To stone together or not


Okay so,
I had a friend over last week and was showing him my stones:shhh:
anyhoo, he said it felt like some of them didn't want to be together. So today I went out and bought several small baskets instead of 1 larger one and have begun to seperate them by color.
I have stones ALLLLLLL over the house but also keep many together.

What experiences do others have with this and do you seperate your stones??

I buy some from a lady on Ebay who I know would NEVER keep certain ones together but alas I have not bothered with it before.
Do you seperate by warm and cold,color,use,etc?
Other suggestions on storing them would be nice too-I like using baskets because they can "breathe" and can be seen easily but I would like a big basket with dividers or something. I used to keep them in tarot type bags and still keep a few with certain decks but I take certain ones with me here and there on occasion and like to be able to find and see them quickly and easily.

Mention has also been made about keeping healing stones and personal stones together.


I tend to keep protective and charging stones outside of whatever other container, i.e., basket, bowl, etc., that I keep the other stones in. They may just be lying on the table beside the bowl or basket.

I'll mix amethyst with anything, though. I am collecting Scott Cunningham's list of suggested stones corresponding to the major arcana of the tarot, and they are all stored in the same black bag as the collection grows - I am having a hard time finding a piece of amber I really like. When the collection is complete, the bag will be their home, unless I need to get a larger one.

Spheres, eggs and obselisks are displayed on their own, and on stands as needed.


The only person I know who collects them seriously reckons you put them where they feel right to you. Certainly I wouldn't (in ANYTHING) go by what someone else suddenly comes up with if you were happy with what you were doing before. (unless, of course, they have specialist knowledge that that green one and that brown one together would explode, of course. :eek:)


You need to go by what you "feel".....what energies you pick up when you're with your's about what you feel is right and not someone're good at working with would feel if it wasn't yourself first.....always.

Little Eagle

It is easy when working with crystals to seek the advice from a multitude of different people and books. One of th two native american tribes to have used crystals states that you should use each crystal individually at that time. This differs somewhat from the new age thinking of using 7 crystals to clear all chakra's at once. I personally follow the Shaman's code and use each individually. Each then is stored in a red cotton cloth. This is because this is a natural material and also because the colour is at a low vibrational level and this stops the interaction of crystal energy. I only store Quartz, Azeztulite and Phenacite in purple bags as the energy from these stones is of a high vibrational rate.
You could also consider recharging your crystals with Amethyst or the earth once a year by burying them for a couple of days to recharge the Teluric energy. I smudge my crystals and dip them in the sea or rivers on a regular basis. Remember that Natural Citrine and the Kyanite's do not need to be recharged. This some say is also true of Azeztulite and Amethyst but the jury is stil out on that one!
Hope this helps


And remember that some stones, such as selenite (which only has a hardess of 2) and malachite, can be damaged or otherwise negatively affected by cleansing with plain or salt water. For the same reason, you wouldn't use a singing bowl with crystal points.


Well, I seperated most of them by color....I don't ususally often take heed to what other people say about certain things but the person who told me about this is a very wise,intuitive person and I enjoyed going about with the stones and seeing if something different might work better...I haven't had much time with them lately.

***Can't a tumbled Malachite be cleansed in salt water? I'm sure I've done it and I don't think it was damamged.......***

ps :angel:
Thinking also about Selenite not being used with salt water, Sharpchick, how do you cleanse yours?

Little Eagle

Try Smudging with Sage, this works a treat and takes a couple of minutes. If you want to re-energise you can then use n Amethyst cluster.


Little Eagle said:
Try Smudging with Sage, this works a treat and takes a couple of minutes. If you want to re-energise you can then use n Amethyst cluster.

Yes, I have sage and have used that for cleansing but not as often for the crystals and I do have a small Amethyst cluster and a clear quartz cluster I've set crystals on. Thanks Little Eagle;)

Little Eagle

No worries just pass the crystals through the smoke for several minutes and state your intention with good thoughts. With the cluster set it on the window sill and re-energise over a 4 1 night and day period, once a month. If they are around negativity IE computers then maybe once a week.