trying to control my deck buying

Rusty Neon

Another way to avoid buying tarot decks is to find a different addiction that doesn't involve tarot and that doesn't spending money, e.g., joining facebook and adding all the applications. :)

Morgan of Avalon

Ugg I have the bug real bad but I'm getting it under control. There are a couple of must haves but I have under ten now so I'll just go along buying the ones I only reallly TRULY want after I've seen all the cards etc.

A friend of mine gave me a tip the other day..if you are spending too much money on one thing like collecting tarot...every time you buy a deck, you have to put the same amount you spent into savings. So essentially every time you want a deck you have to pay double for it ! That would sure weed out the decks you're "not sure" about, and the impulse buying!!!!

Oh BTW. I blame AT for my addiction. It's your fault whoever put that list of decks up there and keeps adding to it. I should sue.


Controlling my deck buying has been a big problem for me the last few weeks.

I have bought a few decks that I really loved, and then was interested by a lot of other decks...

I made a list, looked at scan on internet.

And yesterday I made my last buy before a long time (I hope).
I have just bought a bigger Thoth for study.

For all the decks, I was interested in, I tried to focus on the cards I dislike, and it worked...


im trying to stop my buying too *hides the oshozen deck she got today*.. nah that is me fora LONG time... its deck number 10 lol


Morgan of Avalon said:
A friend of mine gave me a tip the other day..if you are spending too much money on one thing like collecting tarot...every time you buy a deck, you have to put the same amount you spent into savings. So essentially every time you want a deck you have to pay double for it ! That would sure weed out the decks you're "not sure" about, and the impulse buying!!!!

I *love* this idea! I wish I'd thought of it years ago!!! :D :D :D