) - streaming, channelling, blending etc. Zero Balancing is intimately energetic, yet clear and separate - as you keep that synapse-like translation of relationship that I've described above.
I never had a problem after this. I suddenly just found that "switch".
Only when I'm really tired, and then I know my guard is down. In these cases - I will do a variation of ritual things to "protect" myself - as these practices get my mind/beliefs back into the right kind of "boundary" thinking. An example is my version of The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or the simple invocation and visualisation of a protective Goddess/or my spirit guides, to watch over me.

What questions do you ask of tarot when the person is gone but the energy remains?
and if you ever read in these cases, what advice was given?

I don't. If the room/space feels "heavy" after they've left, I don't hang about further in it peering over more cards - I'll get up and actively do a ritual "dispersing" of energy.
E.g. - clapping hands in all the corners whilst visualising the energy field clearing and dissipating. Shaking off the sheets that cover the table/couch - putting the room in order is a great cleansing ritual. Ringing a bell, Tibetan bowl, or tuning fork. Singing, or invoking a Deity or other Being to cleanse the space. Calling my guides to come and clean up the room please - whilst I go and have a cup of tea... The list is endless. (I have ofcourse read/been taught/studied a variety of ideas - hence I can also just make a new ritual up on the spot for the purpose).

From your tradition - do you have certain formats that are considered effective for "cleansing/banishing" demons - or at least rendering them ineffective or sort of like "you and I have no business here - keep your distance" - sort of thing?



When I first began my journey as a therapist - I had huge trouble with this issue as you describe. And I went to many workshops covering all-sorts-of-ways to
"cleanse/protect" etc.

Then 2 things happened: 1) Whilst discussing "protection" on a kinesiology course - one of the students who was an "old hand" said: "Why would I need to do that? if I do that - I begin to screen myself off from the intuitions/sensitivities that I need in order to do my job effectively". It had never occurred to her that she could "pick up" her clients "negative vibes" and therefore - she never had. Mind over matter.

I believe we do shut ourselves off from intuitions/sensitivities when we shield ourselves from any of it. I've said before here that my Creator is more powerfully good than any evil or demon could be so I'm not afraid and I don't look for that kind of thing. I have good "street smarts" to be able to tell if there's something so wrong that I need to distance myself and I know how to do it tactfully, but most of the time I just don't meet that sort of people. Troubled people, yes, but not evil in the sense that they're any threat to me and I absolutely don't believe in demons. I used to, and my family pretty much had me convinced that I must be possessed by one or more, but I've healed from that now and see life much differently.

2) I studied Zero Balancing - a modality which specifically looks at different types of energetic relationships in the healing field (would extend to doing readings - or any other things too really) - streaming, channelling, blending etc. Zero Balancing is intimately energetic, yet clear and separate - as you keep that synapse-like translation of relationship that I've described above.
I never had a problem after this. I suddenly just found that "switch".

I'll have to look that up. I've never heard of Zero Balancing. It sounds like a good thing to read about. Maybe I found my "switch" that you're talking about. :)


This is towards the senior members of tarot reading community:
1. When you meet a person whith negative energy/aura. What is your belief in what has cause this? I mean do you belive in evil spirits/demons?

Well, I wouldn't immediately assume the person is possessed by demons. The client could simply suffer from a hard life or experiences in life that has caused said disposition.

The word embittered comes to mind.

2. Would you read for this or about this person if you are asked? Or would you tell them to leave.

I would read for them. if I feel threatened I would probably make it quick or make up an excuse to leave and pray that person never comes back.

3. Have you ever read for someone and the reading was telling you there is someone extreamly negative/within vicinity of this person. Do you read into details of this somone or you just advice to distance them from this individual?

If they asked me to ask the cards those questions I would definitely read on the subject for them.

4. If you do belive in daemons, would you pull cards into the details of this being or just leave it alone?

Yes, they are real. I believe that some of them may even involve themselves in tarot readings. As I type this I think of Frank Peretti's novel, 'This Present Darkness' (good read, btw).

Thank you for response. :)



One thing I do, that I forgot to mention as it is habit for me now. I do not even think about it anymore, just do it. I specifically ask the Cosmos to help with this process. Help people who would benefit from working with me to find me. I also ask for protection from negative influences both within myself or outside myself and set intention for the session to unfold in the highest good for all. I also do my own version of "casting a circle/medicine wheel.". ie I create space for the readings, by variety of means, including asking gate keepers to protect the space protecting the space from negative influences, and allowing only what will help each party on their journey.


1. When you meet a person whith negative energy/aura. What is your belief in what has cause this? I mean do you belive in evil spirits/demons?

I believe we are all energy in different degrees - someone who gives off negative vibes is probably either a negative person or someone who is going through a bad time - I don't believe in spirits or demons per se but think of those terms as a construct people use to describe that type of energy.

2. Would you read for this or about this person if you are asked? Or would you tell them to leave.

Sure - I will read for anyone pretty much - maybe the reading will help them understand how to work through their negative issues

3. Have you ever read for someone and the reading was telling you there is someone extreamly negative/within vicinity of this person. Do you read into details of this somone or you just advice to distance them from this individual?

I recently worked an event where it was very obvious this woman's husband was harming her - the cards were clearly reflecting something was wrong there and during the reading I tried to offer suggestions related to the cards which would empower her - I didnt need to read into the details if I understand what you are asking - I spent the time describing her options and probable outcomes from the cards. Shame on me if I wouldnt have helped


From your tradition - do you have certain formats that are considered effective for "cleansing/banishing" demons - or at least rendering them ineffective or sort of like "you and I have no business here - keep your distance" - sort of thing?

