Trimmed off borders of decks: Worthwhile? Tips & Pictures.


Ulfdis said:
For those who are sitting on the fence about trimming, may I suggest taking a separate sheet of heavy paper and cutting a "window" in it? Lay the window over the cards to see how they would look. Seeing my pretty little jewels without the keywords for the first time was what convinced me to break out the scissors.

That's a great idea! I'm going to try that tomorrow and see if it'll do any damage to my connection with the Light & Shadows deck. It's just too big the way it is, but maybe if I snip off the white border...?


I can't find now who suggested it (whoever did, thanks!), but I think that using a sheet of paper to cut a window to see what the cards would look like without a border is a wonderful idea! It would also work for those of you who wonder how the backs would look too! Great idea, thanks!


Jewel-ry, I'm not the one who trimmed the Druidcraft (I don't own it)--that was Sulis.

I've trimmed a LOT of others though :)


Imagemaker said:
Jewel-ry, I'm not the one who trimmed the Druidcraft (I don't own it)--that was Sulis.

I've trimmed a LOT of others though :)

Ooops sorry, for some reason I thought it was you! Well, now you'll just have to buy it just so you can trim it. :D


I'm coming to the trimming party a little late. Don't know how I missed this thread before, but have just now seen the scans of the trimmed Druidcraft, and am in love. Now I see! I didn't understand what all the fuss was about this deck before. Yes, it's a lovely deck, but why the rabid fascination with it?

And then! Seeing it without borders has made me understand! Thinking of it without the stone borders is even better. This deck has jumped straight to the top of my wish list. Why knew little white borders could make the difference?

I've never planned on trimming a deck as soon as I get my hands on it, but I think the only way I'd really want to work with this deck is without borders, so the scissors will come out as soon as the deck comes in, so to speak. :)


now you'll just have to buy it just so you can trim it.

Indeed . . . it IS interesting how the borders detract from the images. I'd never use it untrimmed, for sure.


Aw Jewel-ry why did you have to do that ;)
I am really happy with my Druidcraft with stone borders...but now I think it would be cool to have one without any borders. Can I really justify buying yet another copy, LOL.


Wow, interesting thread! I was thinking recently - you know, it's not that I dislike my Thoth's borders and keywords, but I hate the white outside border at the very edge of the card - the one that also has the publishers imprint on it on the reverse.
It never occured to me to just ... cut it off. But now it seems like that may be a solution to that problem while also personalizing the deck a little more.
Fortunately my beloved Victoria Regina, being in black and white without publisher's imprints, are without the "defect" I dislike so much.


Bleuivy, Wolfspirit and of course Imagemaker (when she buys it)

It is so much better without the stone borders - I tried it with them first but it just didn't quite do it ;) but without the borders they are really so much better - using the corner cutter makes them look quite professional. I really wish I could post a scan.

anion - I don't want to encourage you to do anything you don't want to do but the three decks I have trimmed are definately all better for it.

The reneaissance (secret) is quite a little gem when trimmed as well.


Already begun the process on the Thoth lol. I am using manicuring sissors (the straight ones are good for the sides and the cuticle sissors for the corners). I suspect the owners of said manicure set will probably wonder why I have purloined her beauty aids :).