Too many decks?


Lately, I've been making some impulsive shopping. My tarot decks are now 8, and I only started learning last month. I need to remind myself to slow down. =D

While I'm not using every deck, I like them to be around there while I'm studying the one deck.

My suggestion if your other decks is making you feel guilty.... maybe you should hide it. Find a box or bag and put it somewhere private (like a closet). Out of sight, out of mind. :)

Hope it helps.


{{{Le Fanu}}} What a great post! A great perspective maker for me! Thank-You! :love:

Autumn Blessings,


Well, de-cluttering for a lot of us means when you've got so much stuff on the couch that company can't sit down without piling a bunch to the other end. Or there are so many dishes in the sink because you have too many and nobody ever needs to wash any. I don't consider having things around you that you love as being clutter, really. I have a lot of that kind of clutter, too, and you'd have to bring in SWAT to get it away from me.

As for too many decks, though, that's something each person has to decide for themselves. I trust that if someone else doesn't consider what they have to be too many, then it's not too many for them and I respect that. On the other hand, if they've set themselves a limit of two decks and they think three is too many, then I respect that, too.

Miss Divine

If I don't click with a deck, or don't like it enough to use it, I get rid of it. I'm like that with all my stuff (unless it's a gift). It's not because I feel guilty, but in a way uncomfortable because I can't stand mess or clutter.
Even if it's nicely in a closet, it's in my way if I have no use for it...That's just the way I am I guess.


Hmmm. Reading this thread has made me take a closer look at things. I have some decks that I would never, ever part with- the Mystic Dreamer was a gift from my best friend, and I've only used it once, never really have the urge to touch it- but it's not going anywhere. So maybe it's having decks that I don't connect with that bother me.

I am a collector at heart, and most things, the more I have, the happier I am, but that doesn't seem to be the case with tarot decks. It's not a guilty feeling, at all; just a general sense of unease.

Comparing them to books was interesting, too- I love books (especially Terry Pratchett books!) and having books I'll never read (My signed first edition of Wintersmith!!!) doesn't bother me one bit. In fact, having a lot of books around makes me happy.

I'm very odd, I think.


You're not odd. I have hundreds of books and love them even though I haven't read all of them. Many were inheritances from a family friend who passed away. When I see his books, I can still see him sitting in his library reading, and that makes me happy.

I completely understand the unease. I have it to with those decks I don't click with. I don't understand it, but it is what it is. I think it's nice to think of tarot decks as books as well. Maybe that will change my perspective. Somehow, I feel sorry for them if they are not being used. It's like my hunting dog that has never, and will never, go hunting. I guess I want the decks to be utilized for the purpose they created for. I would hate to think that one of my unused decks could be a cherished possession for someone else, but instead, they sit in a box neglected. See, I'm personifying a deck of cards... now isn't that odd?


lol- you're not odd at alll, I do the same thing. I even talk to them sometimes. Hey, they talk to me, it's only fair. :D

Le Fanu

I can remember when I had 10 decks and it seemed like quite a collection. Then it approached twenty and I started realising that twenty is the number you can feasibly enjoy. Then I remember when I started approaching 50 and I thought that nobody can feasibly actually LOVE the art on more than fifty tarot decks. Our tastes are just not that extensive.

Then I found my tastes changing so that I could like more :D

And on it goes...


for me it is a matter of quality over quantity.
A load of crap is still a load of crap whatever you might choose to call it in public.

Beyond that, I like to keep my deck totals in the 60-70 range and when the shelf gets full, it is time for another clear out, which I just did. Doesn't mean I didn't like the decks I sold or traded, only that I like the remaining ones more.