Lets see. Im christian but we have a lot of ideas left from pagan religion. Some of the holidays and traditions kind of overlap.

I do believe in evil - energy, aura, the devil ... I have no specific word assigned to it. Im not a healer or a "mother" (bad translation here) so I have never learned how to deal with stronger enteties. Small jinx of a child, every mother knows how to take it off. The curses, Id probably have to ask for help of the above mentioned. If we talking about a person who is giving you grieff, the best ... the most appropriate way is to light a candle at Mother of God w child icon or at St. Nikolaus for healing. The nusty form of this, Ive seen some desparate women do this to keep someone elses husbands is to light a candle for the dead and say this persons name. This is very wrong and unethical, plus the consequences of this dead runs down the generations. Either way, most of the "spells" are just prairs to God through Mother, Christ, St. Nicolaus, etc.



When I first began my journey as a therapist - I had huge trouble with this issue as you describe. And I went to many workshops covering all-sorts-of-ways to
"cleanse/protect" etc.

Then 2 things happened: 1) Whilst discussing "protection" on a kinesiology course - one of the students who was an "old hand" said: "Why would I need to do that? if I do that - I begin to screen myself off from the intuitions/sensitivities that I need in order to do my job effectively". It had never occurred to her that she could "pick up" her clients "negative vibes" and therefore - she never had. Mind over matter.

I believe we do shut ourselves off from intuitions/sensitivities when we shield ourselves from any of it. I've said before here that my Creator is more powerfully good than any evil or demon could be so I'm not afraid and I don't look for that kind of thing. I have good "street smarts" to be able to tell if there's something so wrong that I need to distance myself and I know how to do it tactfully, but most of the time I just don't meet that sort of people. Troubled people, yes, but not evil in the sense that they're any threat to me and I absolutely don't believe in demons. I used to, and my family pretty much had me convinced that I must be possessed by one or more, but I've healed from that now and see life much differently.

2) I studied Zero Balancing - a modality which specifically looks at different types of energetic relationships in the healing field (would extend to doing readings - or any other things too really) - streaming, channelling, blending etc. Zero Balancing is intimately energetic, yet clear and separate - as you keep that synapse-like translation of relationship that I've described above.
I never had a problem after this. I suddenly just found that "switch".

I'll have to look that up. I've never heard of Zero Balancing. It sounds like a good thing to read about. Maybe I found my "switch" that you're talking about. :)

Actually, Ive met few people from NorthWest, they have a very positive and giving energy. Its more relaxed and open.... like looking at a water russing from the mountain. Its cool and crisp, that tipe of energy...
ive met some people, not gona mention where because someone gona get upset at me ... few people who preach religion like its the end of days but the air that they produce smells of rot ... it all depends where you go and who you meet.


Well, I wouldn't immediately assume the person is possessed by demons. The client could simply suffer from a hard life or experiences in life that has caused said disposition.

The word embittered comes to mind.

I would read for them. if I feel threatened I would probably make it quick or make up an excuse to leave and pray that person never comes back.

If they asked me to ask the cards those questions I would definitely read on the subject for them.

Yes, they are real. I believe that some of them may even involve themselves in tarot readings. As I type this I think of Frank Peretti's novel, 'This Present Darkness' (good read, btw).

Thank you for the book recomendation. Ill take a look. :)


3. Have you ever read for someone and the reading was telling you there is someone extreamly negative/within vicinity of this person. Do you read into details of this somone or you just advice to distance them from this individual?

I recently worked an event where it was very obvious this woman's husband was harming her - the cards were clearly reflecting something was wrong there and during the reading I tried to offer suggestions related to the cards which would empower her - I didnt need to read into the details if I understand what you are asking - I spent the time describing her options and probable outcomes from the cards. Shame on me if I wouldnt have helped

Sometimes I give advice on avoiding specific pitfalls but then I wonder maybe they need to go through them to be stronger.

Thank you.


This is towards the senior members of tarot reading community:
1. When you meet a person whith negative energy/aura. What is your belief in what has cause this? I mean do you belive in evil spirits/demons?

hmmm....I'm not sure I really believe in the devil/demons. I do believe in tormented souls-living and deceased. Its not up to me to determine what caused their 'demonic' energy or aura. I have come in contact with people, whom I feel are troubled souls though and as a result become rather mean. A dark energy does indeed seem to swallow them up and follow them wherever they go. I do believe that we attract what we put out. So, if we are mean and nasty to others, not caring if we hurt another, we will attract the same back to us. However, if we stay nice and positive and do our best to help others, then that in turn will also come back to us.

2. Would you read for this or about this person if you are asked? Or would you tell them to leave.

Yes, I would read for them. The only people I have turned away was a terrible drunk/drugged induced person. But, thankfully, that doesn't happen often. I use to read tarot in a store and the only people we could turn away were those people who were very drunk (falling down kind of drunk), or so crazed out on drugs. But that is also because the manager of the store didn't want them in the store--and so she often threw them out.

3. Have you ever read for someone and the reading was telling you there is someone extreamly negative/within vicinity of this person. Do you read into details of this somone or you just advice to distance them from this individual?

yes, again, I have read for customers and picked up on a dark energy person in their midst. But that is not the customers fault. Everyone has people like this in their world and all of us have also had our dark side show. Who knows why it shows itself when it does--it can be a constant thing for a person or only in certain circumstances--so its not really a reason to turn them away if you are a professional reader. The only time it is okay to do this is if your safety is jeopardized or the safety of someone else in your midst.

4. If you do belive in daemons, would you pull cards into the details of this being or just leave it alone?

Thank you for response. :)
I'm not really sure I do believe in them. I'm on the fence about it really.